TrioCFD (previously named "Trio_U") is the Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) code based on the TRUST platform. There are different physical modules such as:
- Turbulence LES & RANS models,
- Front-Tracking,
- Radiation,
- ALE for fluid/structure interactions.
This software is OpenSource (BSD license).
If TRUST-1.9.5 is not already installed, please follow TRUST install instructions.
git clone TrioCFD-1.9.5
cd TrioCFD-1.9.5
source PathToTRUST-1.9.5/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug
tar xzf TrioCFD-1.9.5.tar.gz
mv TrioCFD TrioCFD-1.9.5
cd TrioCFD-1.9.5
source PathToTRUST-1.9.5/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug
for developers and those interested in new features only.
Warning: "next" branch may not compile or some tests fail if important developments merged
If TRUST-next is not already installed, please follow TRUST install instructions.
git clone TrioCFD-next
cd TrioCFD-next
git checkout next
source PathToTRUST-next/
baltik_build_configure -execute
make optim debug
source ./
To check:
# All non-regression test cases:
make check_optim or make ctest_optim
make check_debug or make ctest_debug
# A given non-regression test list
make check_optim TESTLIST="./share/testList/{nameOfTheTestList}"
# All validation report (warning it may take many days !):
make check_validation
# A given list of validation reports
make check_validation TESTLIST="./share/testList/{nameOfTheValidationList}
To see documentation:
triocfd -index