- Better support for keyboard interrupt.
- Support running sessions repeatedly.
- Update to work with Probot and image test objects.
- Declare requirement for Python 2.7+ in README.rst
- Add a Dockerfile to demonstrate that it can work on Ubuntu 10.04, although a more updated OS version is recommended.
- Another error handling bug.
- Fix error handling bug.
- Init response handling.
- cedexis.radar._crlogging.TimestampedFileHandler accepts the template for a complete path (not just the filename). This provides greater control over the directory structure and filenames produced.
- Provide cedexis.radar._crlogging.TimestampedFileHandler class. This class allows you to isolate session log data in separate files.
- Log warnings if any timeouts or exceptions occur.
- Support setting zone id and customer id in the configuration file.
- Minor refactoring
- Support running cedexis-radar-cli directly
- CHANGES.rst markup must be consistent with README.rst
- Update README.rst
- CEDEXIS_RADAR_CONFIG environment variable instead of PYTHON_RADAR_CONFIG
- CHANGES.rst was not being included in PKG-INFO when built under Python 3.
- Update README.rst.
- Add CHANGES.rst.
- Fix a Python 3 bug in setup.py.
- User can specify the default options by passing the --config-file/-f argument with no value.
Initial implementation.