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Transactional, in-place operating system updates using OCI/Docker container images.
-STATUS: Experimental, subject to change!
# Motivation
The original Docker container model of using "layers" to model
@@ -17,171 +15,6 @@ which is used to boot. At runtime on a target system, the base userspace is
*not* itself running in a container by default. For example, assuming
systemd is in use, systemd acts as pid1 as usual - there's no "outer" process.
-## ostree
-This project currently leverages significant work done in
-[the ostree project](https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree-rs-ext/).
-In the future, there may be non-ostree backends.
-## Modeling operating system hosts as containers
-The bootc project suggests that Linux operating systems and distributions
-to provide a new kind of "bootable" base image, distinct from "application"
-base images. See below for available images.
-Effectively, these images contain a Linux kernel - and while this kernel
-is not used when the image is used via e.g. `podman|docker run`, it *is*
-used when booted via `bootc`.
-In the current defaults, `/etc` and `/var` both act a bit like
-mounted, persistent volumes. More on this in [the ostree docs](https://ostreedev.github.io/ostree/adapting-existing/#system-layout).
-## Status
-The core `bootc update` functionality is really just the same
-technology which has shipped for some time in rpm-ostree so there
-should be absolutely no worries about using it for OS updates.
-A number of people do this today.
-That said bootc is in active development and some parts
-are subject to change, such as the command line interface and
-the CRD-like API exposed via `bootc edit`.`
-The `bootc install` functionality is also more experimental.
-## Using bootc
-### Installing
- * Fedora: [bootc is packaged](https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?packages=bootc) and be available in the main repositories soon.
- * CentOS Stream 9: There is a [COPR](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rhcontainerbot/bootc/) tracking git main with binary packages.
-You can also build this project like any other Rust project, e.g. `cargo build --release` from a git clone.
-### Base images
-Many users will be more interested in base (container) images.
-To build base images "from scratch", see [docs/bootc-images.md](docs/bootc-images.md).
-For pre-built base images:
-* [Fedora CoreOS](https://quay.io/repository/fedora/fedora-coreos) can be used as a base image; you will need to [enable bootc](https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/blob/main/docs/bootc.md) there.
-* There is also an in-development [Project Sagano](https://github.com/centos/sagano) for Fedora/CentOS.
-However, bootc itself is not tied to Fedora derivatives; [this issue](https://github.com/coreos/bootupd/issues/468) tracks the main blocker for other distributions.
-### Deriving from and switching to base images
-A toplevel goal is that *every tool and technique* a Linux system
-administrator knows around how to build, inspect, mirror and manage
-application containers also applies to bootable host systems.
-There are a number of examples in e.g. [coreos/layering-examples](https://github.com/coreos/layering-examples).
-First, build a derived container using any container build tooling.
-#### Using `bootc install`
-The `bootc install` command will write the current container to a disk, and set it up for booting.
-In brief, the idea is that every container image shipping `bootc` also comes with a simple
-installer that can set a system up to boot from it. Crucially, if you create a
-*derivative* container image from a stock OS container image, it also automatically supports `bootc install`.
-For more information, please see [docs/install.md](docs/install.md).
-#### Switching from an existing ostree-based system
-If you have [an operating system already using ostree](https://ostreedev.github.io/ostree/#operating-systems-and-distributions-using-ostree) then you can use `bootc switch`:
-$ bootc switch --no-signature-verification quay.io/examplecorp/custom:latest
-This will preserve existing state in `/etc` and `/var` - for example,
-host SSH keys and home directories. There may be some issues with uid/gid
-drift in this scenario however.
-### Upgrading
-Once a chosen container image is used as the boot source, further
-invocations of `bootc upgrade` will look for newer versions - again
-preserving state.
-## Relationship with other projects
-### Relationship with podman
-It gets a bit confusing to talk about shipping bootable operating systems in container images.
-Again, to be clear: we are reusing container images as:
-- A build mechanism (including running *as* a standard OCI container image)
-- A transport mechanism
-But, actually when a bootc container is booted, podman (or docker, etc.) is not involved.
-The storage used for the operating system content is distinct from `/var/lib/containers`.
-`podman image prune --all` will not delete your operating system.
-That said, a toplevel goal of bootc is alignment with the https://github.com/containers ecosystem,
-which includes podman. But more specifically at a technical level, today bootc uses
-[skopeo](https://github.com/containers/skopeo/) and hence indirectly [containers/image](https://github.com/containers/image)
-as a way to fetch container images.
-This means that bootc automatically also honors many of the knobs available in `/etc/containers` - specifically
-things like [containers-registries.conf](https://github.com/containers/image/blob/main/docs/containers-registries.conf.5.md).
-In other words, if you configure `podman` to pull images from your local mirror registry, then `bootc` will automatically honor that as well.
-The simple way to say it is: A goal of `bootc` is to be the bootable-container analogue for `podman`, which runs application containers. Everywhere one might run `podman`, one could also consider using `bootc`.
-### Relationship with Kubernetes
-Just as `podman` does not depend on a Kubernetes API server, `bootc` will also not depend on one.
-However, there are also plans for `bootc` to also understand Kubernetes API types. See [configmap/secret support](https://github.com/containers/bootc/issues/22) for example.
-Perhaps in the future we may actually support some kind of `Pod` analogue for representing the host state. Or we may define a [CRD](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/) which can be used inside and outside of Kubernetes.
-### Relationship with rpm-ostree
-Today rpm-ostree directly links to `ostree-rs-ext`, and hence
-gains all the same container functionality. This will likely
-continue. For example, with rpm-ostree (or, perhaps re-framed as
-"dnf image"), it will continue to work to e.g. `dnf install`
-(i.e. `rpm-ostree install`) on the *client side* system. However, `bootc upgrade` would
-(should) then error out as it will not understand how to upgrade
-the system.
-rpm-ostree also has significant other features such as
-`rpm-ostree kargs` etc.
-Overall, rpm-ostree is used in several important projects
-and will continue to be maintained for many years to come.
-However, for use cases which want a "pure" image based model,
-using `bootc` will be more appealing. bootc also does not
-e.g. drag in dependencies on `libdnf` and the RPM stack.
-bootc also has the benefit of starting as a pure Rust project;
-and while it [doesn't have an IPC mechanism today](https://github.com/containers/bootc/issues/4), the surface
-of such an API will be significantly smaller.
-Further, bootc does aim to [include some of the functionality of zincati](https://github.com/containers/bootc/issues/5).
-But all this said: *It will be supported to use both bootc and rpm-ostree together*; they are not exclusive.
-For example, `bootc status` at least will still function even if packages are layered.
-### Relationship with Fedora CoreOS (and Silverblue, etc.)
-Per above, it is a toplevel goal to support a seamless, transactional update from existing OSTree based systems, which includes these Fedora derivatives.
-For Fedora CoreOS specifically, see [this tracker issue](https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1446).
-See also [OstreeNativeContainerStable](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/OstreeNativeContainerStable).
-# More links
-- https://coreos.github.io/rpm-ostree/container/
-- https://github.com/coreos/layering-examples
+# More information
+See the [project documentation](https://containers.github.io/bootc/).
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+ "bootc on GitHub":
+ - "https://github.com/containers/bootc"
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-# Understanding "bootc compatible" images
+nav_order: 2
+# "bootc compatible" images
At the current time, it does not work to just do:
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nav_order: 1
-# Rationale
+# bootc
-The bootc project starts from a basic premise: Docker/OCI style containers
-are successful, what if we supported putting a Linux kernel binary inside
-one too, and created client tooling (like `docker`/`podman`) that understood
-how to use container images for in-place transactional (default stateful)
-operating system upgrades.
+Transactional, in-place operating system updates using OCI/Docker container images.
+STATUS: Stable enough for dev/test by interested parties, but all interfaces are subject to change.
+# Motivation
+The original Docker container model of using "layers" to model
+applications has been extremely successful. This project
+aims to apply the same technique for bootable host systems - using
+standard OCI/Docker containers as a transport and delivery format
+for base operating system updates.
+The container image includes a Linux kernel (in e.g. `/usr/lib/modules`),
+which is used to boot. At runtime on a target system, the base userspace is
+*not* itself running in a container by default. For example, assuming
+systemd is in use, systemd acts as pid1 as usual - there's no "outer" process.
+## ostree
+This project currently leverages significant work done in
+[the ostree project](https://github.com/ostreedev/ostree-rs-ext/).
+In the future, there may be non-ostree backends.
+## Modeling operating system hosts as containers
+The bootc project suggests that Linux operating systems and distributions
+to provide a new kind of "bootable" base image, distinct from "application"
+base images. See below for available images.
+Effectively, these images contain a Linux kernel - and while this kernel
+is not used when the image is used via e.g. `podman|docker run`, it *is*
+used when booted via `bootc`.
+In the current defaults, `/etc` and `/var` both act a bit like
+mounted, persistent volumes.
+More on this in [the ostree docs](https://ostreedev.github.io/ostree/adapting-existing/#system-layout).
+## Status
+The core `bootc update` functionality is really just the same
+technology which has shipped for some time in rpm-ostree so there
+should be absolutely no worries about using it for OS updates.
+A number of people do this today.
+That said bootc is in active development and some parts
+are subject to change, such as the command line interface and
+the CRD-like API exposed via `bootc edit`.`
+The `bootc install` functionality is also more experimental.
+## Using bootc
+### Installing
+ * Fedora: [bootc is packaged](https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?packages=bootc) and be available in the main repositories soon.
+ * CentOS Stream 9: There is a [COPR](https://copr.fedorainfracloud.org/coprs/rhcontainerbot/bootc/) tracking git main with binary packages.
+You can also build this project like any other Rust project, e.g. `cargo build --release` from a git clone.
+### Base images
+Many users will be more interested in base (container) images.
+To build base images "from scratch", see [bootc-images.md](bootc-images.md).
+For pre-built base images:
+* [Fedora CoreOS](https://quay.io/repository/fedora/fedora-coreos) can be used as a base image; you will need to [enable bootc](https://github.com/coreos/rpm-ostree/blob/main/docs/bootc.md) there.
+* There is also an in-development [Project Sagano](https://github.com/centos/sagano) for Fedora/CentOS.
+However, bootc itself is not tied to Fedora derivatives; [this issue](https://github.com/coreos/bootupd/issues/468) tracks the main blocker for other distributions.
+### Deriving from and switching to base images
+A toplevel goal is that *every tool and technique* a Linux system
+administrator knows around how to build, inspect, mirror and manage
+application containers also applies to bootable host systems.
+There are a number of examples in e.g. [coreos/layering-examples](https://github.com/coreos/layering-examples).
+First, build a derived container using any container build tooling.
+#### Using `bootc install`
+The `bootc install` command will write the current container to a disk, and set it up for booting.
+In brief, the idea is that every container image shipping `bootc` also comes with a simple
+installer that can set a system up to boot from it. Crucially, if you create a
+*derivative* container image from a stock OS container image, it also automatically supports `bootc install`.
+For more information, please see [install.md](install.md).
+#### Switching from an existing ostree-based system
+If you have [an operating system already using ostree](https://ostreedev.github.io/ostree/#operating-systems-and-distributions-using-ostree) then you can use `bootc switch`:
+$ bootc switch --no-signature-verification quay.io/examplecorp/custom:latest
+This will preserve existing state in `/etc` and `/var` - for example,
+host SSH keys and home directories. There may be some issues with uid/gid
+drift in this scenario however.
+### Upgrading
+Once a chosen container image is used as the boot source, further
+invocations of `bootc upgrade` will look for newer versions - again
+preserving state.
+## Relationship with other projects
+### Relationship with podman
+It gets a bit confusing to talk about shipping bootable operating systems in container images.
+Again, to be clear: we are reusing container images as:
+- A build mechanism (including running *as* a standard OCI container image)
+- A transport mechanism
+But, actually when a bootc container is booted, podman (or docker, etc.) is not involved.
+The storage used for the operating system content is distinct from `/var/lib/containers`.
+`podman image prune --all` will not delete your operating system.
+That said, a toplevel goal of bootc is alignment with the https://github.com/containers ecosystem,
+which includes podman. But more specifically at a technical level, today bootc uses
+[skopeo](https://github.com/containers/skopeo/) and hence indirectly [containers/image](https://github.com/containers/image)
+as a way to fetch container images.
+This means that bootc automatically also honors many of the knobs available in `/etc/containers` - specifically
+things like [containers-registries.conf](https://github.com/containers/image/blob/main/docs/containers-registries.conf.5.md).
+In other words, if you configure `podman` to pull images from your local mirror registry, then `bootc` will automatically honor that as well.
+The simple way to say it is: A goal of `bootc` is to be the bootable-container analogue for `podman`, which runs application containers. Everywhere one might run `podman`, one could also consider using `bootc`.
+### Relationship with Kubernetes
+Just as `podman` does not depend on a Kubernetes API server, `bootc` will also not depend on one.
+However, there are also plans for `bootc` to also understand Kubernetes API types. See [configmap/secret support](https://github.com/containers/bootc/issues/22) for example.
+Perhaps in the future we may actually support some kind of `Pod` analogue for representing the host state. Or we may define a [CRD](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/extend-kubernetes/api-extension/custom-resources/) which can be used inside and outside of Kubernetes.
+### Relationship with rpm-ostree
+Today rpm-ostree directly links to `ostree-rs-ext`, and hence
+gains all the same container functionality. This will likely
+continue. For example, with rpm-ostree (or, perhaps re-framed as
+"dnf image"), it will continue to work to e.g. `dnf install`
+(i.e. `rpm-ostree install`) on the *client side* system. However, `bootc upgrade` would
+(should) then error out as it will not understand how to upgrade
+the system.
+rpm-ostree also has significant other features such as
+`rpm-ostree kargs` etc.
+Overall, rpm-ostree is used in several important projects
+and will continue to be maintained for many years to come.
+However, for use cases which want a "pure" image based model,
+using `bootc` will be more appealing. bootc also does not
+e.g. drag in dependencies on `libdnf` and the RPM stack.
+bootc also has the benefit of starting as a pure Rust project;
+and while it [doesn't have an IPC mechanism today](https://github.com/containers/bootc/issues/4), the surface
+of such an API will be significantly smaller.
+Further, bootc does aim to [include some of the functionality of zincati](https://github.com/containers/bootc/issues/5).
+But all this said: *It will be supported to use both bootc and rpm-ostree together*; they are not exclusive.
+For example, `bootc status` at least will still function even if packages are layered.
+### Relationship with Fedora CoreOS (and Silverblue, etc.)
+Per above, it is a toplevel goal to support a seamless, transactional update from existing OSTree based systems, which includes these Fedora derivatives.
+For Fedora CoreOS specifically, see [this tracker issue](https://github.com/coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker/issues/1446).
+See also [OstreeNativeContainerStable](https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Changes/OstreeNativeContainerStable).
+# More links
+- https://coreos.github.io/rpm-ostree/container/
+- https://github.com/coreos/layering-examples
-With `bootc`, bootable operating systems can be created and deployed using all the same
-familiar tools and techniques one uses for *application* container images.
diff --git a/docs/install.md b/docs/install.md
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-# Understanding `bootc install`
+nav_order: 2
+# `bootc install`
A key goal of the bootc project is to think of bootable operating systems
as container images. Docker/OCI container images are just tarballs