All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
- Added rule R972082 to enabled PNF requirements.
- Fixed package integrity issue with non mano arifacts.
- Fixed VNF/PNF package integrity issue with CMS signature not containing certificate.
- Fixed bug that was showing errors during validation of CSAR, when any other non_mano_artifact_set than onap_pnf_sw_information was present in manifest file.
- Added file extension validation of file related in onap_pnf_sw_information artifact set.
- Fixed bug that was generating invalid report when user run validation with all rules and single validation fails.
- Fixed bug that was causing problem with loading rules properties.
- Fixed package security SOL004 Option 1 make rule less restrictive as this rule is not implemented in SDC Onboarding
- Fixed VNFSDK doesn't check if all files in package are listed in manifest file
- Added rule R972082 to validate PM_Dictionary using schema.
- Fixed rule R01123 that was reporting all files in ZIP as not present in manifest
- Added parameters list validation to PM Dictionary .
- Fixed rule R816745 that wasn't sending all exceptions connected with YAML parsing as validation error
- Fixed rule R816745 that was searching for the path to PM_Dictionary in manifest file under name source, instead of Source (starting with a capital letter). Now both versions (source and Source) are accepted by this rule.
- Fixed commons-codec vulnerability
- Added non-vulnerable log4j version
- Upgraded from java 8 to java 11
- Fixed rule R130206 CMS and certificate searching and validation mechanism
- Add new field called "warnings" to oclip json response. All ignored errors are now reported as warnings.
- Fixed rule R130206 handling of CSARs with no TOSCA meta and no Certificate in root directory
- Fixed rule R816745 that was not reporting error when CMS and TOSCA meta file were present, however TOSCA did not contain ETSI-Entry-Certificate
- Extract pm-dictionary validation to separate module
- Added possibility to validation pm-dictionary from byte array
- Possibility to add certificate and signature per artifact in manifest file.
- Possibility to validate PM_Dictionary using CLI operation
- Possibility to use a common certificate for individual signature per artifact in manifest file.
- oclip command to trigger pm_dictionary validation
- Possibility to use a signature in PKCS7 format for individual artifact in manifest file.
- Adapt VNFSDK "product-name" behavior