All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. See standard-version for commit guidelines.
- added additional speed settings (82f0142)
- added autoFocus to edit inputs (f2fb977)
- added better mock videos (a4133be)
- added intro to homepage, and style tweaks (526ac26)
- added video import (2fd1857)
- additional keyboard shortcuts (266cf21)
- allow saved tracks on each video (8232000)
- basic track name editing (f2b16ec)
- can click on progress bar to seek in video (2f2fead)
- combined playpause, and show on button with icons (a87271b)
- display time as minutes and seconds (19a3d17)
- edit track name show / hide input (6266dea)
- improved focus handling so that keyboard shortcuts work (71ba9ae)
- midi metronome (bd4edcb)
- node-sass and basic styles for video-list (9de712a)
- range slider, with looping playback (6deb459)
- remove tracks (0871977)
- restart track with keyboard event (30ce1ca)
- set speed with different buttons (266604d)
- show number of tracks on video list (a9b9e43)
- speed select dropdown (bc20116)
- styled track list and buttons (2d12588)
- allow SPA sub routes on netlify (3323458)
- bug with edit track input true on render (a2ea78c)
- play from youtube component works with progress bar (352de17)
- progress bar can now seek outside of loop tracks (44b88e1)
- resolved incorrectly named handler bind (59623c1)
- track edit was not editing correct track in array (16c57c8)
- tweak track nav clickbox and styles (1fd83ba)