Releases: cloud-barista/cb-spider
Releases · cloud-barista/cb-spider
CB-Spider v0.4.18 (Beta version for Affogato)
- Fix the Security rules format of Tencent Driver
What's Changed
- Fix grpc recv message max size by @jmleefree in #525
- Tencent - 보안 포트에서 All을 "-"에서 "-1"로 버그 수정 (이슈#487) by @dev4unet in #526
Full Changelog: v0.4.17...v0.4.18
CB-Spider v0.4.17 (Beta version for Affogato)
v0.4.13...v0.4.17 주요 변경 사항
- 현재 VM 생성시 Root Disk 설정 기능은 시험용으로 배포
- 시험 대상: AWS 3가지 Type 지원(standard, gp2, gp3)
- 성공 시험 케이스 및 REST API 참고(Go API 반영전)
- Supports API backward-compatible
- API Input Arguments validation 처리 추가
- cb-user 계정 삽입 개선 및 이중 키페어 관리 제거
- Tencent/IBM 드라이버 추가 등
CB-Spider v0.4.16
- Apply interface changes of VMSpecHandler (6c3dfcd)
CB-Spider v0.4.15
- Add a common Validator and apply it to user's input arguments (#394 (comment))
What's Changed
- Add [skip ci] by @jihoon-seo in #496
- Add register resource for go api & spctl by @jmleefree in #502
- [CloudosMeta]cloudOS 메타데이터 반영 by @inno-cloudbarista in #503
- Add Cloud OS - IBM Cloud, KT Cloud ... by @innodreamer in #504
- Add and Update Tencent cloud Test scripts by @innodreamer in #507
- [Azure] - Local 키페어 관리 로직 제거 (이슈 #480) by @inno-cloudbarista in #508
- 개선안 I및 이슈 #417 반영 by @dev4unet in #509
- Add IBM VPC conn config and full test scripts by @innodreamer in #511
- [vmSpec] region 파라미터 변경 (이슈 #417) by @inno-cloudbarista in #510
- [Ibm-VPC] 테스트 코드의 대한 SystemId 입력 by @inno-cloudbarista in #512
- [Ibm] ImageResource NameId와 SystemId 일치화 by @inno-cloudbarista in #514
- [vmSpec] 메모리 사이즈 단위 변경 GB=>MB (이슈 #513) by @inno-cloudbarista in #515
- [openstack] - 키페어 관리 로직 개선 (이슈 #480) by @inno-cloudbarista in #516
- Update IBM VPC driver full test scripts by @innodreamer in #517
Full Changelog: v0.4.14...v0.4.15
CB-Spider v0.4.14
- Fix duplicate code in server and drivers
What's Changed
- Modify 'default' in VMSpecHandler to a variable by @limsg1234 in #474
- [Ibm-KeyPair] 키 이중 관리 제거 & 로그 메세지 구체화 by @inno-cloudbarista in #493
- aws / alibaba / tencent의 cloud-init 스크립트 변경 by @dev4unet in #494
- [Ibm-Package&config&plugin] 패키지 변경 & Config & plugin by @inno-cloudbarista in #495
- Local 키페어 관리 로직 제거 (이슈 #480) by @dev4unet in #498
New Contributors
- @limsg1234 made their first contribution in #474
Full Changelog: v0.4.13...v0.4.14
CB-Spider v0.4.13
- Temporarily unlocking the VM Operations
- Be careful not to use the same NameID at the same time in the same connection Config.
CB-Spider v0.4.12
API Changes
- Add REST APIs to register existing resources
- Register VPC / Unregister VPC
- Register SecurityGroup / Unregister SecurityGroup
- Register Keypair / Unregister Keypair
- Register VM / Unregister VM
- Ref: REST API v0.4.12
- Test: Test Reports of v0.4.12 (Register & Unregister existing Resources)
What's Changed
- Fix security and Add spctl command for grpc by @jmleefree in #475
- Fix 'ConnetcionName' to 'ConfigName' about spctl connection by @atg0831 in #481
- [VPCHandler] openstack - VPCHandler 플로우 개선 by @inno-cloudbarista in #479
- Add vm control button for AdminWeb by @jmleefree in #483
- [bugfix]드라이버 핸들러 에러 코드라인 표시 by @inno-cloudbarista in #485
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v0.4.11...v0.4.12
CB-Spider v0.4.11
- Applying IID2 (cf. #341)
- IID: Integrated ID
- IID2: enhanced IID and Manager
- IID2 Design: Why and how to upgrade Spider Integrated ID Manager
- Test Report: Test Reports of v0.4.11 (IID2 initial Version)
CB-Spider v0.4.10
- Tagging before applying IID2 (cf. #341)
- IID: Integrated ID
- IID2: enhanced IID and Manager
CB-Spider v0.4.9
tagging for 2nd license verification
- apply to the Alibaba, AWS, Tencent