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59 lines (44 loc) · 2.57 KB

File metadata and controls

59 lines (44 loc) · 2.57 KB


  • go is installed ("go version" should display the version)
  • node js is installed

Convert multiple tabs from Ultimate Guitar into ChordPro format and import the resulting tabs into Bandhelper

  1. Open or any other website on Ultimate Guitar containing your favorites tabs
  2. Mouse Rightclick -> Inspect -> Console -> Enter the following code:
// Create a variable for the links 
let links = document.querySelectorAll("a[href^='']");
// A loop that iterates over the links 
for (let link of links) {
  // Get the URL of the link as a string 
  let url = link.href;
  // Find the number at the end of the URL with a regular expression 
  let nummer = url.match(/\d+$/)[0];
  // Output the number in the console 

The result should be similiar to this... alt text

  1. Copy the resulting numbers like "VM108:11 1689257" into ASCII File

  2. Extract the interesting numbers in second column with

awk '{print $2 }' all.txt > numbers.txt
  1. Run ./ script

(This script does the following:

  • scraping all tabs which match the numbers in numbers.txt from Ultimate Guitar into ASCII files
  • convert tab format into ChordPro format
  • deleting unneccessary characters like "-----"
  • create zip of all tabs)
  1. Import the zipped file into Bandhelper:
  • Log into the website and go to the Repertoire > Documents or Repertoire > Recordings page.
  • Click the Batch Import form at the top of the page, select your zip file and check the Add New Songs option.
  • Click Submit. This will upload all the files, which could take several minutes depending on your Internet connection.
  1. Done!

alt text

Used Gihub Projects

This project was inspired by Bing using GPT4 ;-))

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This software's purpose is purely educational. I am not responsible for how you use this package. This repository and all others associated with it are not affiliated with, authorized, or endorsed by