diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index 102dd96..76a77d5 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/de/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Feld Hinzufügen"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Auswahlfeld"
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Datei auswählen"
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Schließen"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standard"
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr "Datei hier ablegen um die bestehende Datei zu ersetzen"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr "Datei hier ablegen um eine neue Datei hochzuladen"
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr "Datei hier ablegen um die bestehende Datei zu ersetzen"
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Fehler"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formular"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
-msgstr "Diese Website ist durch hCaptcha geschützt und es gelten die Datenschutzbestimmungen und Nutzungsbedingungen."
+msgstr "Diese Website ist durch hCaptcha geschützt und es gelten die Datenschutzbestimmungen und Nutzungsbedingungen."
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr "Kein Wert"
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr "Bestehende Datei ersetzen"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Notwendig"
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr "Wähle…"
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Zeit"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titel"
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr "Wir für den programmierten Zugriff auf das Fieldset verwendet."
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr "Verwenden Sie die Aufwärts- und Abwärtspfeile, um eine Option auszuwählen"
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr "verfügbar"
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr "verfügbar"
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr "abgewählt"
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr "deaktiviert"
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr "hervorgehoben"
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr "für die Forschung"
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr "ist behindert. Bitte wählen Sie eine andere Option"
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr "Möglichkeit"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr "Ergebnis"
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr "Ergebnisse"
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr "ausgewählt"
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr "Wert"
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr "Verwenden Sie die Links- und Rechtspfeile, um die hervorgehobenen Werte ein- oder auszuschalten, drücken Sie die Rücktaste, um den aktuell hervorgehobenen Wert zu entfernen"
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr "Tab, um die Option auszuwählen und das Menü zu verlassen"
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr "eingeben, um die Liste zu filtern"
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr "ist ausgewählt"
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr "Drücken Sie den Pfeil nach unten, um das Menü zu öffnen, drücken Sie die Rücktaste, um den ausgewählten Wert zu entfernen"
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr "Drücken Sie die Eingabetaste, um die aktuelle Option auszuwählen"
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr "Drücken Sie Esc, um das Menü zu verlassen"
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr "Drücken Sie die linke Pfeiltaste, um die ausgewählten Werte hervorzuheben"
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr "Captcha-Anbieter"
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr "Feld-ID"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr "Formular"
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "Formular erfolgreich eingereicht"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr "Angeheftete Datei wird ohne zu speichern per E-mail versendet."
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr "Beschriftung der Schaltfläche Abbrechen"
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Daten löschen"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "Gespeicherte Elemente wirklich löschen?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr "Abbrechen"
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Standard Absender"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Betreff"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Senden"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Daten exportieren"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr "Bitte füllen Sie die erforderlichen Konfigurationsfelder in der Seitenleiste aus. Das Formular wird im Ansichtsmodus nicht angezeigt, bis die erforderlichen Felder ausgefüllt sind."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr "Die in das Feld 'Absender' eingegebene E-Mail muss eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse sein."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr "Die in das Feld 'Empfänger' eingegebene E-Mail muss eine gültige E-Mail-Adresse sein."
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr "Bitte überprüfen Sie folgende Konfigurationsfehler in der Seitenleiste. Das Formular wird im Ansichtsmodus nicht angezeigt, bis diese Fehler nicht behoben sind."
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "Achtung!"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "Geben Sie ein Feld vom Typ 'Absender-E-Mail' ein. Wenn es nicht vorhanden ist oder vom Benutzer nicht ausgefüllt wurde, wird die Absenderadresse aus der Seitenleiste übernommen."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr "Das Formular enthält Fehler."
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Beschreibung"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr "Wert"
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Mögliche Werte"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Bezeichung"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Erforderlich"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Feld Typ"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Anhang"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr "Anhänge können per E-Mail verschickt werden, werden aber nicht gespeichert."
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Auswahlfeld"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Datum"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "E-Mail"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr "Versteckt"
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr "Mehrfachauswahl"
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "Liste"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr "Einfache Auswahl"
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr "Statischer Text"
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Text"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Textfeld"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "{formDataCount} Element(e) gespeichert"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr "Geben Sie hier den OTP-Code ein, den Sie über {email} erhalten haben."
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr "Daten verwalten"
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr "Sie können einen neuen OTP-Code senden in"
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr "OTP-Code wurde an {email} gesendet. Prüfen Sie Ihre E-Mail und geben Sie den erhaltenen OTP-Code in das obige Feld ein."
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr "Datenlöschung"
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr "Anzahl der Tage, nach denen die Daten gelöscht werden sollen"
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Löschen"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Kompilierte Daten speichern"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Wählen Sie einen Wert"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "E-Mail an Empfänger senden"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr "Nachricht nach erfolgreichem Abschicken"
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr "Der Platzhalter ${field_id} wird durch den Eingabewert des entsprechenden Feldes ersetzt. Auch HTML-Elemente wie ,
, und können verwendet werden."
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr "Sende OTP-Code an {email}"
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr "Zeige Schaltfläche Abbrechen"
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Beschriftung der Schaltfläche Senden"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Gesendet!"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Empfänger"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr "Senden Sie eine E-Mail-Kopie an diese Adresse"
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr "Wenn ausgewählt, wird auch eine Kopie der E-Mail an diese Adresse gesendet."
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr "Als Antwortadresse nutzen"
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr "Setzt diese Adresse als Antwortadresse in versendeten Mails"
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr "Fehlerhafter Eingabewert"
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr "Bitte geben Sie den OTP-Code ein, den Sie per E-Mail erhalten haben."
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr "Fehlerhafte E-Mail-Adresse"
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr "Bitte füllen Sie dieses Feld aus"
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr "Abgelaufene Daten löschen"
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr "Um die Löschung von Datensätzen, die die in der Konfiguration angegebene maximale Anzahl von Tagen überschritten haben, zu automatisieren, muss auf dem Server ein Cron-Job eingerichtet werden, wie in der Dokumentation beschrieben."
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr "{record} Einträge haben die maximale Anzahl von Tagen überschritten."
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr "Bitte beantworten Sie die Frage, um zu beweisen, dass Sie ein Mensch sind."
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr "Ergebnisse"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr "Ergebnis"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "Titel"
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index f6ae198..5adadf4 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/en/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Add field"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancel"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Form"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "Description"
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr "Field ID"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "Form successfully submitted"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr "Cancel button label"
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Clear data"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr "Cancel"
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Default sender"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Mail subject"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Submit"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Export in CSV"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "Warning!"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Description"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr "Value for field"
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Possible values"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Label"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Required"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Field type"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Attachment"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Checkbox"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Date"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "E-mail"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr "Hidden"
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr "Multiple choice"
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "List"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr "Single choice"
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr "Static text"
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Text"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Textarea"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Clear"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Store compiled data"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Select a value"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "Send email to recipient"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr "Message of sending confirmed"
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr "Show cancel button"
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Submit button label"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Sent!"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Recipients"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr "Use as 'reply to'"
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "Title"
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index 594fdfd..bedef5c 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/es/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -1,6 +1,3 @@
-# Translation of volto.pot to Spanish
-# Mikel Larreategi , 2022.
-# Leonardo J. Caballero G. , 2023.
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Plone\n"
@@ -20,595 +17,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Domain: volto\n"
"X-Is-Fallback-For: es-ar es-bo es-cl es-co es-cr es-do es-ec es-es es-sv es-gt es-hn es-mx es-ni es-pa es-py es-pe es-pr es-us es-uy es-ve\n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Agregar campo"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Opciones"
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Seleccionar Archivo"
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Cerrar"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Fecha"
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Por defecto"
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descripción"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr "Arrastre aquí el archivo para reemplazar el actual"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr "Arrastre aquí el archivo para añadir un nuevo"
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr "Arrastrar archivos aquí..."
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Error"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formulario"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr "Este sitio está protegido por hCaptcha y su Política de privacidad y Términos de servicio se aplican."
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr "Sin valor"
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr "Sustituir el archivo actual"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obligatorio"
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr "Seleccionar..."
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Hora"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Título"
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr "Usado para acceso programático al conjunto de campos."
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr "Utilice las flechas arriba y abajo para seleccionar una opción"
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr "Disponible"
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr "Disponibles"
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr "No seleccionado"
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr "Desactivado"
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr "Enfocado"
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr "para la búsqueda"
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr "está desactivado. Seleccione otra opción."
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr "Opción"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr "Resultado"
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr "Resultados"
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr "Seleccionado"
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr "Valor"
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr "Utilice las flechas izquierda y derecha para pasar de un valor a otro, utiliza la tecla retroceso para eliminar el valor actual enfocado"
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr "Utilice el tabulador para seleccionar la opción y salir del menú"
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr "para filtrar el listado"
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr "está seleccionado"
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr "Pulsa la flecha hacia abajo para abrir el menú"
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr "Pulse Enter para seleccionar la posición seleccionada"
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr "Pulse Esc para salir del menú"
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr "Pulse la flecha hacia la izquierda para enfocar los valores seleccionados"
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr "Proveedor de captchas"
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "Descripción"
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr "Formulario"
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "El formulario se ha enviado correctamente"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr "El archivo adjunto se enviará por correo electrónico pero no se almacenará"
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del botón cancelar"
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Borrar datos"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "¿Está seguro de que quiere borrar todos los datos guardados?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr "Cancelar"
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Remitente por defecto"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Asunto"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Enviar"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Exportar datos"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr "Por favor, complete los campos de configuración obligatorios en la barra lateral. El formulario no se mostrará en modo de visualización hasta que se completen los campos obligatorios."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr "El correo electrónico introducido en el campo 'Remitente por defecto' debe ser una dirección de correo electrónico válida."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr "El correo electrónico introducido en el campo 'Destinatarios' debe ser una dirección de correo electrónico válida."
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr "Por favor, verifique los errores de configuración en la barra lateral. El formulario no se mostrará en modo de visualización hasta que estos campos no se corrijan."
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "¡Atención!"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "Introduzca un campo de tipo 'Correo electrónico del remitente'. Si no está presente o si está presente pero el usuario no lo rellena, el remitente del mensaje será el configurado por defecto en el formulario."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr "Hay algunos errores en el formulario."
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Descripción"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr "Valor del campo"
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Valores posibles"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Obligatorio"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Adjunto"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr "Los adjuntos se pueden enviar por correo electrónico pero no se guardarán."
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Cuadro de selección"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Fecha"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "Correo electrónico"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr "Selección múltiple"
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "Lista"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr "Selección única"
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr "Texto estático"
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Texto"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Campo de texto"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "{formDataCount} elemento(s) guardados"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr "Inserte el código OTP recibido en {email}"
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr "Administrar datos"
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr "Puedes enviar un nuevo código OTP en"
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr "El código OTP se ha enviado a {email}. Revise su correo electrónico e introduzca el código recibido."
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr "Número de días después de los cuales se deben eliminar los datos"
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Borrar"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Guardar datos recopilados"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Seleccione un valor"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "Enviar correo electrónico al receptor"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr "Mensaje de envío confirmado"
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr "Envíe el código OTP a {email}"
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr "Mostrar botón cancelar"
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Etiqueta del botón de envío"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Enviado"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Destinatarios"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr "Enviar una copia del e-mail a esta dirección"
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr "Si está seleccionado, una copia del mensaje se enviará a esta dirección"
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr "Utilizar como 'Responder a'"
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr "Si está seleccionado el valor de este campo se utilizará como cabecera 'Responder A' en el correo electrónico enviado al receptor"
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr "Valor de campo no válido"
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr "Por favor, introduzca el código OTP recibido por correo electrónico."
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr "El correo electrónico es incorrecto."
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr "Rellena este campo"
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr "eliminar datos caducados"
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr "Responde la pregunta para demostrar que eres humano"
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr "Resultados"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr "Resultado"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "Título"
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/eu/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/eu/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index e307d92..8267971 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/eu/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/eu/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -13,595 +13,595 @@ msgstr ""
"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 2.3\n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Gehitu eremua"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Utzi"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Aukerak"
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Aukeratu fitxategia"
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Itxi"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Defektuzkoa"
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Deskribapena"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr "Arrastatu fitxategia hona orain dagoena ordezkatzeko"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr "Arrastatu fitxategia hona orain dagoena ordezkatzeko"
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr "Arrastatu fitxategiak hona..."
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errorea"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formularioa"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr "Gune hau hCaptcha eta bere Pribatutasun Politikak babestuta dago eta Zerbitzu-baldintzak aplikatzen dira."
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr "Ez du baliorik"
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr "Ordezkatu fitxategia"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Beharrezkoa"
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr "Aukeratu..."
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Ordua"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titulua"
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr "Eremu-multzoa programaziotik atzitzeko izena"
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr "Erabili gora eta beherako geziak aukeratzeko"
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr "erabilgarri"
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr "erabilgarriak"
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr "desautatuta"
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr "desgaituta"
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr "fokua hartuta"
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr "bilaketarako terminoa"
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr "desgaituta dago. Aukeratu beste bat."
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr "aukera"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr "emaitza"
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr "emaitzak"
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr "aukeratuta"
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr "balioa"
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr "Erabili ezker eta eskuin geziak fokua duten balioen artean aldatzeko, sakatu Atzera (Backspace) fokua dagoen balioa ezabatzeko"
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr "sakatu Tab aukeratu eta menutik irteteko"
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr "idatzi zerrenda iragazteko"
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr "aukeratuta dago"
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr "sakatu behera gezia menua irekitzeko"
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr "sakatu Intro unekoa aukeratzeko"
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr "sakatu Escape menutik irteteko"
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr "sakatu ezkerrera aukeratutako balioetan fokua jartzeko"
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "Deskribapena"
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr "Formularioa"
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "Formularioa ondo bidali da"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr "Erantsitako fitxategia email bidez bidaliko da, baina ez da gordeko"
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr "Ezeztatu botoiaren etiketa"
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Garbitu datuak"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "Ziur zaude mezu guztiak ezabatu nahi dituzula?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr "Ezeztatu"
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Defektuzko bidaltzailea"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Mezuaren gaia"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Bidali"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Esportatu datuak"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr "Mesedez, bete beharrezko eremuak alboko barran. Formularioa ez da bistaratuko beharrezko eremuak bete arte."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr "'Defektuzko bidaltzailea' eremuan sartutako posta elektronikoak baliozkoa izan behar du."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr "'Jasotzaileak' eremuan sartutako posta elektronikoak baliozkoa izan behar du."
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr "Mesedez, egiaztatu konfigurazio-erroreak alboko barran. Inprimakia ez da bistaratuko errore-eremuak konpondu ez diren arte."
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "Adi!"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "'Bidaltzailearen posta elektronikoa' motako eremu bat gehitu. Ez baduzu hori egiten edo gehitzen baduzu baina erabiltzaileak ez badu betetzen, mezuaren bidaltzailea formularioaren konfigurazioan ezarritakoa izango da."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr "Formularioan akats batzuk daude."
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Deskribapena"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr "Eremuaren balioa"
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Balio posibleak"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Etiketa"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Beharrezkoa"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Eremu-mota"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Fitxategia"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr "Erantsitako edozein fitxategi eposta bidez bidaliko dira, baina ez dira gordeko."
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Aukeraketa-kutxa"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Data"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr "Aukeraketa anitza"
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "Zerrenda"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr "Aukeraketa bakarreko kutxa"
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr "Testu estatikoa"
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Testua"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Testua"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "Gordetako elementu kopurua: {formDataCount}"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr "Sartu {email} helbidean jasoko den OPT kodea"
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr "OPT kode berria bidali dezakezu"
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr "OPT kodea {email} helbidera bidali da. Egiaztatu zure posta elektronikoa eta sartu jasotako OTP kodea goiko eremuan"
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr "Zenbat egun ondoren ezabatu behar dira datuak"
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Garbitu"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Gorde jasotako datuak"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Aukeratu balio bat"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "Bidali posta elektronikoa jasotzaileari"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr "Bidalketa konfirmazio mezua"
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr "Bidali OPT kodea {email} helbidera"
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr "Bistaratu utzi botoia"
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Bidalketa botoiaren etiketa"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Bidalita!"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Jasotzaileak"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr "Bidali kopia bat eposta honetara"
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr "Aukeratzen bada, emailaren kopia bat bidaliko da helbide honetara."
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr "Nori erantzun gisa erabili"
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr "Aukeratuz gero jasotako posta elektronikoari 'Erantzun' eginez gero eremu honetan adierazitako helbidera joango da erantzuna"
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr "Eremuaren balioa okerra da"
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr "Eposta bidez jaso den OTP kodea sartu"
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr "Posta elektronikoa okerra da"
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr "Bete eremua"
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr "Ezabatu iraungitako datuak"
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr "Erantzun galderari gizakia zarela frogatzeko"
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr "emaitzak"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr "emaitza"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "Izenburua"
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index b0fcf8b..7b2d56e 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/fr/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Ajouter un champ"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuler"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erreur"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formulaire"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "Formulaire soumis avec succès"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Effacer les données"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "Voulez-vous vraiment supprimer tous les éléments enregistrés?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Expéditeur par défaut"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Objet du courrier"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Nous faire parvenir"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Exporter au format CSV"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "Avertissement!"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "Entrez un champ de type "E-mail de l'expéditeur". S'il n'est pas présent, ou s'il est présent mais non renseigné par l'utilisateur, l'adresse d'expéditeur de l'e-mail sera celle configurée dans la barre latérale droite."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Description"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Valeurs possibles"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Étiqueter"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Obligatoire"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Type de champ"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Attachement"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Choix multiple"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Date"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "E-mail"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "Lister"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Texte"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Zone de texte"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "{formDataCount} article(s) stocké(s)"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Dégager"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Stocker les données compilées"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Sélectionnez une valeur"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "Envoyer un e-mail au destinataire"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Soumettre l'étiquette du bouton"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Expédié!"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Bénéficiaires"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/it/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/it/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index d44bf45..3d8d661 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/it/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/it/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Aggiungi campo"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annulla"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Scelte"
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Scegli un file"
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Chiudi"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Data"
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr "Trascina il file qui per sostituire il file esistente"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr "Trascina il file qui per caricare un nuovo file"
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr "Trascina i file qui"
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Errore"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Form"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr "Nessun valore"
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr "Sostituisci il file esistente"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr "Obbligatorio"
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr "Selezionare…"
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr "Ora"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr "Titolo"
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr "Utilizzato per l'accesso programmatico al fieldset."
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr "Usa le frecce Su e Giu per scegliere un'opzione"
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr "disponibile"
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr "disponibili"
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr "deselezionata"
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr "disabilitato"
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr "evidenziato"
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr "per la ricerca"
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr "è disabilitata. Seleziona un'altra opzione"
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr "opzione"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr "risultato"
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr "risultati"
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr "selezionata"
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr "valore"
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr "Usa le frecce destra e sinistra per attivare o disattivare i valori evidenziati, premi Backspace per rimuovere il valore corrente evidenziato"
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr "premi Tab per selezionare l'opzione e uscire dal menu"
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr "digita per filtrare la lista"
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr "è selezionato"
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr "premi freccia giu per aprire il menu, premi Backspace per rimuovere il valore selezionato"
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr "premi Invio per selezionare l'opzione corrente"
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr "premi Esc per uscire dal menu"
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr "premi la freccia a sinistra per evidenziare i valori selezionati"
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr "Identificativo"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr "Form"
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "Form inviato correttamente"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr "Il file allegato sarà inviato via email, ma non verrà salvato"
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr "Testo sul bottone annulla"
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Pulisci dati"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "Confermi di voler eliminare tutti i dati salvati?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr "Annulla"
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Mittente di default"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Oggetto dell'email"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr "Utilizza la sintassi ${identificativo} per aggiungere un valore della form dentro all'oggetto dell'email"
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Invia"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Esporta in CSV"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr "Inserire i campi obbligatori per la configurazione del form nella sidebar di destra. Il form non verrà mostrato sul sito finché i campi obbligatori non saranno configurati."
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr "L'e-mail inserita nel campo 'Mittente di default' deve essere un indirizzo e-mail valido"
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr "Le e-mail inserite nel campo 'Destinatari' devono essere indirizzi e-mail validi."
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr "Verifica i seguenti errori di configurazione nella sidebar di destra. Il form non verrà mostrato sul sito finchè questi errori non sono stati sistemati."
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "Attenzione!"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "Inserire un campo di tipo 'E-mail mittente'. Se non è presente, oppure è presente ma non viene compilato dall'utente, l'indirizzo del mittente dell'email sarà quello configurato dalla sidebar di destra."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr "Ci sono degli errori nei campi."
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Descrizione"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr "Valore del campo"
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Valori possibili"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Etichetta"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Obbligatorio"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Tipo di campo"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Allegato"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr "Evenutali allegati potranno essere inviati per email, ma non verranno salvati."
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Checkbox"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Data"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "E-mail"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr "Nascosto"
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr "Scelta multipla"
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "Lista"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr "Scelta singola"
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr "Testo statico"
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Testo"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Area di testo"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "{formDataCount} elementi salvati"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr "Inserisci qui il codice OTP ricevuto all'indirizzo {email}"
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr "Gestione dei dati"
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr "Puoi inviare un nuovo codice OTP fra"
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr "Il codice OTP è stato inviato a {email}. Verifica la tua email e inserisci nel campo sopra il codice OTP ricevuto."
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr "Giorni validità"
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr "Numero di giorni dopo i quali, i dati dovrebbero essere cancellati"
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Indietro"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Salva i dati compilati"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Seleziona un valore"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "Invia email al destinatario"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr "Messaggio di conferma invio"
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr "Si può aggiungere il valore di un campo compilato nella form inserendo il suo identificativo tra parentesi graffe preceduto da $, esempio: ${identificativo}; inoltre si possono aggiungere elementi html come link, , nuova linea
, formattazioni in bold e italic ."
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr "Invia il codice OTP a {email}"
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr "Mostra il bottone annulla"
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Testo sul bottone di invio"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Inviato!"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Destinatari"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr "Invia una copia dell'email a questo indirizzo"
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr "Se selezionato, una copia dell'email verrà inviata anche a questo indirizzo."
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr "Usa come 'reply to'"
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr "Se selezionato, questo sarà l'indirizzo a cui il destinatario potrà rispondere."
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr "Il valore inserito non è valido"
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr "Inserire il codice OTP ricevuto via email."
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr "L'email inserita non è corretta"
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr "Compila questo campo"
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr "Testo alla fine dell'email"
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr "Se il campo non viene compilato verrà utilizzato un testo di default"
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr "Testo all'inizio dell'email"
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr "rimuovere dati scaduti"
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr "Per automatizzare la rimozione dei dati che hanno superato il numero di giorni definito nelle impostazioni della forma, configurare un cron sul server secondo le indicazioni riportate nella documentazione del prodotto."
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr "Sono presenti {record} record che hanno superato il numero massimo di giorni."
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr "Rispondi alla domanda per verificare che tu sia un umano."
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr "risultati"
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr "risultato"
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "Titolo"
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index 0cb19b8..2c8479a 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ja/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/nl/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/nl/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index d3fd475..fc5ddb4 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/nl/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/nl/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Voeg veld toe"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Annuleren"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr "Keuzes"
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr "Kies een bestand"
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr "Sluiten"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr "Datum"
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr "Standaard"
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr "Omschrijving"
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Versturen"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index 0cb19b8..2c8479a 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index f1fbfa0..9b1ea41 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -17,595 +17,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Domain: volto\n"
"X-Generator: Poedit 3.0\n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr "Adicionar campo"
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr "Cancelar"
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr "Erro"
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr "Formulário"
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr "descrição"
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr "Formulário enviado com sucesso"
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr "Limpar dados"
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr "Você tem certeza que deseja apagar todos as respostas salvas?"
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr "Remetente padrão"
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr "Assunto do e-mail"
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr "Enviar"
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr "Exportar dados"
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr "Atenção"
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr "Digite um campo do tipo 'E-mail do remetente'. Se não estiver presente, ou estiver presente mas não for preenchido pelo usuário, o endereço do remetente do e-mail será o configurado na barra lateral direita."
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr "Descrição"
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr "Valores possíveis"
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr "Etiqueta"
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr "Obrigatório"
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr "Tipo de campo"
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr "Anexo"
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr "Múltipla escolha"
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr "Data"
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr "E-mail"
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr "Múltipla escolha"
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr "Opções"
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr "Escolha única"
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr "Texto estático"
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr "Texto"
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr "Área de texto"
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr "{formDataCount} item(ns) armazenados"
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr "Limpar"
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr "Armazenar dados"
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr "Selecione um valor"
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr "Enviar e-mail para o destinatário"
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr "Texto do botão de enviar"
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr "Enviado!"
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr "Destinatários"
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr "Utilizar como 'responder para'"
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr "Usar este campo como valor do cabeçalho de 'responder para'"
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr "título"
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ro/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ro/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
index 0cb19b8..2c8479a 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ro/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/ro/LC_MESSAGES/volto.po
@@ -11,595 +11,595 @@ msgstr ""
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: \n"
"Plural-Forms: \n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/volto.pot b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/volto.pot
index ff7c7d0..4d94268 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/locales/volto.pot
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/locales/volto.pot
@@ -1,607 +1,607 @@
msgid ""
msgstr ""
"Project-Id-Version: Plone\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-01T12:44:37.040Z\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2024-07-04T09:29:55.227Z\n"
"Last-Translator: Plone i18n \n"
"Language-Team: Plone i18n \n"
-"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8\n"
"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
"Plural-Forms: nplurals=1; plural=0;\n"
+"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
"Language-Code: en\n"
"Language-Name: English\n"
"Preferred-Encodings: utf-8\n"
"Domain: volto\n"
+#. Default: "Aggiungi un campo"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Aggiungi un campo
msgid "Add field"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Cancel
msgid "Cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choices"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choices
msgid "Choices"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Choose a file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Choose a file
msgid "Choose a file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Close"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Close
msgid "Close"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "Date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Default
msgid "Default"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "Description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to replace the existing file
msgid "Drop file here to replace the existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop file here to upload a new file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop file here to upload a new file
msgid "Drop file here to upload a new file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Drop files here ..."
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Drop files here ...
msgid "Drop files here ..."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Error"
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Error
msgid "Error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "Form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply."
#: components/Widget/HCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: This site is protected by hCaptcha and its Privacy Policy and Terms of Service apply.
msgid "HCaptchaInvisibleInfo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "No value"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: No value
msgid "No value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Replace existing file"
#: components/Widget/FileWidget
-# defaultMessage: Replace existing file
msgid "Replace existing file"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "Required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select…"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Select…
msgid "Select…"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Time"
#: components/Widget/DatetimeWidget
-# defaultMessage: Time
msgid "Time"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "Title"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
#: components/Widget/SelectWidget
-# defaultMessage: Used for programmatic access to the fieldset.
msgid "Used for programmatic access to the fieldset."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use Up and Down to choose options"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use Up and Down to choose options
msgid "ay11_Use Up and Down to choose options"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "available"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: available
msgid "ay11_select available"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "availables"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: availables
msgid "ay11_select availables"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "deselected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: deselected
msgid "ay11_select deselected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "disabled"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: disabled
msgid "ay11_select disabled"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: focused
msgid "ay11_select focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "for search term"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: for search term
msgid "ay11_select for search term"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is disabled. Select another option."
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is disabled. Select another option.
msgid "ay11_select is disabled. Select another option."
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: option
msgid "ay11_select option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "ay11_select result"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "ay11_select results"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "selected"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: selected
msgid "ay11_select selected"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: value
msgid "ay11_select value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value
msgid "ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Tab to select the option and exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select__press Tab to select the option and exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "type to refine list"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: type to refine list
msgid "ay11_select__type to refine list"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "is_focused"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: is_focused
msgid "ay11_select_is_focused"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Down to open the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Down to open the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Down to open the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Enter to select the currently focused option"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Enter to select the currently focused option
msgid "ay11_select_press Enter to select the currently focused option"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press Escape to exit the menu"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press Escape to exit the menu
msgid "ay11_select_press Escape to exit the menu"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "press left to focus selected values"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: press left to focus selected values
msgid "ay11_select_press left to focus selected values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Captcha provider"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Captcha provider
msgid "captcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field ID"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Field ID
msgid "fieldId"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Form
msgid "form"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Form successfully submitted"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Form successfully submitted
msgid "formSubmitted"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attached file will be sent via email, but not stored
msgid "form_attachment_send_email_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Cancel button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Cancel button label
msgid "form_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Clear data
msgid "form_clear_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Are you sure you want to delete all saved items?
msgid "form_confirmClearData"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Annulla"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Annulla
msgid "form_default_cancel_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Default sender"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Default sender
msgid "form_default_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Mail subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Mail subject
msgid "form_default_subject"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject
msgid "form_default_subject_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invia"
#: components/Edit
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: Invia
msgid "form_default_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Export data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: Export data
msgid "form_edit_exportCsv"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, fill-in required configuration fields in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until required fields are filled-in.
msgid "form_edit_fill_required_configuration_fields"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'From' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_from_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address."
#: helpers/validators
-# defaultMessage: The e-mail entered in the 'Receipients' field must be a valid e-mail address.
msgid "form_edit_invalid_to_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed."
#: components/ValidateConfigForm
-# defaultMessage: Please, verify this configuration errors in sidebar. The form will be not displayed in view mode until this errors fields are not fixed.
msgid "form_edit_other_errors"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attenzione!"
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Attenzione!
msgid "form_edit_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar."
#: components/Edit
-# defaultMessage: Enter a field of type 'Sender E-mail'. If it is not present, or it is present but not filled in by the user, the sender address of the e-mail will be the one configured in the right sidebar.
msgid "form_edit_warning_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are some errors in the form."
#: components/FormView
-# defaultMessage: There are some errors in the form.
msgid "form_errors_validation"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Description"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Description
msgid "form_field_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Value for field"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/HiddenSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Value for field
msgid "form_field_input_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Possible values"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/SelectionSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Possible values
msgid "form_field_input_values"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Label"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Label
msgid "form_field_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Required"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Required
msgid "form_field_required"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Field type"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Field type
msgid "form_field_type"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Attachment"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Attachment
msgid "form_field_type_attachment"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved."
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Any attachments can be emailed, but will not be saved.
msgid "form_field_type_attachment_info_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Checkbox"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Checkbox
msgid "form_field_type_checkbox"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Date"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Date
msgid "form_field_type_date"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "E-mail"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: E-mail
msgid "form_field_type_from"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Hidden"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Hidden
msgid "form_field_type_hidden"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Multiple choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Multiple choice
msgid "form_field_type_multiple_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "List"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: List
msgid "form_field_type_select"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Single choice"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Single choice
msgid "form_field_type_single_choice"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Static text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Static text
msgid "form_field_type_static_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text
msgid "form_field_type_text"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Textarea"
#: fieldSchema
-# defaultMessage: Textarea
msgid "form_field_type_textarea"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "{formDataCount} item(s) stored"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: {formDataCount} item(s) stored
msgid "form_formDataCount"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Insert here the OTP code received at {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Insert here the OTP code received at {email}
msgid "form_insert_otp"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Manage data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Manage data
msgid "form_manage_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can send a new OTP code in"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: You can send a new OTP code in
msgid "form_otp_countdown"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above."
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: OTP code was sent to {email}. Check your email and insert the received OTP code into the field above.
msgid "form_otp_send"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Data wipe"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Data wipe
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Number of days after which, the data should be deleted"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Number of days after which, the data should be deleted
msgid "form_remove_data_after_days_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Clear"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Clear
msgid "form_reset"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Store compiled data"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Store compiled data
msgid "form_save_persistent_data"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Select a value"
#: components/Field
-# defaultMessage: Select a value
msgid "form_select_a_value"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send email to recipient"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Send email to recipient
msgid "form_send_email"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Message of sending confirmed"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Message of sending confirmed
msgid "form_send_message"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting."
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.
msgid "form_send_message_helptext"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send OTP code to {email}"
#: components/Widget/OTPWidget
-# defaultMessage: Send OTP code to {email}
msgid "form_send_otp_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Show cancel button"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Show cancel button
msgid "form_show_cancel"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Submit button label"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Submit button label
msgid "form_submit_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Sent!"
#: components/FormResult
-# defaultMessage: Sent!
msgid "form_submit_success"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Recipients"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Recipients
msgid "form_to"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Send an email copy to this address"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Send an email copy to this address
msgid "form_useAsBCC"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, a copy of email will alse be sent to this address.
msgid "form_useAsBCC_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Use as 'reply to'"
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: Use as 'reply to'
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply."
#: components/FieldTypeSchemaExtenders/FromSchemaExtender
-# defaultMessage: If selected, this will be the address the receiver can use to reply.
msgid "form_useAsReplyTo_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Invalid field value"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Invalid field value
msgid "formblock_defaultInvalidFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Please, insert the OTP code recived via email."
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Please, insert the OTP code recived via email.
msgid "formblock_insertOtp_error"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "The email is incorrect"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: The email is incorrect
msgid "formblock_invalidEmailMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Fill-in this field"
#: components/View
-# defaultMessage: Fill-in this field
msgid "formblock_requiredFieldMessage"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the end of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the end of the email
msgid "mail_footer_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: If field isn't filled in, a default text will be used
msgid "mail_header_description"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Text at the beginning of the email"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Text at the beginning of the email
msgid "mail_header_label"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "remove expired data"
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: remove expired data
msgid "remove_data_button"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: To automate the removal of records that have exceeded the maximum number of days indicated in configuration, a cron must be set up on the server as indicated in the product documentation.
msgid "remove_data_cron_info"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days."
#: components/Sidebar
-# defaultMessage: There are {record} record that have exceeded the maximum number of days.
msgid "remove_data_warning"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Answer the question to prove that you are human"
#: components/Widget/NoRobotsCaptchaWidget
-# defaultMessage: Answer the question to prove that you are human
msgid "resolveCaptcha"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "results"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: results
msgid "select_risultati"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "result"
#: helpers/react-select
-# defaultMessage: result
msgid "select_risultato"
msgstr ""
+#. Default: "Title"
#: formSchema
-# defaultMessage: Title
msgid "title"
msgstr ""
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Field.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Field.css
index 03a7cb7..467bf42 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Field.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Field.css
@@ -1,25 +1,25 @@
.block.form .field-file-name .ui.basic.icon.button.delete-button {
- position: static;
+ position: static;
.block.form .volto-subblocks-wrapper .single-block .dragsubblock {
- top: calc(50% - 10px);
- left: -10px;
+ top: calc(50% - 10px);
+ left: -10px;
- .volto-subblocks-wrapper
- .single-block.subblock-draggable
- .ui.basic.button.delete-button {
- top: 1.5rem;
- right: 25px;
- left: auto;
+ .volto-subblocks-wrapper
+ .single-block.subblock-draggable
+ .ui.basic.button.delete-button {
+ top: 1.5rem;
+ right: 25px;
+ left: auto;
.block.form .ui.form .field .wrapper > label {
- margin-bottom: 0;
+ margin-bottom: 0;
.block.form .ui.form .field .static-text {
- margin: 2rem 0;
+ margin: 2rem 0;
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/FormView.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/FormView.css
index 2f16620..3cb6e37 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/FormView.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/FormView.css
@@ -1,13 +1,13 @@
.block.form .ui.form .ui.message {
- display: flex;
- width: 80%;
- margin: 3rem auto 0;
+ display: flex;
+ width: 80%;
+ margin: 3rem auto 0;
.block.form .ui.form .row.row-padded-top {
- padding-top: 3rem;
+ padding-top: 3rem;
.block.form .ui.button.add-element:hover {
- color: white;
+ color: white;
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Sidebar.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Sidebar.css
index f6e4bd5..abd27ae 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Sidebar.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Sidebar.css
@@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
[id^='blockform-fieldset'] .required.field .ui.checkbox {
- display: flex;
+ display: flex;
[id^='blockform-fieldset'] .required.field .ui.checkbox label {
- display: inline-block;
- padding-right: 20px;
+ display: inline-block;
+ padding-right: 20px;
[id^='blockform-fieldset'] .required.field .ui.checkbox::after {
- display: block;
- width: 10px;
- height: 10px;
- border-radius: 50%;
- margin-left: -15px;
- margin-top: 2.5px;
- background-color: #e40166;
- content: '';
+ display: block;
+ width: 10px;
+ height: 10px;
+ border-radius: 50%;
+ margin-top: 2.5px;
+ margin-left: -15px;
+ background-color: #e40166;
+ content: '';
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/ValidateConfigForm.jsx b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/ValidateConfigForm.jsx
index fa96894..0dd7264 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/ValidateConfigForm.jsx
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/ValidateConfigForm.jsx
@@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ const ValidateConfigForm = ({ data = {}, children, onEdit, onChangeBlock }) => {
onChangeBlock({ ...data, configValidation: validation });
+ // eslint-disable-next-line react-hooks/exhaustive-deps
}, [data]);
const valid = data.configValidation?.valid || !data.configValidation; //!data.configValidation is for old configured form that doesn't have configValidation field
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/CheckboxListWidget.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/CheckboxListWidget.css
index 2d4e7b3..54f3e84 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/CheckboxListWidget.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/CheckboxListWidget.css
@@ -1,12 +1,12 @@
.checkbox-list-widget .checkbox-item {
- margin: 0.5rem 0;
+ margin: 0.5rem 0;
.checkbox-list-widget fieldset.checkbox-group {
- border: none;
+ border: none;
.checkbox-list-widget fieldset.checkbox-group legend {
- display: none;
- line-height: 0;
+ display: none;
+ line-height: 0;
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/HoneypotCaptchaWidget.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/HoneypotCaptchaWidget.css
index 38b56a1..9a37d45 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/HoneypotCaptchaWidget.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/HoneypotCaptchaWidget.css
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
.honey-wrapper {
- display: none;
+ display: none;
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/OTPWidget.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/OTPWidget.css
index 4b3b457..537e578 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/OTPWidget.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/OTPWidget.css
@@ -1,49 +1,49 @@
.otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper {
- display: flex;
- gap: 1rem;
- align-items: flex-start;
+ display: flex;
+ align-items: flex-start;
+ gap: 1rem;
.otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .field {
- flex-grow: 1;
+ flex-grow: 1;
.otp-widget .otp-alert {
- position: relative;
- padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
- margin-bottom: 1rem;
- border: 1px solid #5d7083;
- border-left: 8px solid #5d7083;
- background-color: #fff;
- border-radius: 0;
- margin-top: -3rem;
- margin-bottom: 3rem;
+ position: relative;
+ padding: 0.5rem 1rem;
+ border: 1px solid #5d7083;
+ border-radius: 0;
+ border-left: 8px solid #5d7083;
+ margin-top: -3rem;
+ margin-bottom: 1rem;
+ margin-bottom: 3rem;
+ background-color: #fff;
.otp-widget .otp-alert.otp-error {
- border-left: 8px solid #cc334d;
+ border-left: 8px solid #cc334d;
.otp-widget .otp-alert.otp-success {
- border-left: 8px solid #008055;
+ border-left: 8px solid #008055;
.otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .button-wrapper {
- display: flex;
- flex-direction: column;
+ display: flex;
+ flex-direction: column;
.otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .button-wrapper .otp-button-message {
- font-size: 0.8rem;
- color: #555555;
- text-align: center;
+ color: #555555;
+ font-size: 0.8rem;
+ text-align: center;
@media (max-width: 1024px) {
- .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper {
- flex-direction: column;
- }
- .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .field,
- .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .button-wrapper,
- .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .button-wrapper button {
- width: 100%;
- }
+ .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper {
+ flex-direction: column;
+ }
+ .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .field,
+ .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .button-wrapper,
+ .otp-widget .otp-widget-field-wrapper .button-wrapper button {
+ width: 100%;
+ }
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/RadioWidget.css b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/RadioWidget.css
index 08d4698..d39a78f 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/RadioWidget.css
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/RadioWidget.css
@@ -1,16 +1,16 @@
.radio-widget .radio-button {
- margin: 0.5rem 0;
+ margin: 0.5rem 0;
.radio-widget .radio-button label {
- padding: 0.25rem;
+ padding: 0.25rem;
.radio-widget fieldset.radio-group {
- border: none;
+ border: none;
.radio-widget fieldset.radio-group legend {
- display: none;
- line-height: 0;
+ display: none;
+ line-height: 0;
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/SelectWidget.jsx b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/SelectWidget.jsx
index 1f84009..0c51e10 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/SelectWidget.jsx
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/SelectWidget.jsx
@@ -169,16 +169,8 @@ class SelectWidget extends Component {
* @returns {string} Markup for the component.
render() {
- const {
- id,
- choices,
- value,
- intl,
- onChange,
- required,
- invalid,
- title,
- } = this.props;
+ const { id, choices, value, intl, onChange, required, invalid, title } =
+ this.props;
const normalizedValue = normalizeValue(choices, value, intl);
// Make sure that both disabled and isDisabled (from the DX layout feat work)
const disabled = this.props.disabled || this.props.isDisabled;
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/TextareaWidget.jsx b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/TextareaWidget.jsx
index 746cae0..ef534dc 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/TextareaWidget.jsx
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/Widget/TextareaWidget.jsx
@@ -25,15 +25,8 @@ import { FormFieldWrapper } from '@plone/volto/components';
* ```
const TextareaWidget = (props) => {
- const {
- id,
- maxLength,
- value,
- onChange,
- placeholder,
- required,
- invalid,
- } = props;
+ const { id, maxLength, value, onChange, placeholder, required, invalid } =
+ props;
const [lengthError, setlengthError] = useState('');
const onhandleChange = (id, value) => {
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/index.js b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/index.js
index e8c05f6..eece1ae 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/index.js
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/components/index.js
@@ -3,42 +3,49 @@ import loadable from '@loadable/component';
--- BOUNDLE VoltoFormBlockView ---
-export const View = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/View'
- ),
+export const View = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/View'
+ ),
-export const FormView = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/FormView'
- ),
+export const FormView = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/FormView'
+ ),
-export const FormResult = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/FormResult'
- ),
+export const FormResult = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/FormResult'
+ ),
-export const Field = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/Field'
- ),
+export const Field = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockView" */ 'volto-form-block/components/Field'
+ ),
--- BOUNDLE VoltoFormBlockEdit ---
-export const Edit = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockEdit" */ 'volto-form-block/components/Edit'
- ),
+export const Edit = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockEdit" */ 'volto-form-block/components/Edit'
+ ),
-export const Sidebar = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockEdit" */ 'volto-form-block/components/Sidebar'
- ),
+export const Sidebar = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockEdit" */ 'volto-form-block/components/Sidebar'
+ ),
-export const EditBlock = loadable(() =>
- import(
- /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockEdit" */ 'volto-form-block/components/EditBlock'
- ),
+export const EditBlock = loadable(
+ () =>
+ import(
+ /* webpackChunkName: "VoltoFormBlockEdit" */ 'volto-form-block/components/EditBlock'
+ ),
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/fieldSchema.js b/packages/volto-form-block/src/fieldSchema.js
index 056e4a8..ad22a95 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/fieldSchema.js
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/fieldSchema.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable import/no-anonymous-default-export */
import config from '@plone/volto/registry';
import { defineMessages } from 'react-intl';
import { useIntl } from 'react-intl';
@@ -69,8 +70,9 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
+// eslint-disable-next-line prettier/prettier
export default (props) => {
- var intl = useIntl();
+ var intl = useIntl(); // This is wrong and has to be fixed
const baseFieldTypeChoices = [
['text', intl.formatMessage(messages.field_type_text)],
['textarea', intl.formatMessage(messages.field_type_textarea)],
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/formSchema.js b/packages/volto-form-block/src/formSchema.js
index e6aedb2..25bfb21 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/formSchema.js
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/formSchema.js
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
default_subject_description: {
id: 'form_default_subject_description',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
'Use the ${field_id} syntax to add a form value to the email subject',
submit_label: {
@@ -74,6 +75,7 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
send_message_helptext: {
id: 'form_send_message_helptext',
+ // eslint-disable-next-line no-template-curly-in-string
'You can add the value of a filled field in the form by inserting its ID between curly brackets preceded by $, example: ${field_id}; you can add also html elements such as links , new line
, bold and italic formatting.',
manage_data: {
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/react-select.js b/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/react-select.js
index 0b94423..1939dd6 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/react-select.js
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/react-select.js
@@ -36,8 +36,7 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
defaultMessage: 'press left to focus selected values',
ay11_toggle_values: {
- id:
- 'ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value',
+ id: 'ay11_select_Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value',
'Use left and right to toggle between focused values, press Backspace to remove the currently focused value',
@@ -95,13 +94,8 @@ const messages = defineMessages({
export const getReactSelectAriaLiveMessages = (intl) => {
return {
guidance: (props) => {
- const {
- isSearchable,
- isMulti,
- isDisabled,
- tabSelectsValue,
- context,
- } = props;
+ const { isSearchable, isMulti, isDisabled, tabSelectsValue, context } =
+ props;
switch (context) {
case 'menu':
return `${intl.formatMessage(messages.ay11_up_down)}${
@@ -208,14 +202,16 @@ export const getReactSelectAriaLiveMessages = (intl) => {
-export const getReactSelectScreenReaderStatus = (intl) => ({ count }) => {
- const results =
- count !== 1
- ? intl.formatMessage(messages.results)
- : intl.formatMessage(messages.result);
- const available =
- count !== 1
- ? intl.formatMessage(messages.availables)
- : intl.formatMessage(messages.available);
- return `${count} ${results} ${available}`;
+export const getReactSelectScreenReaderStatus =
+ (intl) =>
+ ({ count }) => {
+ const results =
+ count !== 1
+ ? intl.formatMessage(messages.results)
+ : intl.formatMessage(messages.result);
+ const available =
+ count !== 1
+ ? intl.formatMessage(messages.availables)
+ : intl.formatMessage(messages.available);
+ return `${count} ${results} ${available}`;
+ };
diff --git a/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/validators.js b/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/validators.js
index 5787a56..2d647bf 100644
--- a/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/validators.js
+++ b/packages/volto-form-block/src/helpers/validators.js
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@ export const isValidEmail = (email) => {
// Email Regex taken from from WHATWG living standard:
// https://html.spec.whatwg.org/multipage/input.html#e-mail-state-(type=email)
const emailRegex =
- /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+\/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9.])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)$/;
+ /^[a-zA-Z0-9.!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{|}~-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-.]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9.])?(?:\.[a-zA-Z0-9](?:[a-zA-Z0-9-]{0,61}[a-zA-Z0-9])?)$/;
const isValid = emailRegex.test(email);
return isValid;