Releases: comdex-official/comdex
Releases · comdex-official/comdex
What's Changed
- Create dependabot.yml by @faddat in #456
- Create golangci-lint.yml by @faddat in #455
- Update and rename lint.yml to lint-docs.yml by @faddat in #454
- Bump actions/checkout from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #457
- Bump actions/cache from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #458
- Bump actions/dependency-review-action from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #460
- Bump actions/upload-artifact from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #459
- Make Format by @faddat in #451
- Dev merge by @vishnukumavat in #475
- Bump actions/setup-go from 2.1.4 to 3.3.0 by @dependabot in #476
- Bump actions/download-artifact from 2 to 3 by @dependabot in #474
- Bump github/codeql-action from 1 to 2 by @dependabot in #472
- Bump from 1.12.2 to 1.13.0 by @dependabot in #471
- Bump from 1.7.4 to 1.8.6 by @dependabot in #470
- Bump from 1.47.2 to 1.49.0 by @dependabot in #468
- Feature/dev by @vishnukumavat in #477
- Dheerajkd30 patch 1 by @dheerajkd30 in #478
- Feature/dev by @vishnukumavat in #479
- update labeler and ci yml by @dheerajkd30 in #480
- auto lint fix by @dheerajkd30 in #481
- replace ioutil with os by @dheerajkd30 in #483
- Feature/dev by @vishnukumavat in #482
- Bump actions/labeler from 4.0.0 to 4.0.1 by @dependabot in #485
- Feature/lend merge to hbrefactor by @cgsingh33 in #489
- adding lend ext reward proto by @pratikasr in #490
- band, market refactor, double type removed in app, rest tx modified i… by @cgsingh33 in #488
- go lint resovle by @dheerajkd30 in #493
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #492
New Contributors
- @faddat made their first contribution in #456
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #457
Full Changelog: v4.3.0...v5.rc
v4.3.0 Test net release
The release includes the below changes :
- Test cases fix for collector, locker, vault, auction and liquidation modules.
- Update Pair Gov Proposal added.
- Code issue fixed in collector keys and asset genesis files.
v4.2.0 Test net release
Changes in this release -
- Lend module rewards and interest calculation changed from per block distribution to user action.
- Optimisation of iterations in lend ABCI.
- Update liquidity module code for gauge creation and reward distribution.
- Ledger transactions fix for Farm and unfarm on cSwap application.
What's Changed
- Amino codecs added for farm/unfarm ledger transactions by @vishnukumavat in #426
- update sonar value by @dhogaivannan in #427
- update sonar projectkey by @dhogaivannan in #429
- Swap conversion fix for disabled pool, causing division by zero panic by @vishnukumavat in #430
- bug fix, paginations added by @cgsingh33 in #431
- Liquidity module test case fixed by @vishnukumavat in #432
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #433
- Removing ABCI iterations from lend module by @pratikasr in #436
- Exclude disabled pools from child pools by @vishnukumavat in #437
- Lend test net upgrade by @pratikasr in #438
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #439
Full Changelog: v4.1.0...v4.2.0
v4.1.0 Test Net release
Changes included in this release :
- Added transactions in vault and locker so that user can check the interest on vault and lockers.
- Added queries in lend module.
- Test cases fix for lend and liquidity modules
What's Changed
- V4.0.1 Upgrade for swap gauge creation by @vishnukumavat in #418
- tx command added in vault, Locker by @cgsingh33 in #417
- Feature/dev by @cgsingh33 in #419
- testcases fixed by @vishnukumavat in #421
- Lend module refactor by @pratikasr in #422
- removing comments by @pratikasr in #424
- Adding lend module changes by @pratikasr in #423
- update routes in missing modules by @pratikasr in #425
Full Changelog: v4.0.0...v4.1.0
v4.0.0 Test Net Release
Release includes below changes :
- Rewards and interest distribution for vault and lockers.
- Liquidation and collector module refactor
- License update
What's Changed
- Setup script initialized, WIP by @vishnukumavat in #393
- Updated code structure in all the modules by @rajrohit10 in #395
- update license by @dheerajkd30 in #396
- Alias fix by @pratikasr in #397
- adding comments by @pratikasr in #398
- updating errors by @pratikasr in #399
- Error msg changed by @cgsingh33 in #400
- Refactoring Collector by @pratikasr in #401
- Resolving bugs in vault & locker module by @rajrohit10 in #402
- fixing app file issues by @rajrohit10 in #404
- go fmt project by @dheerajkd30 in #405
- Updated modules and fixes by @rajrohit10 in #403
- update vault genesis state code by @dheerajkd30 in #406
- genesis export added for vault, rewards by @cgsingh33 in #407
- rewards genesis added by @cgsingh33 in #409
- merge feature/dev to development by @cgsingh33 in #408
- liquidation genesis updated by @cgsingh33 in #410
- Vault/locker fix by @cgsingh33 in #411
- update kv store and module for testnet by @dheerajkd30 in #412
- Feature/dev by @vishnukumavat in #413
- added leftover modules kv store by @dheerajkd30 in #414
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #415
- Update ems store name by @vishnukumavat in #416
Full Changelog: v3.1.0...v4.0.0
v3.1.0 TestNet Release
This release includes :
- Code issue fix on asset module proposal.
- Bug fix on market module.
What's Changed
- Testfix by @cgsingh33 in #389
- Feature/dev by @cgsingh33 in #390
- Testupgrade by @cgsingh33 in #391
- Feature/dev by @cgsingh33 in #392
Full Changelog: v3.0.0...v3.1.0
v3.0.0 TestNet Release
Major changes from last release :
- cosmos sdk upgrade to 0.45.7
- tendermint update to v0.34.20
- Changes included for issues in audits.
- Changes fixed in internal reviews.
What's Changed
- Create pair via gov propo enabled by @vishnukumavat in #356
- Adding Asset unit tests by @karthik340 in #355
- update readme , add swagger configs by @dheerajkd30 in #357
- Feature/lend refactor by @pratikasr in #349
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #358
- price range condition check removed by @vishnukumavat in #361
- changes reverted by @vishnukumavat in #363
- Adding Bindings units test under wasm folder by @karthik340 in #369
- started fixing warnings in workflow checks by @vishnukumavat in #370
- Farming redo by @vishnukumavat in #371
- audit bug fixes by @cgsingh33 in #362
- tx fixed for pairs by @cgsingh33 in #372
- Genesis State Handling For Liquidity Module by @vishnukumavat in #374
- Epoch fix by @vishnukumavat in #375
- Validate calls by @vishnukumavat in #376
- update lint , make file and go mod by @dheerajkd30 in #378
- Feature/lend refactor by @pratikasr in #373
- Refactor 5 by @dheerajkd30 in #379
- refactor and resolve issues by @dheerajkd30 in #380
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #377
- Feature/lend refactor by @pratikasr in #381
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #382
- upgrade for testnet 3 by @dheerajkd30 in #383
- update cosmos sdk to 45.7 and tm to 34.20 by @dheerajkd30 in #385
- esm , tx fixed, min refactor by @cgsingh33 in #384
- Feature/dev by @cgsingh33 in #386
- Lend module, Gas reduction, Pagination changes by @cgsingh33 in #387
- Merge Feature/dev to development by @cgsingh33 in #388
Full Changelog: v2.1.0...v3.0.0
This release includes changes expected in audit stage 2 module. Code refactor and changes post internal review and logic changes in rewards, esm, liquidation and liquidity module.
What's Changed
- price range condition check removed by @vishnukumavat in #361
- changes reverted by @vishnukumavat in #363
- Adding Bindings units test under wasm folder by @karthik340 in #369
- started fixing warnings in workflow checks by @vishnukumavat in #370
- Farming redo by @vishnukumavat in #371
- audit bug fixes by @cgsingh33 in #362
- tx fixed for pairs by @cgsingh33 in #372
- Genesis State Handling For Liquidity Module by @vishnukumavat in #374
- Epoch fix by @vishnukumavat in #375
- Validate calls by @vishnukumavat in #376
- update lint , make file and go mod by @dheerajkd30 in #378
- Feature/lend refactor by @pratikasr in #373
- Refactor 5 by @dheerajkd30 in #379
- refactor and resolve issues by @dheerajkd30 in #380
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #377
- Feature/lend refactor by @pratikasr in #381
- Feature/dev by @pratikasr in #382
Full Changelog: audit-stage2...audit-stage3
Release for audit stage 2
Merge pull request #358 from comdex-official/feature/dev Feature/dev
TestNet Meteor release v2.1.0
This release includes below changes :
- Cosmos SDK v0.45.6
- ICA.
- Bug fixes for tokenmint module.
- Implementation changes for ESM module.
- go version upgrade to 1.18+
What's Changed
- update version details by @dhogaivannan in #101
- permission of cosmwasm by @cryptoVrse in #95
- update makefile,build and add release.yml by @dhogaivannan in #108
- upgrade wasmd version to v0.25.0 by @cryptoVrse in #123
- Include authz by @dheerajkd30 in #125
- Upgrade Versions : CosmosSdk 45.4,tendermint 34.19 ,go,bandchain to v… by @dheerajkd30 in #136
- Feature/dev by @dheerajkd30 in #137
- Asset Module Restructured by @cgsingh33 in #150
- Newtestdev by @rajrohit10 in #151
- Feature/permissioned cosmwasm by @cryptoVrse in #154
- add lint go by @dhogaivannan in #156
- liquidity, locking and pool incentives added by @vishnukumavat in #158
- amino codec changes for vault by @dheerajkd30 in #159
- update vault codec msg name by @dheerajkd30 in #160
- Vault codec by @dheerajkd30 in #161
- re generate vault msg.pb by @dheerajkd30 in #162
- lcoker module register changes by @dheerajkd30 in #163
- update locker codec by @dheerajkd30 in #164
- spell check by @dheerajkd30 in #165
- update locker cli by @dheerajkd30 in #166
- update vault tx proto by @dheerajkd30 in #167
- protos corrected by @cgsingh33 in #168
- Testdevproto by @cgsingh33 in #169
- pointers removed by @cgsingh33 in #170
- updating tokenmint bugs by @rajrohit10 in #171
- Testdev wasm by @pratikasr in #172
- Testdev wasm by @cgsingh33 in #173
- Testdev wasm by @cgsingh33 in #174
- msg.proto => tx.proto file rename by @vishnukumavat in #175
- Testdev wasm by @cgsingh33 in #176
- update locker proto , query server and query changes by @dheerajkd30 in #177
- wasm fix by @cgsingh33 in #178
- pagination added by @cgsingh33 in #179
- admin removed by @cgsingh33 in #180
- Swapfee integration by @vishnukumavat in #181
- Dutch tests by @karthik340 in #182
- checks for market price added in liquidation,auction by @cgsingh33 in #184
- fix lint - build.yml by @dhogaivannan in #185
- Update -> testnet version by @dhogaivannan in #183
- added error handling in starting dutch auction by @karthik340 in #186
- Devtestnew by @cgsingh33 in #187
- uncommented token burn in dutch auction by @karthik340 in #188
- Prices integration in liquidity module by @vishnukumavat in #190
- Devtestquery by @cgsingh33 in #191
- adding Amt in logic in unliquidate Vaults by @pratikasr in #193
- updated msg bindings & vault refactor by @pratikasr in #194
- vault query, collector restructure by @cgsingh33 in #196
- lsr update fix by @cgsingh33 in #197
- updated bindings for liquidation & rewards by @pratikasr in #198
- updating message_plugins by @pratikasr in #199
- updating locker & vault bugs by @rajrohit10 in #201
- locker, vault, collector, wasm bug fix by @cgsingh33 in #202
- fixed bugs in surplus , debt , dutch auctions by @karthik340 in #203
- Testwasmfix by @cgsingh33 in #204
- panic issue solved by @cgsingh33 in #205
- bug fixes, field added in pair vault by @cgsingh33 in #206
- stable mint bug fix by @cgsingh33 in #207
- modify gov proposal to add extended proposal from json file by @dheerajkd30 in #208
- Fixed dust calculations and handled errors by @karthik340 in #209
- update gov proposal to pass thru json file by @dheerajkd30 in #210
- update add asset mapping proposal thru json by @dheerajkd30 in #211
- refactoring ext rewards for vault by @Subham2804 in #212
- Upgrade handlers for Testnet release v1.0.1 added by @vishnukumavat in #195
- Testdev auction bindings by @pratikasr in #213
- added conversion of usd to uusd feature by @karthik340 in #214
- testdev locker refactor by @pratikasr in #215
- changed burn mechanism in dutch auction and integrated auction params in auction module by @karthik340 in #216
- collector check added by @cgsingh33 in #217
- minor fix by @cgsingh33 in #218
- auction check added in collector by @cgsingh33 in #219
- Removed params in auction and fixed bug in dutch auction by @karthik340 in #220
- Improved naming convention in AuctionParams by @karthik340 in #221
- hard coded price removed by @cgsingh33 in #222
- update makefile, refactor cmd dir, remove lend and liquidity changes … by @dheerajkd30 in #223
- update cosmwam proposal configs by @dheerajkd30 in #227
- add wasmclient to gov proposal handlers by @dheerajkd30 in #229
- add feegrant to store upgrade by @dheerajkd30 in #230
- update by @dheerajkd30 in #232
- refactor and modify generate-proto code by @dheerajkd30 in #237
- fixed dust calculation and target required cmst calculation by @karthik340 in #243
- Testdev demo by @cgsingh33 in #244
- refactor app.go ans start sh by @dheerajkd30 in #245
- Liquidity module changes revert by @vishnukumavat in #246
- Testdev auction by @cgsingh33 in #249
- time check added by @cgsingh33 in #250
- Testdev auction by @cgsingh33 in #251
- Testdev auction by @cgsingh33 in #252
- adding ICA Host module by @dheerajkd30 in #253
- Liquidity module upgrade by @vishnukumavat in #247
- restart fixed by @cgsingh33 in #254
- asset module refactor by @dheerajkd30 in #255
- update asset query by @dheerajkd30 in #256
- my position error resolved by @cgsingh33 in #257
- comments removed by @cgsingh33 in #259
- Testdev demo branch merge to feature/dev by @cgsingh33 in #258
- Refactor 260 by @dheerajkd30 in #261
- adding lend module by @pratikasr in #262
- update gov porpo...