Releases: copasi/COPASI
COPASI 4.44 (Build 295)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.44 (Build 295).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Bug Fixes
- Command Line (CopasiSE)
- No files are created or modified when the option --validate is given.
- Simulation Engine
- Time Course Task: The methods RADAU5 not correctly supports the option Suppress Output Before ...
- Time Course Task: The hybrid methods Hybrid LSODA & Hybrid Runge-Kutta now supports automatic step size correctly.
- Optimization and Parameter Estimation Tasks: The method Praxis now correctly terminates if the if solution is within the tolerance.
- Parameter Estimation Task: The Method Evolution Strategy (SRES) checks not the functional constraints like other methods.
- Metabolic Control Analysis and Linear Noise Approximation Tasks: The result now contains the Steady-State result.
More information can be found in the
COPASI 4.43 (Build 288)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.43 (Build 288).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
New Features
- Standards
- SBML: Added support of SBML Level 3 Version 2
Bug Fixes
- Graphical User Interface (CopasiUI)
- Event Overview: The assignments associated with an event are no properly displayed.
- Optimization: Changing of the subtask is now preserved without running the optimization task.
- Task and subtask names are now consistently handled in sensitivities, optimization, and scan.
- Scan Task: Improved handling of output from subtask by allowing finer control over when output is captured.
- Simulation Engine
- Fix calculations involving constant rates which were in certain situations (e.g. event assignments) not correctly updated.
- Language Bindings
- In the case that multiple data models with the same name where loaded simultaneously, renaming an object in one data model does not longer effect references the other models.
- Setting CCopasiParameter values directly will now result in a call to the parent group to assure proper synchronization of related parameters.
More information can be found in the
COPASI 4.42 (Build 284)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.42 (Build 284).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
New Features
- Simulation Engine
- Scan task: implemented support iterating through parameter sets.
- Optimization & Parameter Estimation: It is now possible to run current solution statistics before adding any optimization parameters.
Bug Fixes
- Graphical User Interface (CopasiUI)
- Fixed issue were results of tasks were not properly displayed after the first run of the task.
- Fixed scan task to correctly show parameter estimation results.
More information can be found in the
COPASI 4.41 (Build 283)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.41 (Build 283).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: November 21, 2023
New Features
- Simulation Engine
- Species particle numbers are no supported as event targets.
- Optimization & Parameter Estimation: It is now possible to run current solution statistics before adding any optimization parameters.
Bug Fixes
- Graphical User Interface (CopasiUI)
- Reduced COPASI's start up time.
- Fixed display of message boxes under Qt 6.5.
- Improved functionality and stability of the plotting engines QWT & QCustomPlot
- The output assistant suppresses now any check boxes which are not applicable to the current task.
- Improved display of SBML imported units.
- Fixed rare crash occurring when lading a new file while displaying a global quantity.
- Simulation Engine
- Utilize balanced Abstract Syntax Tree to avoid stack overflows.
- Fixed loading of COPASI files containing parameter estimation created with COPASI 4.0 (Build 18).
- The COPASI Version is now correctly displayed in reports.
- Fixed an error message for trajectory method RK45 which was referring to LSODA.
- Standards
- SBML Import: Corrected function parameter classification which effected the UI parameter overview.
- SBML Import: Avoid redundant division by log(10) when importing logarithm with base 10.
- SBML Import (layout): Allow import of empty curves.
- SED-ML Import: Improved import of SED-ML files with multiple task lists, falling back to SBML when all fail.
- SED-ML Import: Create a warning message when referenced the SBML model is remote resource (unsupported).
- API & Language Bindings
- Added utility function CFunctionDB::purgeUnusedUserDefinedFunctions().
- Added editing of constraints in optimization and parameter estimation tasks.
More information can be found in the
COPASI 4.40 (Build 278)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.40 (Build 278).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: May 31, 2023
New Features
- The is a bug fix release and does not include new features
Bug Fixes
- Graphical User Interface (CopasiUI)
- Fixed issue where loading a parameter estimation protocol in which the values had been sorted externally lead to incorrect parameter mapping.
- Show both modification and creation time entities in local time.
- Fixed plot for parameter estimation results for steady state experiments to properly map the independent data.
- The parameter estimation result now includes a counter for failed constraints.
- Fixed crash when deleting all global quantities.
- Simulation Engine
- Fixed temporary directory for export of Combine and Shiny archives to address security restrictions on MacOS X.
- Stochastic simulation methods now correctly report whether they support events and thus whether they can be used for the simulation of model with events.
- Standards
- SBML import: Fixed issue where it was not possible to change the delay of an imported event.
- SBML import: Fixed crash caused by particular unit definitions during importing.
- SBML import: Fixed import of reaction kinetics which occasionally lost the parameter mapping.
- SBML import: Handle references to missing modifier species in reactions gracefully.
- SBML export: Reduced warnings about Model History not being exported to only check the model itself and not all model components.
More information can be found in the
COPASI 4.39 (Build 272)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.38 (Build 272).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: January 31, 2023
More information can be found in the changelog.
COPASI 4.38 (Build 268)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.38 (Build 268).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: November 30, 2022
More information can be found in the changelog.
COPASI 4.37 (Build 264)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.37 (Build 264).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: October 5, 2022
More information can be found in the changelog.
COPASI 4.36 (Build 260)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.36 (Build 260).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: May 16, 2022
More information can be found in the changelog.
COPASI 4.35 (Build 258)
The COPASI team announces the immediate availability of the stable release COPASI 4.35 (Build 258).
A new release of COPASI has been made available. Please visit our free download page to retrieve this latest development release. Please note this version is released under the Artistic License 2.0, which is an OSI approved license. This license allows non-commercial and commercial use free of charge.
Release Date: March 15, 2022
More information can be found in the changelog.