This software runs on the gateway and is installed using LuCI software
manager or the command line tool opkg
One of the more important pieces of software I run on my gateway is
. This package is similar to the popular "fail2ban" package
many other systems use. The role it performs is to monitor the log
files for suspicious activity - in this case determined as multiple
failed SSH login attempts - on the external interface (google
Once it sees one, it adds that address to a 'blacklist' of IPs.
In addition to this auto-generated list of potential threats, it may also use one or more of a number of curated lists to pre-populate the ban tables.
It is not installed or configured by default in OpenWRT but may be
easily applied via the opkg
command line tool or via LuCI.
My config is available:
Note: In order for banIP to work, the utilities it watches must have their log files enabled.