- bug fix for #56, ambiguous version method in sysvinit manager
- bug fix for 32 bit support on RHEL platforms
- depending on compat_resource >= 12.5.11
- Fixed bug in rhel sysvinit provider
- style fixes
- Heavy refactoring, converting to 12.5 resources with 12.x backcompat
- Removed fugly resource titles, which explodes ChefSpec.
- Commented out a ton of specs, still getting various clone warnings.
- Updating for Amazon Linux 2015.03
- Fixes for correct Provider Resolver behavior and more 12.4.0 fixes
- Fixing IfModule by including .load before .conf
- Dropping Chef 11 support
- fix the priority map dsl method
- Fixing up provider resolution code to work properly with 12.4
- Fixing up mod_php filename for debian based distros
- Fixing 'provides' bug that was breaking 12.3
- Fix config file load ordering
- Various README fixes
- Fixing action :delete for httpd_config rhel provider
- Adding issues and source urls to metadata
- Fixing backwards compatibility with Chef 11
- Updating resources and providers to use "provides" keyword instead of the old provider_mapping file
- Fixed type mismatch bug for listen_addresses parameter
- Fixing up php-zts for el5/6
- Fixing mpm_worker config rendering
- Refactoring helper methods out of resource classes. Fixing up tests.
- Fixing httpd_module 'php' on rhel family
- Adding license and description metadata
- Adding platform support metadata
- Providers now avoid "system" httpd service for default instance
- Refactoring helper libraries
- Refactoring package info and mpm DSLs
- Adding more platform support
- Refactoring specs.. removing everything but centos-5 for now
- Reverting 0.1.6 changes
- Using "include" instead of "extend" for helper methods
- Adding a modules parameter to httpd_service resource. It now loads a base set of modules by default
- Renaming magic to mime.types
- Fixing notifications by using LWRP DSL actions
- Fixing up maxkeepaliverequests in template
- Fixing up maxkeepaliverequests parameter
- Initial Beta release. Let the bug hunts begin!