void erase(const_array_iterator pos); (1) (until 0.168.6)
array_iterator erase(const_array_iterator pos); (1) (since 0.168.6)
void erase(const_array_iterator first, const_array_iterator last); (2) (until 0.168.6)
array_iterator erase(const_array_iterator first, const_array_iterator last); (2) (since 0.168.6)
void erase(const_object_iterator pos); (3) (until 0.168.6)
object_iterator erase(const_object_iterator pos); (3) (since 0.168.6)
void erase(const_object_iterator first, const_object_iterator last); (4) (until 0.168.6)
object_iterator erase(const_object_iterator first, const_object_iterator last); (4) (since 0.168.6)
void erase(const string_view_type& name); (5)
(1) Remove an element from an array at the specified position.
Throws std::domain_error
if not an array.
(2) Remove the elements from an array in the range '[first,last)'.
Throws std::domain_error
if not an array.
(3) Remove a member from an object at the specified position.
Throws std::domain_error
if not an object.
(4) Remove the members from an object in the range '[first,last)'.
Throws std::domain_error
if not an object.
(5) Remove a member with the specified name from an object
Throws std::domain_error
if not an object.
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
using jsoncons::json;
int main()
std::string input = R"(
json j = json::parse(input);
auto it = j.array_range().begin();
while (it != j.array_range().end())
if (*it == "a" || *it == "c")
it = j.erase(it);
std::cout << j << "\n\n";
#include <jsoncons/json.hpp>
using jsoncons::json;
int main()
std::string input = R"(
{"a":1, "b":2, "c":3, "d":4}
json j = json::parse(input);
auto it = j.object_range().begin();
while (it != j.object_range().end())
if (it->key() == "a" || it->key() == "c")
it = j.erase(it);
std::cout << j << "\n\n";