We welcome students and others to help keep the skill current.
Be courageous - all changes will need to be approved and you can't break the deployed version.
This is a great way to practice contributing to open source software projects - we'd love your help!
Follow the short guide below. If you get confused, a quick web search will usually answer any questions.
Create a free account on GitHub.
- Log in to GitHub.
- View this repo.
- Click the Fork button to copy this repository/repo into your account.
Use the online editing capabilities in GitHub to modify the source files in your copy of the repo with new information:
- Update games.json with a new schedule.
- Update config.json with new victory text (or other info).
Copy your code into an online JSON formatter/linter to check the syntax - code is very, very picky.
Follow existing conventions - for example, keep location infomation exactly as shown. Locations must match exactly for Alexa to recognize "home" games.
When done editing your code, create a "Pull Request" that will make a request to pull your changes into the deployed version of the repo.
Be patient - we're in GitHub quite often, but reponses may take a week or so (depending on where we are in the semester).