wget -qO- http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v3.12/main/x86/apk-tools-static-2.10.5-r1.apk | tar -xz sbin/apk.static && ./sbin/apk.static add apk-tools && rm sbin/apk.static && rmdir sbin 2> /dev/null
mkdir mnt
mount -t ios . mnt
select any location
The following example mounts the location you specify, in the iOS Files popup that happens after the conmand is run. It places that location in the filez
directory as specified.
mount -t ios filez /mnt
This will put clipboard contents to stdout
cat /dev/clipboard
# save clipboard to a file
cat /dev/clipboard > file.txt
echo https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/main > /etc/apk/repositories
echo https://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/edge/community >> /etc/apk/repositories
apk update
apk upgrade
Now you can add current version of neovim
for example:
apk add neovim
apk add shadow
Now you can run chsh
and type in the default shell