The package jsonwrapper provides some convenience function to work with wrapped json data in go.
It follows the conventions outlined on
JSON responses are wrapped in a struct containing a code (http-status-code) as integer, a status (success, fail, error), an optional message for responses with status fail or error and the data containing the actual payload.
Basically, current best practice is to wrap regular (non-JSONP) responses with the following properties:
- code – contains the HTTP response status code as an integer.
- status – contains the text: “success”, “fail”, or “error”. Where “fail” is for HTTP status response values from 500-599, “error” is for statuses 400-499, and “success” is for everything else (e.g. 1XX, 2XX and 3XX responses).
- message – only used for “fail” and “error” statuses to contain the error message. For internationalization (i18n) purposes, this could contain a message number or code, either alone or contained within delimiters.
- data – that contains the response body. In the case of “error” or “fail” statuses, this contains the cause, or exception name.
package main
import (
func main() {
// get a wrapped successful response (other options are error and fail)
response := jsonwrapper.Success([]string{"test", "data"})
// marshal to json as byte-slice (marshalling to string included as well)
marshalled, _ := jsonwrapper.ToJsonBytes(&response)
// print as json string (or write to http response-writer)
fmt.Printf("%s\n", marshalled)
- Add functions to marshal/unmarshal wrapped responses directly
- Add a global configuration option to toggle wrapping for all responses
- Add a convenience function to generate a http-response directly from the response (using the status code provided)
MIT - feel free to use.
Any ideas for improvements, comments or pull-request are very welcome.