Code | Severity | Message | Description |
2000 | ERROR | Basic authentication missing or invalid: {0} | |
2001 | ERROR | Component product class {0} invalid for product class {1} in mission {2} | |
2002 | ERROR | Component product with ID {0} not found | |
2003 | ERROR | The product file for product ID {0} and processing facility {1} has been modified since retrieval by the client | |
2004 | ERROR | Configured processor {0} not found | |
2005 | ERROR | Deletion unsuccessful for product file {0} in product with ID {1} | |
2006 | ERROR | Duplicate product UUID {0} | |
2007 | ERROR | Enclosing product class {0} invalid for product class {1} in mission {2} | |
2008 | ERROR | Enclosing product with ID {0} not found | |
2009 | ERROR | Error to acquire semaphore from prosEO Production Planner (cause: {0}) | |
2010 | ERROR | Error deleting product with ID {0} from processing facility {1} (cause: {2}) | |
2011 | ERROR | Error notifying prosEO Production Planner of new product {0} of type {1} (Production Planner cause: {2}) | |
2012 | ERROR | Error to release semaphore from prosEO Production Planner (cause: {0}) | |
2013 | ERROR | Error storing product of class {0} at processing facility {1} (Storage Manager cause: {2}) | |
2014 | ERROR | File class {0} invalid for mission {1} | |
2015 | INFO | Initializing authentication from user details service | |
2016 | INFO | Initializing user details service from datasource {0} | |
2017 | ERROR | Invalid eviction time {0} | |
2018 | ERROR | Invalid processing facility {0} for ingestion | |
2019 | ERROR | Invalid parameter type {0} | |
2020 | ERROR | Invalid parameter value {0} for type {1} | |
2021 | ERROR | Invalid product generation time {0} | |
2022 | ERROR | Invalid production type {0} | |
2023 | ERROR | Invalid publication time {0} | |
2024 | ERROR | Invalid raw data availability time {0} | |
2025 | ERROR | Invalid sensing start time {0} | |
2026 | ERROR | Invalid sensing stop time {0} | |
2027 | WARN | Invalid timeout value {0} found in configuration, using default {1} | |
2028 | WARN | Invalid token validity value {0} found in configuration, using default {1} | |
2029 | ERROR | Processing mode {0} invalid for mission {1} | |
2030 | INFO | New product with ID {0} and product type {1} added to database | |
2031 | ERROR | No product files found for product ID {0} | |
2032 | ERROR | No product file found for product ID {0} at processing facility {1} | |
2034 | WARN | Notification of Production Planner failed (cause: {0}) | |
2035 | INFO | {0} product files deleted | |
2036 | ERROR | Orbit {0} for spacecraft {1} not found | |
2037 | ERROR | Product type {0} invalid | |
2038 | INFO | Product of type {0} created for mission {1} | |
2039 | INFO | Product with id {0} deleted | |
2040 | INFO | Download link for product with ID {0} provided | |
2041 | INFO | Download token for product with ID {0} and file name {1} provided | |
2042 | ERROR | Product with equal characteristics already exists with ID {0} | |
2043 | INFO | Product file {0} for product with id {1} deleted | |
2044 | ERROR | Product file {0} exists at processing facility {0} | |
2045 | INFO | Product file {0} ingested for product ID {1} at processing facility {2} | |
2046 | INFO | Product file {0} for product with id {1} modified | |
2047 | ERROR | Product file for processing facility {0} not found | |
2048 | INFO | Product file {0} for product with id {1} not modified (no changes) | |
2049 | INFO | Product file retrieved for product ID {0} at processing facility {1} | |
2050 | ERROR | Product with ID {0} (or some component product) has existing files and cannot be deleted | |
2051 | ERROR | Product ID not set | |
2052 | ERROR | Product ingestion failed (cause: {0}) | |
2053 | ERROR | No products found for search criteria | |
2054 | INFO | Product list of size {0} retrieved for mission {1}, product classes {2}, start time {3}, stop time {4} | |
2055 | ERROR | Product not set | |
2056 | INFO | Product with id {0} modified | |
2057 | ERROR | Product with ID {0} not available on any Processing Facility | |
2058 | ERROR | No product found for ID {0} | |
2059 | ERROR | No product found for UUID {0} | |
2060 | INFO | Product with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
2061 | ERROR | Product with ID {0} is required for at least one job step on processing facility {1} | |
2062 | INFO | Product with ID {0} retrieved | |
2063 | INFO | Product with UUID {0} retrieved | |
2064 | ERROR | Product UUID {0} invalid | |
2065 | ERROR | Product UUID not set | |
2066 | ERROR | Product with ID {0} has no file named {1} | |
2067 | INFO | {0} products ingested in processing facility {1} | |
2068 | ERROR | Unexpected number of file paths ({0}, expected: {1}) received from Storage Manager at {2} | |
2069 | ERROR | User not authorized for read access to product class {0} | |
2070 | ERROR | No product list given for ingestion | |
Code | Severity | Message | Description |
7201 | ERROR | Invalid entity type {0} referenced in service request | |
7202 | ERROR | URI generation from product UUID failed (cause: {0}) | |
7203 | ERROR | HTTP request failed (cause: {0}) | |
7204 | ERROR | Service request failed with status {0} ({1}), cause: {2} | |
7205 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized for requested service | |
7206 | ERROR | No production order found with UUID {0} | |
7207 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized to access requested production order {1} | |
7208 | ERROR | Request failed (cause {0}: {1}) | |
7209 | ERROR | Creation, update and deletion of objects not allowed through ODPRIP | |
7210 | ERROR | Product {0} not available on any Processing Facility | |
7211 | ERROR | Unsupported response format {0} | |
7212 | WARN | Ignoring invalid HTTP range header {0} | |
7213 | INFO | Redirecting download request to Prip URL {0} | |
7214 | INFO | OAuth2 token created for user {0} | |
7215 | ERROR | Authentication token {0} invalid (cause: {1}) | |
7216 | ERROR | Authentication token expired at {0} | |
7217 | ERROR | Invalid grant type {0} | |
7218 | ERROR | Invalid username parameter {0} | |
7219 | ERROR | Username and password do not match Authorization header | |
7220 | ERROR | Superfluous query parameter(s) found (no credentials allowed for ''client_credentials'' flow) | |
7221 | ERROR | Invalid query condition (cause: {0}) | |
7222 | ERROR | Invalid result for ''count(*)'' query: {0} | |
7223 | ERROR | Result set exceeds maximum quota of {0} products | |
7224 | INFO | User {0}\{1} logged in to PRIP API | |
7225 | ERROR | Basic authentication missing or invalid: {0} | |
7226 | ERROR | User {0}\{1} not authorized for PRIP API | |
7227 | ERROR | Both operands for binary operator must be AttributeCondition objects in Attribute lambda expression | |
7228 | ERROR | Only binary operator ''eq'' allowed for ''Name'' in Attribute lambda expression | |
7229 | ERROR | One operand for binary operator must be named in Attribute lambda expression (''Name'' and ''Value'' allowed) | |
7230 | ERROR | Unexpected URI resource of kind {0} in Attribute lambda expression (only lambda variable allowed) | |
7231 | ERROR | Lambda variable {0} not allowed in Attribute lambda expression for {1} | |
7232 | ERROR | Unexpected URI sub-resource of kind {0} in Attribute lambda expression (only primitive property allowed) | |
7233 | ERROR | Unexpected property {0} in Attribute lambda expression (only ''Name'' and ''Value'' allowed) | |
7234 | WARN | Cannot convert coordinate string ''{}'' to footprint | |
7235 | ERROR | Exception setting response content (cause {0}: {1}) | |
7236 | ERROR | Server Error occurred in ProductionInterfaceSecurity (cause {0}: {1}) | |
7237 | ERROR | Server Error occurred in ProductQueryController (cause {0}: {1}) | |
7238 | ERROR | Workflow UUID missing | |
7239 | ERROR | Workflow referenced by UUID {0} not found | |
7240 | ERROR | Workflow option {0} not defined in workflow {1} | |
7241 | ERROR | Workflow option {0} does not match type: {1}, value: {2} | |
7242 | ERROR | Workflow option {0}: value not in value range {1} | |
7243 | ERROR | Command failed (cause: {0}) | |
7244 | ERROR | Extraced message: {0} | |
7245 | ERROR | HTTP request failed (cause: {0}) | |
7246 | ERROR | Invalid request URL {0} (cause: {1}) | |
7247 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized to manage {1} for mission {2} | |
7248 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized for requested service | |
7249 | INFO | Data not modified | |
7250 | ERROR | Orbit data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
7251 | ERROR | Order data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
7252 | ERROR | Cannot convert object to Json (cause: {0}) | |
7253 | ERROR | Unexpected HTTP status {0} received | |
7254 | ERROR | Sensing start/stop time missing | |
7255 | ERROR | Invalid input reference | |
7256 | ERROR | Product class {0} not defined for mission {1} | |
7257 | ERROR | Parameter not found: {0} | |
7258 | ERROR | No product file named {0} found on any archive | |
7259 | ERROR | No product of type {0} found on any archive | |
7260 | ERROR | No enabled workflow found with UUID {0} | |
7261 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized to access requested production order {1} | |
7262 | ERROR | JSON parse error: {0} | |
7263 | ERROR | No product found for production order with UUID {0} | |
7264 | ERROR | No workflow found for production order with UUID {0} | |
7265 | ERROR | Requested product of production order with UUID {0} has no files | |
7266 | ERROR | Workflow name mismatch {0}: {1} <-> {2} | |
7267 | ERROR | Cross mission access (user <-> workflow) {0} <-> {1} | |
7268 | ERROR | Cross mission access (workflow <-> product) {0} <-> {1} | |
7269 | ERROR | Workflow referenced by UUID {0} is disabled (not useable) | |
Code | Severity | Message | Description |
3500 | ERROR | Option 'delete-products' not valid without option 'force' | |
3501 | ERROR | Order deletion unsuccessful for ID {0} | |
3502 | ERROR | Order identifier {0} already exists within mission {1} | |
3503 | ERROR | Order UUID {0} already exists | |
3504 | ERROR | Orders must be created in INITIAL state (found state {0}) | |
3505 | ERROR | Order update only allowed in INITIAL state | |
3506 | ERROR | Illegal order state transition from {0} to {1} | |
3507 | ERROR | Configured processor {0} not found | |
3508 | ERROR | Output file class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
3509 | ERROR | Input product class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
3510 | ERROR | No mission found for mission code {0} | |
3511 | ERROR | No orbits defined between orbit number {0} and {1} for spacecraft {2} | |
3512 | ERROR | Output product class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
3513 | ERROR | Processing mode {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
3514 | ERROR | Requested product class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
3515 | ERROR | Order {0} with slicing type NONE has invalid slice overlap {1} (no overlap allowed) | |
3516 | ERROR | Job {0} does not exist | |
3517 | INFO | Job {0} set to inital | |
3518 | INFO | Job count for processing order {0} retrieved | |
3519 | INFO | Job index for processing order {0} retrieved | |
3520 | ERROR | Job(s) for processing order {0} do not exist | |
3521 | INFO | Jobs for processing order {0} retrieved | |
3522 | ERROR | Job step {0} does not exist | |
3523 | INFO | Job step {0} retrieved | |
3524 | INFO | Job steps of status {0} retrieved for mission {1} | |
3525 | INFO | Job Order File {0} deleted from processing facility {1} | |
3526 | ERROR | Error deleting Job Order File {0} from processing facility {1} (cause: {2}) | |
3527 | ERROR | No mission code given | |
3528 | INFO | Mission {0} created | |
3529 | INFO | Mission with database ID {0} deleted | |
3530 | ERROR | Mission deletion unsuccessful for ID {0} | |
3531 | ERROR | Mission with mission code {0} already exists | |
3532 | ERROR | No mission found for ID {0} | |
3533 | INFO | Mission with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
3534 | INFO | Mission {0} retrieved | |
3535 | INFO | Mission {0} updated | |
3536 | INFO | All missions retrieved | |
3537 | INFO | Model order missioncode {0} | |
3538 | ERROR | Order {0} has start time {1} after stop time {2} | |
3539 | ERROR | No missions found | |
3540 | ERROR | No orbits found for given search criteria | |
3541 | INFO | {0} orders deleted | |
3542 | INFO | Orbit {0} deleted | |
3543 | ERROR | Orbit deletion unsuccessful for ID {0} | |
3545 | ERROR | Spacecraft code not set in the search | |
3546 | ERROR | Orbit not set | |
3547 | ERROR | No orbit found for ID {0} | |
3548 | INFO | Mission with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
3549 | INFO | Orbit {0} retrieved | |
3550 | INFO | Orbit {0} updated | |
3551 | INFO | {0} orbits created or updated | |
3552 | INFO | {0} orbits retrieved | |
3553 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} created for mission {1} | |
3554 | INFO | Order with id {0} deleted | |
3555 | ERROR | Order ID not set | |
3556 | ERROR | Order identifier not set | |
3557 | ERROR | No processing order found for search criteria | |
3558 | INFO | Order list of size {0} retrieved for mission {1}, order {2}, sensing start time between {3} and {4} | |
3559 | ERROR | Order not set | |
3560 | ERROR | Order modification other than state change not allowed for user {0} | |
3561 | INFO | Order with id {0} modified | |
3562 | ERROR | No order found for ID {0} | |
3563 | INFO | Order with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
3564 | INFO | Order with ID {0} retrieved | |
3565 | ERROR | Time interval (orbit or time range) missing for order {1} | |
3566 | ERROR | Cannot delete mission {0} due to existing processor classes | |
3567 | ERROR | Cannot delete mission {0} due to existing product classes | |
3568 | ERROR | Cannot delete mission {0} due to existing products | |
3569 | ERROR | Requested product classes missing for order {0} | |
3570 | ERROR | Time slice duration missing for order {0} of slicing type TIME_SLICE | |
3571 | ERROR | Spacecraft with spacecraft code {0} already exists for mission {1} | |
3572 | ERROR | Spacecraft {0} not found in mission {1} | |
3573 | ERROR | Order state transition from {0} to {1} not allowed for user {2} | |
3574 | ERROR | Invalid input product reference: Sensing stop time must be after sensing start time | |
3575 | ERROR | No workflow was found with name {0} | |
3576 | ERROR | No workflow was found with UUID {0} | |
3577 | ERROR | Workflow name ({0}) and UUID ({1}) do not match | |
3578 | ERROR | The following property may not be modified: {0} (Attempt to modify order {1}) | |
3579 | INFO | Order cleanup cycle started | |
3580 | INFO | Order cleanup cycle completed, sleeping for {0} ms | |
3581 | INFO | Order cleanup cycle interrupted - terminating‚ | |
3582 | ERROR | Eviction time {1} of order {0} not before requested cutoff time {2} | |
Code | Severity | Message | Description |
3100 | ERROR | Job step ''{0}'' has to be in state COMPLETED or FAILED to close | |
4000 | INFO | List of processing orders retrieved | |
4001 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' retrieved | |
4002 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is approved | |
4003 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is planning | |
4004 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is planned | |
4005 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is releasing | |
4006 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is released | |
4007 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is running | |
4008 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is suspended | |
4009 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is prepared for suspend | |
4010 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' could not interrupt release thread | |
4011 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is canceled | |
4012 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is reset | |
4013 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' deleted | |
4014 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is closed | |
4015 | INFO | Saving processing order ''{0}'' | |
4016 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' is completed | |
4017 | INFO | Processing order planning thread ''{0}'' ({1}) is interrupted | |
4018 | ERROR | Processing order planning thread ''{0}'' ({1}) with exception | |
4019 | ERROR | Processing order planning thread ''{0}'' ({1}) is failed | |
4020 | INFO | Processing order releasing thread ''{0}'' ({1}) is interrupted | |
4021 | ERROR | Processing order releasing thread ''{0}'' ({1}) with exception | |
4022 | WARN | Processing order ''{0}'' is retried | |
4023 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' has to be approved | |
4024 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already approved | |
4025 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' has to be planned | |
4026 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already planned | |
4027 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' has to be released | |
4028 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already releasing | |
4029 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already released | |
4030 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already running | |
4031 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already suspending | |
4032 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' already completed | |
4033 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' requested product already exist | |
4034 | WARN | Processing order ''{0}'' already failed | |
4035 | WARN | Processing order ''{0}'' already closed | |
4036 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' has to be in state FAILED to retry | |
4037 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' has to be finished (completed or failed) | |
4038 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' does not exist in the current mission | |
4039 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' and processing facility ''{1}'' does not exist | |
4040 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' slicing type not set | |
4041 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' mission not set | |
4042 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested processor(s) not set | |
4043 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested orbit(s) not set | |
4044 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested calendar day not set | |
4045 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested time slice not set | |
4046 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested orbit or start/stop time not set | |
4047 | ERROR | OrderDispatcher: no configured processor found for product class ''{0}'' | |
4048 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested configured processor not set | |
4049 | ERROR | Processing order ''{0}'' requested product class(es) not set | |
4050 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' has state ''{1}'', wait for release | |
4051 | INFO | Processing order ''{0}'' has state ''{1}'', nothing to publish | |
4052 | ERROR | Processing facility ''{0}'' does not exist | |
4053 | ERROR | No processing facility defined | |
4054 | INFO | Jobs for processing order ''{0}'' retrieved | |
4055 | INFO | Job count for processing order ''{0}'' retrieved | |
4056 | INFO | Dependency graph for job ''{0}'' retrieved | |
4057 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' retrieved | |
4058 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is released | |
4059 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is cancelled | |
4060 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is deleted | |
4061 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is suspended | |
4062 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is on hold | |
4063 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is planned | |
4064 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is initial | |
4065 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' set to inital | |
4066 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is started | |
4067 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is completed | |
4068 | INFO | Job ''{0}'' is closed | |
4069 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' is already released | |
4070 | ERROR | Job ''{0}'' has to be released | |
4071 | ERROR | Job ''{0}'' has to be planned | |
4072 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' already exist | |
4073 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' is on hold | |
4074 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' is already started | |
4075 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' already completed | |
4076 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' already failed | |
4077 | WARN | Job ''{0}'' already closed | |
4078 | ERROR | Job ''{0}'' has to be in state FAILED to retry | |
4079 | ERROR | Job ''{0}'' has to be in state COMPLETED or FAILED to close | |
4080 | ERROR | Job ''{0}'' does not exist | |
4081 | INFO | Job steps of status {0} retrieved for mission {1} | |
4082 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' retrieved | |
4083 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is waiting for input | |
4084 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is ready to run | |
4085 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is canceled | |
4086 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is closed | |
4087 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is deleted | |
4088 | INFO | Satisfied product queries of job step ''{0}'' deleted | |
4089 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is suspended | |
4090 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is started | |
4091 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' set to inital | |
4092 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' set to completed cause product exists | |
4093 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is failed | |
4094 | INFO | Job step ''{0}'' is completed | |
4095 | WARN | Job step ''{0}'' is already running | |
4096 | WARN | Job step ''{0}'' already completed | |
4097 | WARN | Job step ''{0}'' already closed | |
4098 | WARN | Job step ''{0}'' already failed | |
4099 | ERROR | Job step ''{0}'' has to be in state FAILED to retry | |
4101 | ERROR | Job step ''{0}'' does not exist | |
4102 | INFO | Job Order File ''{0}'' deleted | |
4103 | ERROR | Error deleting Job Order File ''{0}'' from processing facility ''{1}'' (cause: {1}) | |
4104 | ERROR | Job(s) for processing order ''{0}'' do not exist | |
4105 | ERROR | Parameter id and facility are not set | |
4106 | ERROR | Parameter facility is not set | |
4107 | ERROR | Parameter id is not set | |
4108 | INFO | ProcessingFacility ''{0}'' connected to ''{1}'' | |
4109 | INFO | {0} worker nodes found | |
4110 | INFO | ProcessingFacility ''{0}'' disconnected | |
4111 | ERROR | ProcessingFacility ''{0}'' could not be connected to ''{1}'' | |
4112 | INFO | Initializing authentication from datasource ''{0}'' | |
4113 | ERROR | KubeDispatcherRunOnce: KubeConfig not set | |
4114 | INFO | KubeDispatcher run once and finish | |
4115 | INFO | KubeDispatcher cycle started | |
4116 | INFO | KubeDispatcher cycle completed, sleeping for {0} ms | |
4117 | INFO | KubeDispatcher interrupt | |
4118 | ERROR | KubeDispatcher: Production planner not set | |
4119 | ERROR | Job ''{0}'' not found, is it already finished? | |
4120 | INFO | Kubernetes job ''{0}/{1}'' created | |
4121 | INFO | Kubernetes job ''{0}/{1}'' finished | |
4122 | INFO | Finishing of Kubernetes job ''{0}/{1}'' triggered | |
4123 | ERROR | Kubernetes configuration {0} not connected | |
4124 | ERROR | No job step found for id {0} | |
4125 | WARN | Configured processor {0} is disabled | |
4126 | INFO | Planning check complete for product with ID {0} | |
4127 | ERROR | Planning check failed for product with ID {0} (cause: {1}) | |
4128 | WARN | Planning order {0} interrupted | |
4129 | ERROR | Insufficient data for sending job order to Storage Manager | |
4130 | INFO | HTTP-Request: {0} | |
4131 | INFO | ... response is {0} | |
4132 | ERROR | Exception sending job order to Storage Manager: {0} | |
4133 | ERROR | Job creation failed with exception: {0} | |
4134 | ERROR | Could not connect with facility {0} | |
4135 | INFO | Cannot access Kubernetes Configuration file: {0} | |
4136 | WARN | Found malformed host alias parameter {0} | |
4137 | INFO | Job {0} created with status {1} | |
4138 | ERROR | Creation of job order for job step {0} failed | |
4139 | ERROR | Creation of job order for job step {0} failed with exception {1} | |
4140 | ERROR | Sending of job order to Storage Manager failed for job step {0} | |
4141 | ERROR | General exception creating job for job step {0}: {1} | |
4142 | ERROR | Kubernetes API exception creating job for job step {0}: {1}, Status code: {2}, Reason: {3}, Response headers: {4} | |
4143 | WARN | Job Step ''{0}'' has no input product queries | |
4144 | ERROR | No input product(s) found for order {0} | |
4145 | ERROR | Notification to {0} failed: {1} | |
4146 | ERROR | Extracted message: {0} | |
4147 | ERROR | HTTP request failed (cause: {0}) | |
4148 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized for requested service | |
4149 | ERROR | Invalid request URL {0} (cause: {1}) | |
4150 | ERROR | Unexpected HTTP status {0} received | |
4151 | INFO | Data not modified | |
4152 | ERROR | Cannot convert object to Json (cause: {0}) | |
4153 | ERROR | Basic authentication missing or invalid: {0} | |
4154 | ERROR | Request failed (cause {0}: {1}) | |
Code | Severity | Message | Description |
4501 | ERROR | The configuration with ID {0} has been modified since retrieval by the client | |
4502 | INFO | Configuration for processor {0} with version {1} created for mission {2} | |
4503 | ERROR | Configuration data not set | |
4504 | INFO | Configuration with id {0} deleted | |
4505 | ERROR | Configuration for mission {0} with processor name {1} and configuration version {2} cannot be deleted, because it has configured processors | |
4506 | ERROR | Configuration ID not set | |
4507 | ERROR | No Configuration found with ID {0} | |
4508 | ERROR | Configuration {0} with version {1} invalid for mission {2} | |
4509 | INFO | Configuration(s) for mission {0}, processor name {1} and configuration version {2} retrieved | |
4510 | ERROR | Configuration not set | |
4511 | INFO | Configuration with id {0} modified | |
4512 | ERROR | No configuration found for mission {0}, processor name {1} and configuration version {2} | |
4513 | INFO | Configuration with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
4514 | INFO | Configuration with ID {0} retrieved | |
4515 | INFO | Configuration for processor {0} with version {1} created for mission {2} | |
4516 | ERROR | Data for configured processor not set | |
4517 | INFO | Configured processor with id {0} deleted | |
4518 | ERROR | Cannot delete configured processor {0}, because it is referenced by {1} products | |
4519 | ERROR | Cannot delete configured processor {0}, because it is referenced by {1} selection rules | |
4520 | ERROR | Configuration ID not set | |
4521 | ERROR | No Configuration found with ID {0} | |
4522 | INFO | Configuration(s) for mission {0}, identifier {1}, processor name {2}, processor version {3} and configuration version {4} retrieved | |
4523 | ERROR | Configuration not set | |
4524 | INFO | Configured processor with id {0} modified | |
4525 | ERROR | No configured processors found for mission {0}, identifier {1}, processor name {2}, processor version {3} and configuration version {4} | |
4526 | INFO | Configured processor with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
4527 | INFO | Configuration with ID {0} retrieved | |
4528 | ERROR | Task {0} defined as critical, but no criticality level given | |
4529 | ERROR | Processor deletion failed for ID {0} (cause: {1}) | |
4530 | ERROR | Configuration deletion unsuccessful for ID {0} | |
4531 | ERROR | Duplicate configuration for mission {0} with processor name {1} and configuration version {2} | |
4532 | ERROR | Duplicate configured processor identifier {0} | |
4533 | ERROR | Duplicate configured processor UUID {0} | |
4534 | ERROR | Duplicate processor class for mission {0} and processor name {1} | |
4535 | ERROR | Duplicate processor for mission {0}, processor name {1} and processor version {2} | |
4536 | ERROR | Input filename type {0} invalid | |
4537 | ERROR | No static input file found with ID {0} | |
4538 | ERROR | Mission code {0} invalid | |
4539 | INFO | Processor class {0} created for mission {1} | |
4540 | ERROR | Processor class data not set | |
4541 | INFO | Processor class with id {0} deleted | |
4542 | ERROR | Processor class for mission {0} and processor name {1} cannot be deleted, because it has configurations | |
4543 | ERROR | Processor class for mission {0} and processor name {1} cannot be deleted, because it has processor versions | |
4544 | ERROR | Processor class ID not set | |
4545 | ERROR | No processor class found with ID {0} | |
4546 | ERROR | Processor class {0} invalid for mission {1} | |
4547 | INFO | Processor class(es) for mission {0} and processor name {1} retrieved | |
4548 | ERROR | Processor class not set | |
4549 | INFO | Processor class with id {0} modified | |
4550 | ERROR | No processor class found for mission {0} and processor name {1} | |
4551 | INFO | Processor class with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
4552 | INFO | Processor class with ID {0} retrieved | |
4553 | INFO | Processor {0}, version {0} created for mission {1} | |
4554 | ERROR | Processor data not set | |
4555 | INFO | Processor with id {0} deleted | |
4556 | ERROR | Processor for mission {0} with processor name {1} and processor version {2} cannot be deleted, because it has configured processors | |
4557 | ERROR | Processor ID not set | |
4558 | ERROR | No processor found with ID {0} | |
4559 | ERROR | Processor {0} with version {1} invalid for mission {2} | |
4560 | INFO | Processor(s) for mission {0}, processor name {1} and processor version {2} retrieved | |
4561 | ERROR | Processor not set | |
4562 | INFO | Processor with id {0} modified | |
4563 | ERROR | Processor name not set | |
4564 | ERROR | No processor found for mission {0}, processor name {1} and processor version {2} | |
4565 | INFO | Processor with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
4566 | INFO | Processor with ID {0} retrieved | |
4567 | ERROR | Product type {0} invalid for mission {1} | |
4568 | ERROR | Workflow not set | |
4569 | ERROR | No workflow found for search criteria | |
4570 | INFO | Workflow list of size {0} retrieved for mission {1}, workflow name {2}, workflow version {3}, input product class {3}, configured processor {4}, and enabled = {6} | |
4571 | ERROR | No mission code given | |
4572 | ERROR | Workflow ID not set | |
4573 | ERROR | No workflow found with ID {0} | |
4574 | INFO | Workflow with id {0} deleted | |
4575 | ERROR | Workflow deletion unsuccessful for ID {0} | |
4576 | INFO | Workflow with ID {0} retrieved | |
4577 | ERROR | No workflow found for mission {0}, name {1}, version {2}, input product class {3}, configured processor {4}, and enabled = {5} | |
4578 | ERROR | Workflow name not set | |
4579 | ERROR | Duplicate workflow for mission {0}, workflow name {1}, workflow version {2}, uuid {3} | |
4580 | INFO | Workflow {0}, version {1} created for mission {2} | |
4581 | ERROR | {0} is/are mandatory | |
4582 | ERROR | The specified processor class must be able to produce the specified output product class | |
4583 | ERROR | Workflow reference {0}/{1} in workflow option does not match workflow {2}/{3} | |
4584 | ERROR | No {0} found for mission code {1} and {0} "{2}" | |
4585 | INFO | Workflow with id {0} modified | |
4586 | INFO | Workflow with id {0} not modified (no changes) | |
4587 | ERROR | Workflow data not set | |
4588 | ERROR | The workflow with ID {0} has been modified since retrieval by the client | |
4589 | ERROR | The default value "{0}" of workflow option {1} is not contained in the value range | |
4590 | INFO | {0} workflow(s) found for mission {1}, workflow name {2}, workflow version {3}, input product class {4}, configured processor {5}, and enabled = {6} | |
4591 | INFO | {0} configuration(s) found for mission {1}, processor name {2}, configuration version {3} | |
4592 | INFO | {0} configured processor(s) found for mission {1}, processor name {2}, processor version {3}, configuration version {4} | |
4593 | INFO | {0} processor(s) found for mission {1}, processor name {2}, processor version {3} | |
4594 | INFO | {0} processor classe(s) found for mission {1}, processor name {2} | |
4595 | ERROR | {0} is not a legal WorkflowOptionType (must be STRING, NUMBER, or DATENUMBER) | |
4596 | ERROR | Product class {0} was not found during input filter creation | |
Code | Severity | Message | Description |
5001 | ERROR | Component product class {0} for product class {1} would create a product class cycle for mission {2} | |
5002 | ERROR | The selection rule with ID {0} has been modified since retrieval by the client | |
5003 | ERROR | The product class with ID {0} has been modified since retrieval by the client | |
5004 | ERROR | Product class deletion unsuccessful for ID {0} | |
5005 | ERROR | Product class {0} already contains selection rule for source class {1}, mode {2} and configured processor {3} | |
5006 | ERROR | Enclosing product class {0} for product class {1} would create a product class cycle for mission {2} | |
5007 | ERROR | Exactly one simple selection rule expected | Sub-message for INVALID_RULE_STRING |
5008 | ERROR | Component product class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
5009 | ERROR | Enclosing product class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
5010 | ERROR | Invalid mission code {0} | |
5011 | ERROR | Parameter key missing in filter condition {0} | |
5012 | ERROR | Invalid parameter type {0} in filter condition, one of {STRING, INTEGER, BOOLEAN, DOUBLE} expected | |
5013 | ERROR | Invalid policy type {0} in selection rule, see Generic IPF Interface Specifications for valid values | |
5014 | ERROR | Processing mode {0} not defined for mission {1} | |
5015 | ERROR | Configured processor {0} is not defined | |
5016 | ERROR | Processor class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
5017 | ERROR | Syntax error in selection rule {0}: {1} | |
5018 | ERROR | Source product class {0} is not defined for mission {1} | |
5019 | ERROR | Invalid time unit {0} in selection rule, one of {DAYS, HOURS, MINUTES, SECONDS, MILLISECONDS, MICROSECONDS, NANOSECONDS} expected | |
5020 | ERROR | No selection rules found for product class {0} | |
5021 | ERROR | No selection rules found for target product class {1} and source product class {2} | |
5022 | INFO | Configured processor {0} added to selection rule with ID {1} for product class with ID {2} | |
5023 | ERROR | Name of configured processor not set | |
5024 | ERROR | Configured processor {0} not found in selection rule with ID {1} for product class with ID {2} | |
5025 | INFO | Configured processor {0} removed from selection rule with ID {1} for product class with ID {2} | |
5026 | INFO | Product class of type {0} created for mission {1} | |
5027 | ERROR | Product class data not set | |
5028 | INFO | Product class with ID {0} deleted | |
5029 | ERROR | Product class {0} already exists for mission {1} | |
5030 | ERROR | Product class for mission {0} with product type {1} cannot be deleted, because it is referenced by a processor class | |
5031 | ERROR | Product class for mission {0} with product type {1} cannot be deleted, because it has products | |
5032 | ERROR | Cannot delete product class {0}, because it is referenced by {1} selection rules | |
5033 | ERROR | Product class ID not set | |
5034 | ERROR | No product class found with ID {0} | |
5035 | INFO | Product class(es) for mission {0} and product type {1} retrieved | |
5036 | ERROR | Product class not set | |
5037 | INFO | Product class with ID {0} modified | |
5038 | ERROR | Product class with ID {0} not found | |
5039 | ERROR | No product classes found for mission {0} and product type {1} | |
5040 | INFO | Product class with ID {0} not modified (no changes) | |
5041 | INFO | Product class with ID {0} retrieved | |
5042 | ERROR | Save failed for product class {0} in mission {1} (cause: {2}) | |
5043 | ERROR | Rule ''{0}'' for product class {1} cannot be deleted, because it is used in product queries | |
5044 | ERROR | Selection rule missing in selection rule string {0} | |
5045 | ERROR | Selection rule data not set | |
5046 | INFO | Selection rule with ID {0} for product class with ID {1} deleted | |
5047 | ERROR | Selection rule ID not set | |
5048 | ERROR | Selection rule with ID {0} not found for product class with ID {1} | |
5049 | INFO | Selection rules for target product type {0} and source product type {1} retrieved | |
5050 | INFO | Selection rule with ID {0} modified | |
5051 | INFO | Selection rule with ID {0} not modified (no changes) | |
5052 | INFO | Selection rule with ID {0} for product class with ID {1} retrieved | |
5053 | INFO | {0} selection rules added to product class of type {1} in mission {2} | |
Code | Severity | Message | Description |
6000 | ERROR | User {0} is already a member of group {1} | |
6001 | ERROR | Parameter of format '=' expected at position {0} for command {1} | |
6002 | INFO | Authorities {0} granted to user {1} | |
6003 | INFO | Authorities {0} revoked from user {1} | |
6004 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized for Command Line Interface | |
6005 | INFO | 'exit' command received, prosEO Command Line Interface terminates | |
6006 | ERROR | Command line prompt suppressed by proseo.cli.start parameter | |
6007 | ERROR | Command name must not be null | |
6008 | ERROR | Command {0} not implemented | |
6009 | INFO | Configuration {0} with version {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6010 | ERROR | Configuration data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6011 | ERROR | Deletion of processor {0} with version {1} failed (cause: {2}) | |
6012 | INFO | Configuration with database ID {0} deleted | |
6013 | ERROR | Configuration for processor {0} with configuration version {1} not found | |
6014 | ERROR | Configuration with database ID {0} not found | |
6015 | INFO | Configuration with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6016 | INFO | Configured processor {0} for processor {1}, version {2} and configuration version {3} created (database ID {4}) | |
6017 | ERROR | Configuration data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6018 | ERROR | Deletion of configured processor {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6019 | INFO | Configured processor with database ID {0} deleted | |
6020 | ERROR | Configured processor {0} not found | |
6021 | ERROR | Configured processor with database ID {0} not found | |
6022 | INFO | Configured processor with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6023 | ERROR | Credential file {0} ignored, because it is insecure (group or world readable) | |
6024 | ERROR | Credential file {0} not found | |
6025 | ERROR | Credential file {0} not readable (cause: {1}) | |
6026 | ERROR | Option 'delete-products' not valid without option 'force' | |
6027 | INFO | End of input reached, prosEO Command Line Interface terminates | |
6028 | ERROR | Command failed (cause: {0}) | |
6029 | ERROR | Extraced message: {0} | |
6030 | INFO | Processing facility {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6031 | ERROR | Processing facility data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6032 | ERROR | Deletion of processing facility {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6033 | INFO | Processing facility with database ID {0} deleted | |
6034 | ERROR | Processing facility missing in parameters | |
6035 | ERROR | Processing facility {0} not found | |
6036 | ERROR | Processing facility with database ID {0} not found | |
6037 | ERROR | Processing facility {0} not readable (cause: {1}) | |
6038 | INFO | Processing facility with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6039 | ERROR | Selection rule file {0} not found or not readable | |
6040 | ERROR | Write exception serializing object {0} to format {1} (cause: {2}) | |
6041 | INFO | Authorities {0} granted to group {1} | |
6042 | INFO | Authorities {0} revoked from group {1} | |
6043 | INFO | User group {0} created | |
6044 | ERROR | User group data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6045 | ERROR | Deletion of user group {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6046 | INFO | User group {0} deleted | |
6047 | ERROR | Group with database ID {0} not found | |
6048 | ERROR | User group {0} not found for mission {1} | |
6049 | INFO | User group {0} updated | |
6050 | ERROR | HTTP connection failure (cause: {0}) | |
6051 | ERROR | HTTP request failed (cause: {0}) | |
6052 | ERROR | Illegal command {0} | |
6053 | ERROR | Option {0} not allowed for command {1} | |
6054 | ERROR | Illegal option type {0}, expected one of {2} | |
6055 | ERROR | Illegal option value {0} for option {1} of type {2} | |
6056 | ERROR | Illegal parameter type {0}, expected one of {1} | |
6057 | ERROR | Illegal subcommand {0} | |
6058 | ERROR | No file for product ingestion given | |
6059 | ERROR | Input {0} not numeric | |
6060 | ERROR | Input {0} invalid, please select a number between {0} and {1} | |
6061 | ERROR | Insufficient credentials given for non-interactive login | |
6062 | ERROR | Invalid attribute name {0} | |
6063 | ERROR | Attribute {0} cannot be converted to type {1} | |
6064 | ERROR | Invalid command name {0} | |
6065 | ERROR | Invalid command option {0} found | |
6066 | ERROR | Invalid criticality level {0} (expected integer > 1) | |
6067 | ERROR | Database ID {0} not numeric | |
6068 | ERROR | {0} content of file {1} invalid for object generation (cause: {2}) | |
6069 | ERROR | File {0} contains invalid {1} content (cause: {2}) | |
6070 | ERROR | Invalid file format {0} | |
6071 | ERROR | Credentials file {0} invalid (does not contain username and password) | |
6072 | ERROR | Operation {0} not allowed for job state {1} (must be {2}) | |
6073 | ERROR | Invalid job state {0} | |
6074 | ERROR | Operation {0} not allowed for job step state {1} (must be {2}) | |
6075 | ERROR | Invalid job step state {0} | |
6076 | ERROR | Orbit number {0} not numeric | |
6077 | ERROR | Operation {0} not allowed for order state {1} (must be {2}) | |
6078 | ERROR | Slice duration {0} not numeric | |
6079 | ERROR | Invalid order slicing type {0} | |
6080 | ERROR | Time format {0} not parseable | |
6081 | ERROR | Invalid request URL {0} (cause: {1}) | |
6082 | ERROR | Invalid Username (mission missing?): {0} {1} {2} {3} ... | |
6083 | ERROR | Invalid product visibility {0} | |
6084 | INFO | Job with database ID {0} cancelled (new version {1}) | |
6085 | ERROR | Job data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6086 | ERROR | Job with database ID {0} not found | |
6087 | INFO | Job with database ID {0} resumed (new version {1}) | |
6088 | INFO | Job with database ID {0} suspended (new version {1}) | |
6089 | INFO | Job step with database ID {0} cancelled (new version {1}) | |
6090 | ERROR | Job step data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6091 | ERROR | Job step with database ID {0} not found | |
6092 | INFO | Job step with database ID {0} resumed (new version {1}) | |
6093 | INFO | Job step with database ID {0} suspended (new version {1}) | |
6094 | INFO | User {0} logged in | |
6095 | ERROR | Operation not allowed, when already logged in to a mission (currently logged in to {0}) | |
6096 | INFO | User {0} logged out | |
6097 | INFO | Logging in to prosEO with user {0} | |
6098 | INFO | No username given, login cancelled | |
6099 | ERROR | Login for user {0} failed | |
6100 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized to login without a mission | |
6101 | ERROR | Mandatory attribute ''{0}'' missing | |
6102 | ERROR | Exception mapping object {0} to format {1} (cause: {2}) | |
6103 | ERROR | Already logged in to mission {0}, use of '--mission' option not allowed | |
6104 | INFO | Mission {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6105 | ERROR | Mission data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6106 | ERROR | Deletion of mission {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6107 | INFO | Mission {0} deleted | |
6108 | ERROR | Mission {0} not found | |
6109 | ERROR | Mission with database ID {0} not found | |
6110 | ERROR | Mission {0} not readable (cause: {1}) | |
6111 | INFO | Mission {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6112 | ERROR | No valid authorities given in command | |
6113 | ERROR | No processor name and/or configuration version given | |
6114 | ERROR | No configurations found for given search criteria | |
6115 | ERROR | No configured processor identifier given | |
6116 | ERROR | No processors found for given search criteria | |
6117 | ERROR | No processing facilities found | |
6118 | ERROR | No processing facility name given | |
6119 | ERROR | No file classes found for given search criteria | |
6120 | ERROR | No group name given | |
6121 | ERROR | No user groups found for mission {0} | |
6122 | ERROR | No identifier or database ID given | |
6123 | ERROR | No job database ID given | |
6124 | ERROR | No jobs found for given search criteria | |
6125 | ERROR | No job step database ID given | |
6126 | ERROR | No job steps found for given search criteria | |
6127 | ERROR | Mission code missing | |
6128 | ERROR | No missions found for given search criteria | |
6129 | ERROR | No orbit number given | |
6130 | ERROR | No orbits found for given search criteria | |
6131 | ERROR | No orders found for given search criteria | |
6132 | ERROR | No processor class name given | |
6133 | ERROR | No processing modes found for given search criteria | |
6134 | ERROR | No processor name and/or version given | |
6135 | ERROR | No processor classes found for given search criteria | |
6136 | ERROR | No processors found for given search criteria | |
6137 | ERROR | No product class name given | |
6138 | ERROR | No product database ID given | |
6139 | ERROR | No product classes found for given search criteria | |
6140 | ERROR | No products found for given search criteria | |
6141 | ERROR | No selection rule database ID given | |
6142 | ERROR | No selection rules found for product class {0} | |
6143 | ERROR | No selection rules found for target product class {0} and source product class {2} | |
6145 | ERROR | No spacecraft code given | |
6146 | ERROR | No spacecrafts found for given search criteria | |
6147 | ERROR | No username given | |
6148 | ERROR | No user accounts found for mission {0} | |
6149 | ERROR | No user accounts found for user group {0} | |
6150 | ERROR | No users given in command | |
6151 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized to manage {1} for mission {2} | |
6152 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized for mission {1} | |
6153 | ERROR | User {0} not authorized for requested service | |
6154 | ERROR | User {0} is not a member of group {1} | |
6155 | INFO | Data not modified | |
6156 | INFO | Operation cancelled | |
6157 | ERROR | Option {0} not allowed after command parameter | |
6158 | ERROR | Orbit data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6159 | ERROR | Deletion of orbit {0} for spacecraft {1} failed (cause: {2}) | |
6160 | ERROR | Orbit number {0} not found for spacecraft {1} | |
6161 | ERROR | Orbit with database ID {0} not found | |
6162 | ERROR | Orbit number {0} not numeric | |
6163 | INFO | {0} orbits created | |
6164 | INFO | {0} orbits deleted | |
6165 | INFO | {0} orbits updated | |
6166 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} approved (new version {1}) | |
6167 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} cancelled (new version {1}) | |
6168 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6169 | ERROR | Order data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6170 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} deleted | |
6171 | ERROR | No jobs found for order with identifier {0} | |
6172 | ERROR | Order with identifier {0} not found | |
6173 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} planned (new version {1}) | |
6174 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} released (new version {1}) | |
6175 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} released (new version {1}) | |
6176 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} reset (new version {1}) | |
6177 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} suspended (new version {1}) | |
6178 | INFO | Order with identifier {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6179 | ERROR | Required parameter {0} not found for command {1} | |
6180 | ERROR | Parameter of type {0} expected at position {1} for command {2} | |
6181 | ERROR | Password change not allowed in non-interactive mode | |
6182 | INFO | Password changed for user {0} | |
6183 | ERROR | Passwords do not match | |
6184 | ERROR | No password given for user {0} | |
6185 | ERROR | Password strength insufficient (min. length {0} characters, min. {1} types of the four element groups lowercase letters, uppercase letters, digits and special characters ''{2}'' required) | |
6186 | ERROR | Old and new password must be different | |
6187 | ERROR | No processing facility to ingest to given | |
6188 | INFO | Processor {0} with version {1} created (database ID {2}) | |
6189 | ERROR | Processor data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6190 | ERROR | Deletion of processor {0} with version {1} failed (cause: {2}) | |
6191 | INFO | Processor with database ID {0} deleted | |
6192 | ERROR | Processor {0} with version {1} not found | |
6193 | ERROR | Processor with database ID {0} not found | |
6194 | INFO | Processor with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6195 | INFO | Processor class {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6196 | ERROR | Processor class data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6197 | ERROR | Deletion of processor class {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6198 | INFO | Processor class with database ID {0} deleted | |
6199 | ERROR | Processor class {0} not found | |
6200 | ERROR | Processor class with database ID {0} not found | |
6201 | INFO | Processor class with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6202 | ERROR | Product with database ID {0} is not of requested class {2} | |
6203 | INFO | Product of class {0} created (database ID {1}, UUID {2}) | |
6204 | ERROR | Product data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6205 | INFO | Product with database ID {0} deleted | |
6206 | ERROR | Product with database ID {0} has no files | |
6207 | ERROR | Product database ID or processing facility missing | |
6208 | ERROR | Product with database ID {0} not found | |
6209 | INFO | Product with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6210 | INFO | Product class {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6211 | ERROR | Product class data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6212 | ERROR | Deletion of product class {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6213 | INFO | Product class with database ID {0} deleted | |
6214 | ERROR | Product class {0} not found | |
6215 | ERROR | Product class with database ID {0} not found | |
6216 | INFO | Product class with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6217 | INFO | Product file for product database ID {0} and processing facility {1} deleted | |
6218 | ERROR | No product file found for product database ID {0} and processing facility {1} | |
6219 | INFO | {0} products ingested to processing facility {1} | |
6220 | ERROR | Reflection exception setting attribute {0} (cause: {2}) | |
6221 | INFO | Retrying job with database ID {0} (new version {1}) | |
6222 | INFO | Retrying job step with database ID {0} (new version {1}) | |
6223 | INFO | Retrying order with identifier {0} (new version {1}) | |
6224 | ERROR | Database ID {0} for selection rule not numeric | |
6225 | ERROR | Selection rule data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6226 | ERROR | Deletion of selection rule with database ID {0} from product class {1} failed (cause: {2}) | |
6227 | INFO | Selection rule with database ID {0} deleted | |
6228 | ERROR | Selection rule with database ID {0} not found | |
6229 | INFO | Selection rule with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6230 | INFO | {0} selection rules created for product class {1} | |
6231 | ERROR | Cannot convert object to Json (cause: {0}) | |
6232 | ERROR | Service request failed with status {0} ({1}), cause: {2} | |
6233 | ERROR | Skipping invalid authority {0} | |
6234 | INFO | Spacecraft {0} added (database ID {1}) | |
6235 | ERROR | Spacecraft {0} exists in mission {1} | |
6236 | ERROR | Spacecraft {0} not found in mission {1} | |
6237 | INFO | Spacecraft {0} removed from mission {1} | |
6238 | ERROR | Subcommand missing for command {0} | |
6239 | ERROR | Parsing error in syntax file {0} (cause: {1}) | |
6240 | ERROR | Syntax file {0} not found | |
6241 | INFO | Command line syntax loaded from syntax file {0} | |
6242 | ERROR | Too many parameters for command {0} | |
6243 | ERROR | prosEO Command Line Interface terminated by exception: {0} | |
6244 | ERROR | Unexpected HTTP status {0} received | |
6245 | ERROR | Unknown authentication type: {0} | |
6246 | INFO | User account {0} created | |
6247 | ERROR | User account data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6248 | ERROR | Deletion of user account {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6249 | INFO | User account {0} deleted | |
6250 | INFO | User account {0} disabled | |
6251 | INFO | User account {0} enabled | |
6252 | ERROR | prosEO Command Line Interface exiting due to user interrupt | |
6253 | ERROR | User account {0} not found for mission {1} | |
6254 | ERROR | User not logged in | |
6255 | ERROR | User not logged in to any mission | |
6256 | INFO | User account {0} updated | |
6257 | ERROR | Username {0} to update does not match username {1} from credentials file {2} | |
6258 | INFO | Users {0} added to group {1} | |
6259 | INFO | Users {0} removed from group {1} | |
6260 | WARN | Credential file {0} ignored, because it is insecure (group or world readable) | |
6261 | WARN | Unexpected HTTP status {0} received | |
6262 | ERROR | Error from WebClient - Status {0}, Body {1}, Exception {2} | |
6263 | INFO | Workflow {0} with version {1} created (database ID {2}) | |
6264 | ERROR | Workflow data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6265 | ERROR | Deletion of workflow {0} with version {1} failed (cause: {2}) | |
6266 | INFO | Workflow with database ID {0} deleted | |
6267 | ERROR | Workflow {0} with version {1} not found | |
6268 | ERROR | Workflow with database ID {0} not found | |
6269 | INFO | Workflow with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6270 | ERROR | No workflows found for given search criteria | |
6271 | ERROR | No workflow name and/or version given | |
6272 | INFO | Product archive {0} created (database ID {1}) | |
6273 | ERROR | Product archive data invalid (cause: {0}) | |
6274 | ERROR | Deletion of Product archive {0} failed (cause: {1}) | |
6275 | INFO | Product archive {0} with database ID {1} deleted | |
6276 | ERROR | Product archive missing in parameters | |
6277 | ERROR | Product archive {0} not found | |
6278 | ERROR | Product archive with database ID {0} not found | |
6279 | ERROR | Product archive {0} not readable (cause: {1}) | |
6280 | INFO | Product archive with database ID {0} updated (new version {1}) | |
6281 | ERROR | No product archive code given | |
6282 | ERROR | No product archives found | |
6283 | ERROR | No authentication was provided | |