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困难 |
2156 |
第 197 场周赛 Q4 |
一家快递公司希望在新城市建立新的服务中心。公司统计了该城市所有客户在二维地图上的坐标,并希望能够以此为依据为新的服务中心选址:使服务中心 到所有客户的欧几里得距离的总和最小 。
给你一个数组 positions
,其中 positions[i] = [xi, yi]
表示第 i
个客户在二维地图上的位置,返回到所有客户的 欧几里得距离的最小总和 。
换句话说,请你为服务中心选址,该位置的坐标 [xcentre, ycentre]
与真实值误差在 10-5
示例 1:
输入:positions = [[0,1],[1,0],[1,2],[2,1]] 输出:4.00000 解释:如图所示,你可以选 [xcentre, ycentre] = [1, 1] 作为新中心的位置,这样一来到每个客户的距离就都是 1,所有距离之和为 4 ,这也是可以找到的最小值。
示例 2:
输入:positions = [[1,1],[3,3]] 输出:2.82843 解释:欧几里得距离可能的最小总和为 sqrt(2) + sqrt(2) = 2.82843
1 <= positions.length <= 50
positions[i].length == 2
0 <= xi, yi <= 100
class Solution:
def getMinDistSum(self, positions: List[List[int]]) -> float:
n = len(positions)
x = y = 0
for x1, y1 in positions:
x += x1
y += y1
x, y = x / n, y / n
decay = 0.999
eps = 1e-6
alpha = 0.5
while 1:
grad_x = grad_y = 0
dist = 0
for x1, y1 in positions:
a = x - x1
b = y - y1
c = sqrt(a * a + b * b)
grad_x += a / (c + 1e-8)
grad_y += b / (c + 1e-8)
dist += c
dx = grad_x * alpha
dy = grad_y * alpha
x -= dx
y -= dy
alpha *= decay
if abs(dx) <= eps and abs(dy) <= eps:
return dist
class Solution {
public double getMinDistSum(int[][] positions) {
int n = positions.length;
double x = 0, y = 0;
for (int[] p : positions) {
x += p[0];
y += p[1];
x /= n;
y /= n;
double decay = 0.999;
double eps = 1e-6;
double alpha = 0.5;
while (true) {
double gradX = 0, gradY = 0;
double dist = 0;
for (int[] p : positions) {
double a = x - p[0], b = y - p[1];
double c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
gradX += a / (c + 1e-8);
gradY += b / (c + 1e-8);
dist += c;
double dx = gradX * alpha, dy = gradY * alpha;
if (Math.abs(dx) <= eps && Math.abs(dy) <= eps) {
return dist;
x -= dx;
y -= dy;
alpha *= decay;
class Solution {
double getMinDistSum(vector<vector<int>>& positions) {
int n = positions.size();
double x = 0, y = 0;
for (auto& p : positions) {
x += p[0];
y += p[1];
x /= n;
y /= n;
double decay = 0.999;
double eps = 1e-6;
double alpha = 0.5;
while (true) {
double gradX = 0, gradY = 0;
double dist = 0;
for (auto& p : positions) {
double a = x - p[0], b = y - p[1];
double c = sqrt(a * a + b * b);
gradX += a / (c + 1e-8);
gradY += b / (c + 1e-8);
dist += c;
double dx = gradX * alpha, dy = gradY * alpha;
if (abs(dx) <= eps && abs(dy) <= eps) {
return dist;
x -= dx;
y -= dy;
alpha *= decay;
func getMinDistSum(positions [][]int) float64 {
n := len(positions)
var x, y float64
for _, p := range positions {
x += float64(p[0])
y += float64(p[1])
x /= float64(n)
y /= float64(n)
const decay float64 = 0.999
const eps float64 = 1e-6
var alpha float64 = 0.5
for {
var gradX, gradY float64
var dist float64
for _, p := range positions {
a := x - float64(p[0])
b := y - float64(p[1])
c := math.Sqrt(a*a + b*b)
gradX += a / (c + 1e-8)
gradY += b / (c + 1e-8)
dist += c
dx := gradX * alpha
dy := gradY * alpha
if math.Abs(dx) <= eps && math.Abs(dy) <= eps {
return dist
x -= dx
y -= dy
alpha *= decay
function getMinDistSum(positions: number[][]): number {
const n = positions.length;
let [x, y] = [0, 0];
for (const [px, py] of positions) {
x += px;
y += py;
x /= n;
y /= n;
const decay = 0.999;
const eps = 1e-6;
let alpha = 0.5;
while (true) {
let [gradX, gradY] = [0, 0];
let dist = 0;
for (const [px, py] of positions) {
const a = x - px;
const b = y - py;
const c = Math.sqrt(a * a + b * b);
gradX += a / (c + 1e-8);
gradY += b / (c + 1e-8);
dist += c;
const dx = gradX * alpha;
const dy = gradY * alpha;
if (Math.abs(dx) <= eps && Math.abs(dy) <= eps) {
return dist;
x -= dx;
y -= dy;
alpha *= decay;