Chef knife plugin to interact with the github enterprise appliance.
You can configure the following attributes within your knife.rb
knife[:github_url] = ''
knife[:github_organizations] = [ 'customer-cookbooks', 'central-cookbooks' ]
knife[:github_link] = 'ssh'
knife[:github_api_version] = 'v3'
knife[:github_ssl_verify_mode] = 'verify_none'
This will be the URL to your local github appliance.
Here you can also use the address if you don't have an internal appliance.
Here you specify the organizations that you want to taget when searching for cookbooks.
The first entry will have priority over the other entries.
You can specify the link type that you would like to use to download your cookbooks, default is ssh.
Options are ssh git http https svn
The current and default version of the api is v3 but this will allow you to target older versions if needed.
The plugin is using the underlying knife http implementation, hence it will have the same options to handle ssl.
Currently the options are: verify_peer verify_none
Cache files will be created into the: ~/.chef directory.
We use cache files to offload the api calls and increase the performance for additional executions.
Updated to any repo inside the organization will cause the cache files to update.
But in case of any problems, the cache files can be safely deleted.