- Added Travis-ci integration.
- Bumped cookbook version.
- Add scan_single_target.rb recipe.
- Add openvasknife.rb recipe.
- Add perl-XML-Twig to openvasknife.rb.
- Fix role example in README.md
- Change gsad to listen on default port 9392.
- Remove port 8080 from openvas_server role.
- Add nmap.rb to install Nmap version 6.
- Add openvas::nmap to openvas_server role run list.
- Fix install of Nmap version 6.
- Install alien package on Redhat.
- Add attribute nasl_no_signature_check to enable NVT signature check.
- Add attribute nasl_no_signature_check to openvas_server role.
- Add missing latex packages on Redhat to export reports in .pdf.
- Add openvasmd -u -v to update_nvt.pl.
- update_nvt.pl now logs to /var/log/openvas/update_nvt.log.
- Add attribute ['openvas']['enable_greenbone_scan_configs']
- Add greenbone_scan_configs recipe.
- Create directory /var/lib/openvas/greenbone_scan_configs.
- Add the 5 default Greenbone scan configs to /var/lib/openvas/greenbone_scan_configs.
- Install Ruby gem openvas-omp.
- Add alien package for Debian/Ubuntu platforms
- Fix auto starting the gsad service.
- Allow user to specify port for gsad service.
NOTE: A workaround was implemented for the gsad service because package libmicrohttpd on Redhat is not compiled with HTTPS support. Workaround starts gsad service with the --http-only and --port cmd line options.
- Added CHANGES.md.
- Added service notifies when templates change.
- Edit README.md.
- Added supported INIT script options for required services.
- Added templates for gsad_log.conf, openvasad_log.conf, openvasmd_log.conf, openvassd.conf, and openvassd.rules config files.
- Added TODO.md.