A platform to publish and develop software for several electronic badges.
/eggs/get/[app]/json - get json data for a the egg named [app]
/eggs/list/json - a list of all eggs with description, revision etc
/eggs/search/[words]/json - json data for search query [words]
/eggs/categories/json - json list of categories
/eggs/category/[cat]/json - json data for category [cat]
/basket/[badge]/list/json - a list of all eggs for specific [badge]
/basket/[badge]/search/[words]/json - [badge] specific search for [words]
/basket/[badge]/categories/json - [badge] specific list of categories
/basket/[badge]/category/[cat]/json - json data for category [cat] on [badge]
App specific
/weather - weather of sha location proxied from darksky.net
/weather/52.3451,5.4581 - weather of specified geolocation proxied
Live version https://badge.team/api