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150 lines (112 loc) · 6.57 KB

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150 lines (112 loc) · 6.57 KB
  • Define const RealComplex{T<:Real} = Union{T,Complex{T}} and use better names for Reals, Floats and Complexes.

  • In using LinearAlgebra, norm(z,1) is defined as the sum of the absolute values of the elements of the complex-valued array z while norm(z,Inf) is defined as the maximum absolute value of the elements of the complex-valued array z .

  • Fix doc. about the type argument for vnorm2(x), etc.

  • promote_multiplier should have 2 different behaviors: to allow for using BLAS routines, all multipliers must be converted to complexes if array arguments are complex-valued.

  • Remove file test/common.jl.

  • Rationalize exceptions and error messages.

  • Separate simplifications (like inv(A)*A -> Id) and optimizations (like multiplying two diagonal operators yields a single diagonal operator), perhaps via methods simplify(X) and optimize(X) with X a construction of mappings.

  • Deprecate is_same_mapping in favor of are_same_mappings and is_same_mutable_object in favor of are_same_objects which is more general.

    @deprecate is_same_mapping are_same_mappings
    are_same_objects(::Any, ::Any) = false # always false if types are different
    are_same_objects(a::T, b::T) where T =
        (T.mutable ? pointer_from_objref(a) === pointer_from_objref(b) : a === b)

    The above implementation does exactly what does === so it is not needed. Discuss extending are_same_mappings for any derived mapping type. Method are_same_mapping should default to === but may be extended for special cases like FFT operators. The documentation should explain when are_same_mapping has to be extended.

  • Optimize composition of cropping and zero-padding operators. The adjoint of a cropping or zero-padding operator is the pseudo-inverse of the operator, hence extend the pinv method. If input and ouput dimnesions are the same (and offsets are all zeros), a cropping/zero-padding operator is the identity.

  • vscale! can call rmul!?

  • Implement preconditioned conjugate gradient.

  • Simplify left/right multiplication of a sparse/diagonal operator by a diagonal operator. Same thing for sparse interpolator. Take care of scaling by a multiplier (otherwise this makes little sense).

  • Automatically simplify composition of diagonal operators.

  • Do not make A*x equivalent to A(x) for non-linear mappings.

  • Provide means to convert a sparse operator to a regular array or to a sparse matrix and reciprocally. Use BLAS/LAPACK routines for sparse operators?

  • Write an implementation of the L-BFGS operator and of the SR1 operator and perhaps of other low-rank operators.

  • Use more extensively BLAS subroutines. Fix usage of BLAX dot and axpy routines for dense arrays (use flat arrays).

  • SelfAdjoint should not be a trait? Perhaps better to extend adjoint(A::T) = A when T is self-adjoint.

  • Provide simplification rules for sums and compositions of diagonal operators (which are also easy to invert).

  • Add rules so that the composition of two scaled linear operators, say (αA)⋅(βB), automatically yields ((αβ)A)⋅B when A is a linear mapping. This cannot easily propagate to have, e.g. (αA)⋅(βB)⋅(γC) automatically yields ((αβγ)A)⋅B⋅C when A and B are linear mappings. Perhaps this could be solved with some simplify(...) method to be applied to constructed mappings. In fact, the solution is to have (αA)⋅(βB) automatically represented (by the magic of the constructors chain) as a scaled composition that is (αβ)(A⋅B) (that is pull the scale factor outside the expression). Indeed, (αA)⋅(βB)⋅(γC) will then automatically becomes (αβ)(A⋅B)⋅(γC) and then (αβγ)(A⋅B⋅C) with no additional efforts.

    • α*A => A if α = 1

    • α*A => O if α = 0 with O the null mapping which is represented as 0 times a mapping, here A. This is needed to know the result of applying the null mapping. In other words, there is no universal neutral element for the addition of mappings; whereas the identity Id is the universal neutral element for the composition of mappings.

    • A*(β*B) => β*(A*B) if A is a a linear mapping.

    • (α*A)*(β*B) => (α*β)*(A*B) if A is a linear mapping.

    • As a consequence of the above rules, (α*A)*(β*B)*(γ*C) => (α*βγ*)*(A*B*C) if A and B are linear mappings, and so on.

    • α\A => (1/α)*A

    • A/(β*B) => β\(A/B) if A is a linear mapping.

    • (α*A)/(β*B) => (α/β)*(A/B) if A is a linear mapping.

    • A\(β*B) => β*(A\B) if A is a linear mapping.

    • (α*A)\(β*B) => (β/α)*(A\B) if A is a linear mapping.

    • (α*Id)*A => α*A where Id is the identity.

    • A/A, A\A, or inv(A)*A => Id for A invertible (this trait means that A can be safely assumed invertible, possibilities: Invertible, NonInvertible to trigger an error on attempt to invert, PossiblyInvertible for mappings that may be invertible but not always and for which it is too costly to check. For intance, checking for a uniform scaling (α*Id) is trivial as it suffices to check whether α is non-zero).

  • Concrete implementation of mappings on arrays is not consistent for complex valued arrays.

  • Decide that, unless forbidden, inv is always possible (may be clash when trying to apply). Or decide the opposite.

  • Optimize FiniteDifferences for other multipliers.

  • Make a demo like:

    using LazyAlgebra
    psf = read_image("psf.dat")
    dat = read_image("data.dat")
    wgt = read_image("weights.dat")
    µ = 1e-3 # choose regularization level
    .... # deal with sizes, zero-padding, or cropping etc.
    F = FFTOperator(dat)    # make a FFT operator to work with arrays similar to dat
    # Build instrumental model H (convolution by the PSF)
    H = F\Diag(F*ifftshift(psf))*F
    W = Diag(wgt)           # W is the precision matrix for independent noise
    D = Diff()              # D will be used for the regularization
    A = H'*W*H + µ*D'*D     # left hand-side matrix of the normal equations
    b = H'*W*y              # right hand-side vector of the normal equations
    img = conjgrad(A, b)    # solve the normal equations using linear conjugate gradients
    save_image(img, "result.dat")

    Notes: (1) D'*D is automatically simplified into a HalfHessian construction whose application to a vector, say x, is faster than D'*(D*x)). (2) The evaluation of H'*W*H automatically uses the least temporary workspace(s).

  • Replace Coder by using available meta-programming tools.