A docker image where you can run a judge program (eval.c
) and a converter for multiple sequence alignment (decode_cigar.py
This repostiory also provides a sample solver (sample_solver.py
日本語版 も公開しています。
- For Windows
- Windows Subsystem for Linux 2 (WSL2)
- Docker Desktop for Windows WSL 2 backend
- Note: this document expects you run all the commands on terminal of Ubuntu on WSL2.
- For MacOS
- For Linux
Prepare very small sample data
cd <your working directory for genocon2021> mkdir -p data/very-small-sample echo "ACACAGCGGCGACC\nACACAGCGG-GACC" > data/very-small-sample/answer.txt echo "ACACAGCGGCGACC\nACACAGCGGGACC" > data/very-small-sample/output.txt echo "ACACAGCGGCGACC\n> 0 3=1XT10=\n< 0 14=\n< 0 9=1D4=\n< 0 14=\n< 0 14=\n< 0 9=1D4=\n=\n" > data/very-small-sample/testcase.txt
Confirm the judge program works well with the sample output data
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 ./eval data/very-small-sample/answer.txt data/very-small-sample/output.txt
The following result is shown:
raw_score: 27 final_score (raw_score / 100): 0
Run the sample solver with
to generatedata/very-small-sample/sample-output.txt
If you run Python 3 on your local PC
python3 sample_solver.py data/very-small-sample/testcase.txt > data/very-small-sample/sample-output.txt
If you run Python 3 on Docker container
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 python3 sample_solver.py data/very-small-sample/testcase.txt > data/very-small-sample/sample-output.txt
Run the judge program with the output data of the sample solver
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 ./eval data/very-small-sample/answer.txt data/very-small-sample/sample-output.txt
The following result is shown:
raw_score: -72 final_score (raw_score / 100): 0
Run YOUR solver with
to generatedata/very-small-sample/your-output.txt
Run the judge program with the output data of YOUR solver
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 ./eval data/very-small-sample/answer.txt data/very-small-sample/your-output.txt
directorycd <your working directory for genocon2021> mkdir -p data
(Please see the topic on 2021/9/11 in https://atcoder.jp/contests/genocon2021) -
(e.g.tar -xvf src_genocon2021.tar.gz
) -
directory intodata
directory created at the step 1 (e.g.mv src_genocon2021/dat <your working directory for genocon2021>/data/
) -
Confirm the judge program works well with the sample output data
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 ./eval data/dat/gen1_small_10.answer.txt data/dat/gen1_small_10.output.txt
The following result is shown:
raw_score: 59948 final_score (raw_score / 100): 599
Run the sample solver with
to generatedata/dat/gen1_small_10.output.txt
If you run Python 3 on your local PC
python3 sample_solver.py data/dat/gen1_small_10.testcase.txt > data/dat/sample-output.txt
If you run Python 3 on Docker container
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 python3 sample_solver.py data/dat/gen1_small_10.testcase.txt > data/dat/sample-output.txt
Run the judge program with the output data of the sample solver
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 ./eval data/dat/gen1_small_10.answer.txt data/dat/sample-output.txt
The following result is shown:
raw_score: 44560 final_score (raw_score / 100): 445
Run YOUR program with
to generatedata/dat/your-output.txt
Run the judge program with YOUR output data
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 ./eval data/dat/gen1_small_10.answer.txt data/dat/your-output.txt
docker run --rm -v $(pwd)/data:/app/data exkazuu/genocon2021 python3 decode_cigar.py data/very-small-sample/testcase.txt > msa.txt
(e.g.less msa.txt
clang-format -i eval.c && npx prettier -w README*.md
docker build -t exkazuu/genocon2021 . && docker push exkazuu/genocon2021
BSD 3-Clause License