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GitHub Action run
cpu model: Intel(R) Xeon(R) Platinum 8259CL CPU @ 2.50GHz
platform: Linux-5.15.0-1071-aws-x86_64-with-glibc2.31
raw results
Geometric mean: 1.138x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.07x faster at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: 1.13x
missing benchmarks: aiohttp, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, gunicorn, mypy2, tornado_http
new benchmarks: connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers
📈time plot
Geometric mean: 1.092x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.06x faster at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: 1.13x
missing benchmarks: aiohttp, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, gunicorn, tornado_http
new benchmarks: connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, sqlalchemy_declarative, sqlalchemy_imperative, subparsers
📈time plot
Geometric mean: 1.092x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.04x faster at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: 1.11x
missing benchmarks: aiohttp, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, gunicorn, html5lib, mypy2, tornado_http
new benchmarks: connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, subparsers
📈time plot
Geometric mean: 1.053x faster (HPT: reliability of 100.00%, 1.02x faster at 99th %ile)
Memory usage: 1.10x
missing benchmarks: aiohttp, chameleon, dask, flaskblogging, gunicorn, html5lib, tornado_http
new benchmarks: connected_components, k_core, many_optionals, shortest_path, sphinx, sqlalchemy_declarative, sqlalchemy_imperative, subparsers
📈time plot
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