diff --git a/examples/documentation/chapters/textnotes.tex b/examples/documentation/chapters/textnotes.tex index 6ef2c18..bcdad9a 100644 --- a/examples/documentation/chapters/textnotes.tex +++ b/examples/documentation/chapters/textnotes.tex @@ -154,5 +154,7 @@ \section{Marginlisting} \end{marginlisting} \end{verbatim} +Since we are here, let me spend a few words about listsings. Thanks to contributions from \href{https://github.com/fmarotta/kaobook/pull/225}{Kazuhiko Sakaguchi}, kaobook now supports both \Package{listings} and \Package{minted}. Just pass the option \Option{listing=listings} or \Option{listing=minted} when you load the \Class{kaobook} class, and the appropriate pacakge will be loaded. + Not only textual stuff can be displayed in the margin, but also figures. Those will be the focus of the next chapter.