diff --git a/.pre-commit-config.yaml b/.pre-commit-config.yaml index 4e256efb..11406afc 100644 --- a/.pre-commit-config.yaml +++ b/.pre-commit-config.yaml @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ repos: - id: trailing-whitespace - repo: https://github.com/astral-sh/ruff-pre-commit - rev: "v0.1.6" + rev: "v0.1.8" hooks: - id: ruff args: [--exit-non-zero-on-fix] diff --git a/deptry/stdlibs.py b/deptry/stdlibs.py index d20d8209..72384eda 100644 --- a/deptry/stdlibs.py +++ b/deptry/stdlibs.py @@ -8,444 +8,440 @@ from __future__ import annotations STDLIBS_PYTHON = { - "38": frozenset( - { - "__future__", - "_ast", - "_dummy_thread", - "_thread", - "abc", - "aifc", - "argparse", - "array", - "ast", - "asynchat", - "asyncio", - "asyncore", - "atexit", - "audioop", - "base64", - "bdb", - "binascii", - "binhex", - "bisect", - "builtins", - "bz2", - "cProfile", - "calendar", - "cgi", - "cgitb", - "chunk", - "cmath", - "cmd", - "code", - "codecs", - "codeop", - "collections", - "colorsys", - "compileall", - 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"symtable", + "sys", + "sysconfig", + "syslog", + "tabnanny", + "tarfile", + "telnetlib", + "tempfile", + "termios", + "test", + "textwrap", + "threading", + "time", + "timeit", + "tkinter", + "token", + "tokenize", + "trace", + "traceback", + "tracemalloc", + "tty", + "turtle", + "turtledemo", + "types", + "typing", + "unicodedata", + "unittest", + "urllib", + "uu", + "uuid", + "venv", + "warnings", + "wave", + "weakref", + "webbrowser", + "winreg", + "winsound", + "wsgiref", + "xdrlib", + "xml", + "xmlrpc", + "zipapp", + "zipfile", + "zipimport", + "zlib", + "zoneinfo", + }), } diff --git a/deptry/violations/dep001_missing/finder.py b/deptry/violations/dep001_missing/finder.py index e2e41625..f4ed81df 100644 --- a/deptry/violations/dep001_missing/finder.py +++ b/deptry/violations/dep001_missing/finder.py @@ -34,14 +34,12 @@ def find(self) -> list[Violation]: return missing_dependencies def _is_missing(self, module: Module) -> bool: - if any( - [ - module.package is not None, - module.is_provided_by_dependency, - module.is_provided_by_dev_dependency, - module.local_module, - ] - ): + if any([ + module.package is not None, + module.is_provided_by_dependency, + module.is_provided_by_dev_dependency, + module.local_module, + ]): return False if module.name in self.ignored_modules: diff --git a/deptry/violations/dep003_transitive/finder.py b/deptry/violations/dep003_transitive/finder.py index c264034c..a23c7718 100644 --- a/deptry/violations/dep003_transitive/finder.py +++ b/deptry/violations/dep003_transitive/finder.py @@ -42,14 +42,12 @@ def find(self) -> list[Violation]: return transitive_dependencies def _is_transitive(self, module: Module) -> bool: - if any( - [ - module.package is None, - module.is_provided_by_dependency, - module.is_provided_by_dev_dependency, - module.local_module, - ] - ): + if any([ + module.package is None, + module.is_provided_by_dependency, + module.is_provided_by_dev_dependency, + module.local_module, + ]): return False if module.name in self.ignored_modules: diff --git a/tests/unit/reporters/test_text.py b/tests/unit/reporters/test_text.py index 06afc824..8fbc578d 100644 --- a/tests/unit/reporters/test_text.py +++ b/tests/unit/reporters/test_text.py @@ -70,9 +70,9 @@ def test_logging_number_multiple(caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: def test_logging_number_single(caplog: LogCaptureFixture) -> None: with caplog.at_level(logging.INFO): - TextReporter( - [DEP001MissingDependencyViolation(Module("foo", package="foo_package"), Location(Path("foo.py"), 1, 2))] - ).report() + TextReporter([ + DEP001MissingDependencyViolation(Module("foo", package="foo_package"), Location(Path("foo.py"), 1, 2)) + ]).report() assert caplog.messages == [ "", diff --git a/tests/unit/test_core.py b/tests/unit/test_core.py index 139ec6ab..4a91aa27 100644 --- a/tests/unit/test_core.py +++ b/tests/unit/test_core.py @@ -66,16 +66,14 @@ def test__get_local_modules( tmp_path: Path, known_first_party: tuple[str, ...], root_suffix: str, expected: set[str] ) -> None: with run_within_dir(tmp_path): - create_files( - [ - Path("module_with_init/__init__.py"), - Path("module_with_init/foo.py"), - Path("module_with_init/subdirectory/__init__.py"), - Path("module_with_init/subdirectory/foo.py"), - Path("module_without_init/bar.py"), - Path("local_file.py"), - ] - ) + create_files([ + Path("module_with_init/__init__.py"), + Path("module_with_init/foo.py"), + Path("module_with_init/subdirectory/__init__.py"), + Path("module_with_init/subdirectory/foo.py"), + Path("module_without_init/bar.py"), + Path("local_file.py"), + ]) assert ( Core( diff --git a/tests/unit/test_python_file_finder.py b/tests/unit/test_python_file_finder.py index 77d5484b..bb8a0a5d 100644 --- a/tests/unit/test_python_file_finder.py +++ b/tests/unit/test_python_file_finder.py @@ -12,15 +12,13 @@ def test_simple(tmp_path: Path) -> None: with run_within_dir(tmp_path): - create_files( - [ - Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), - Path("other_dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("other_dir/subdir/file2.py"), - ] - ) + create_files([ + Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), + Path("other_dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("other_dir/subdir/file2.py"), + ]) files = PythonFileFinder( exclude=(".venv",), extend_exclude=("other_dir",), using_default_exclude=False @@ -38,15 +36,13 @@ def test_only_matches_start(tmp_path: Path) -> None: Test that adding 'subdir' as exclude argument does not also exclude dir/subdir. """ with run_within_dir(tmp_path): - create_files( - [ - Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), - Path("subdir/file1.py"), - Path("subdir/file2.py"), - ] - ) + create_files([ + Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), + Path("subdir/file1.py"), + Path("subdir/file2.py"), + ]) files = PythonFileFinder( exclude=("subdir",), extend_exclude=(), using_default_exclude=False @@ -114,17 +110,15 @@ def test_matches_ipynb(ignore_notebooks: bool, expected: list[Path], tmp_path: P ) def test_regex_argument(exclude: tuple[str], expected: list[Path], tmp_path: Path) -> None: with run_within_dir(tmp_path): - create_files( - [ - Path(".cache/file1.py"), - Path(".cache/file2.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), - Path("other_dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("other_dir/subdir/file2.py"), - ] - ) + create_files([ + Path(".cache/file1.py"), + Path(".cache/file2.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), + Path("other_dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("other_dir/subdir/file2.py"), + ]) files = PythonFileFinder( exclude=exclude, extend_exclude=(), using_default_exclude=False @@ -158,16 +152,14 @@ def test_regex_argument(exclude: tuple[str], expected: list[Path], tmp_path: Pat ) def test_multiple_source_directories(exclude: tuple[str], expected: list[Path], tmp_path: Path) -> None: with run_within_dir(tmp_path): - create_files( - [ - Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), - Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), - Path("other_dir/subdir/file1.py"), - Path("other_dir/subdir/file2.py"), - Path("another_dir/subdir/file1.py"), - ] - ) + create_files([ + Path("dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file2.py"), + Path("dir/subdir/file3.py"), + Path("other_dir/subdir/file1.py"), + Path("other_dir/subdir/file2.py"), + Path("another_dir/subdir/file1.py"), + ]) files = PythonFileFinder( exclude=exclude, extend_exclude=(), using_default_exclude=False @@ -180,9 +172,10 @@ def test_duplicates_are_removed(tmp_path: Path) -> None: with run_within_dir(tmp_path): create_files([Path("dir/subdir/file1.py")]) - files = PythonFileFinder(exclude=(), extend_exclude=(), using_default_exclude=False).get_all_python_files_in( - (Path(), Path()) - ) + files = PythonFileFinder(exclude=(), extend_exclude=(), using_default_exclude=False).get_all_python_files_in(( + Path(), + Path(), + )) assert sorted(files) == [Path("dir/subdir/file1.py")]