▪ | sticky |
✈ | floating |
⇔ | maximized horiz |
⇳ | max vert |
‸ | on top |
mod key +
o | focus_relative | put focus on other screen |
S-o | move_to_screen | move current window to other monitor |
All commands below must also use the Windows Key
j (k) | Cycle focus |
S-j (S-k) | Rotate window location |
o | Send a window to the other monitor |
C-j (C-k) | Move focus to other monitor |
1..9 | move to desktop (tag) |
S-1..9 | send window to desktop |
h (l) | In/decrease window size |
SPACE | Cycle through layouts |
ENTER | Launch terminal |
r | run a program |
C-r | restart |
C-Enter | swap focus |
C-(1-9) | toggle tag view |
S-C-(1-9) | Toggle tag on client |
S-(F1-9) | Tag marked clients with tag |
LEFT | view prev tag |
RIGHT | view next tag |
h/l | (in/de)crease master |
S-h/l | (in/de)crease master |
C-h/l | (in/de)crease non-master |
j/k | focus next/prev window |
S-j/k | move window |
ENTER | open terminal |
r | run |
S-c | close |
W(-S)-SPC | (next/prev) layouts |
C-SPC | toggle floating |
u | focus urgent client |
ESC | focus prev selected tag set |
S-q | quit |
x | lua code prompt |
m/n | maximize/minimize |
f | fullscreen |
t | mark window |
% sudo sed -i ‘s/^theme.wallpaper.*/theme.wallpaper_cmd = { “xsetroot -solid black” }/’ /usr/share/awesome/themes/default/theme.lua
% awesome -k
Need to reboot. Simply restarting awesome isn’t enough!
Say I want to set the ‘Function-F8’ key to mean mute speakers. In:
add an entry like:
awful.key({ modkey, }, "F8",
function ()
awful.util.spawn_with_shell("amixer -q set Master mute")