Library file | Function | Sections | Content | help file |
bmtFiles | bmtFilesFunc | 501-510 | File related | |
Section Five, File
- 501 Check if directory exists and empty
- 502 Make and enter a formatted directory
- 503 Directory exists
- 504 File exists
- 505 Device exists
- 506 File empty
- 507 File size
- 508 File size in bytes
- 509 mime type exists?
- 510 File name extraction
- Make formated directory
The keyword is makedir, First option is path , second is the text appended to end.
bmtFilesFunc makedir "/tmp/" "-TEST"
Output folders are created with following time/date stamp syntax HHMM-DDMONYY-X where X is text from third option. Makes the directory and cds into it Returns 0 for success, 52 if in cannot access or create the directory
- Does directory exist and is it empty
The keyword is isdirempty , the first option is path returns 0 for empty , 2 for not empty , 3 if it does not exist.
bmtFilesFunc isdirempty "$HOME/Desktop/TEST/file/"
- directory exists
returns 0 for success, 2 for failure
bmtFilesFunc directoryexists /tmp/foo
- file exists
returns 0 for success, 2 for failure
bmtFilesFunc fileexists /tmp/foo
- device exists
returns 0 for success, 2 for failure
bmtFilesFunc deviceexists /dev/sda
- Empty File Check if file empty returns 0 if not empty , 2 if empty
bmtFilesFunc isfileempty "/foo/foo.txt"
echo $?
- File size Prints file size and returns 0 if file does not exist returns 2
bmtFilesFunc getfilesize "/foo/foo.txt"
- File Size in bytes Prints file size and returns 0 if file does not exist returns 2
bmtFilesFunc getfilesizebytes "/foo/foo.txt"
- Display mime type of input file Returns 4 If file/directory does not exist. , 3 If file or mimetype command not found in system. 2 if missing arguments, 0 for success.
bmtFilesFunc getmimetype "$TESTOBJECTS/full.txt" >> /tmp/mytempfile123.txt
echo $?
- File name extraction Returns 0 for success, 2 for missing arguments , 3 for wrong 2nd argument value, 4 for missing file extension
- Param1 Filepath
- Param2 1-4 1 for filename, 2 for basename, 3 for extension ,4 for folder path
bmtFilesFunc filename "/foo/foo123/tv.png" 4
echo " :: Folder name $?"