Follow the guide shown below to deploy the Harbor operators and the relevant dependant services.
[Cert-Manager] is used to manage the related certificates of Harbor. Use the following command to install:
# Kubernetes 1.15+
$ kubectl apply --validate=false -f
Deployed Harbor services are exposed with ingress way. An ingress controller should be installed in the target K8s cluster. Nginx ingress controller is regular option. Based on your environment, follow the guide shown here to install it.
A kustomization template is provided to install all the related operators required by deploying all-in-one harbor cluster. Use the command shown below to start the installation:
kubectl apply -f manifests/all-in-one.yaml
kustomize build manifests/ | kubectl apply -f -
Use K8s delete command and the deployment manifest to uninstall all resources of operators.
kubectl delete -f manifests/all-in-one.yaml
- Follow guide shown here to deploy harbor operators on the local cluster (kind) and deploy sample Harbor with in-cluster dependant services
- Follow guide shown here to deploy harbor operators and deploy sample Harbor with external services
- Follow sample deployment guide to deploy a sample Harbor