title | weight |
Configure Harbor User Settings |
65 |
User settings are configured separately from the system settings. You can change user settings in the Harbor interface, through HTTP requests, or using an environment variable. This page describes the available user settings, and how to use the commandline or environment variable to update user settings.
See the Managing Users section for more information about updating user settings through the Harbor interface.
Add a new user in the local database:
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki <Harbor Server URL>/api/v2.0/configurations -d'{"<item_name>":"<item_value>"}'
Get the current configuration:
curl -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki <Harbor Server URL>/api/v2.0/configurations
Update Harbor to use LDAP authentication:
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/v2.0/configurations -d'{"auth_mode":"ldap_auth"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 08:22:02 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: sid=a5803a1265e2b095cf65ce1d8bbd79b1; Path=/; HttpOnly
Restrict project creation to Harbor administrators:
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/v2.0/configurations -d'{"project_creation_restriction":"adminonly"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 08:24:32 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: sid=b7925eaf7af53bdefb13bdcae201a14a; Path=/; HttpOnly
Update the token expiration time:
curl -X PUT -u "<username>:<password>" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -ki https://harbor.sample.domain/api/v2.0/configurations -d'{"token_expiration":"300"}'
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Server: nginx
Date: Wed, 08 May 2019 08:23:38 GMT
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 0
Connection: keep-alive
Set-Cookie: sid=cc1bc93ffa2675253fc62b4bf3d9de0e; Path=/; HttpOnly
Introduced in 2.3.0 is the ability to use an environment variable, CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON
, in the core container to configure user settings. Once the CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON
variable is set, you can only update or remove settings by updating the CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON
and restarting the container. You will not be able to update user settings in the Harbor interface or in the commandline.
Example CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON configuration:
CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON={"ldap_verify_cert":"false", "auth_mode":"ldap_auth","ldap_base_dn":"dc=example,dc=com", "ldap_search_dn":"cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com","ldap_search_password":"admin","ldap_url":"myldap.example.com", "ldap_scope":2}
See the user settings table below for more information about available inputs for CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON
{{< note >}}
If there is a legacy user in your instance of Harbor, the authentication mode can’t be changed by the environment variable CONFIG_OVERWRITE_JSON
{{< /note >}}
Configure item name | Description | Type | Required | Default Value |
auth_mode | Authentication mode, it can be db_auth, ldap_auth, uaa_auth or oidc_auth | string | ||
email_from | Email from | string | required (email feature) | |
email_host | Email server | string | required (email feature) | |
email_identity | Email identity | string | optional (email feature) | |
email_password | Email password | string | required (email feature) | |
email_insecure | Email verify certificate, true or false | boolean | optional (email feature) | false |
email_port | Email server port | number | required (email feature) | |
email_ssl | Email SSL | boolean | optional | false |
email_username | Email username | string | required (email feature) | |
ldap_url | LDAP URL | string | required | |
ldap_base_dn | LDAP base DN | string | required(ldap_auth) | |
ldap_filter | LDAP filter | string | optional | |
ldap_scope | LDAP search scope, 0-Base Level, 1- One Level, 2-Sub Tree | number | optional | 2-Sub Tree |
ldap_search_dn | LDAP DN to search LDAP users | string | required(ldap_auth) | |
ldap_search_password | LDAP DN's password | string | required(ldap_auth) | |
ldap_timeout | LDAP connection timeout | number | optional | 5 |
ldap_uid | LDAP attribute to indicate the username in Harbor | string | optional | cn |
ldap_verify_cert | Verify cert when create SSL connection with LDAP server, true or false | boolean | optional | true |
ldap_group_admin_dn | LDAP Group Admin DN | string | optional | |
ldap_group_attribute_name | LDAP Group Attribute, the LDAP attribute indicate the groupname in Harbor, it can be gid or cn | string | optional | cn |
ldap_group_base_dn | The Base DN which to search the LDAP groups | string | required(ldap_auth and LDAP group) | |
ldap_group_search_filter | The filter to search LDAP groups | string | optional | |
ldap_group_search_scope | LDAP group search scope, 0-Base Level, 1- One Level, 2-Sub Tree | number | optional | 2-Sub Tree |
ldap_group_membership_attribute | LDAP group membership attribute, to indicate the group membership, it can be memberof, or ismemberof | string | optional | memberof |
project_creation_restriction | The option to indicate user can be create object, it can be everyone, adminonly | string | optional | everyone |
read_only | The option to set repository read only, it can be true or false | boolean | optional | false |
self_registration | User can register account in Harbor, it can be true or false | boolean | optional | true |
token_expiration | Security token expirtation time in minutes | number | optional | 30 |
uaa_client_id | UAA client ID | string | required(uaa_auth) | |
uaa_client_secret | UAA certificate | string | required(uaa_auth) | |
uaa_endpoint | UAA endpoint | string | required(uaa_auth) | |
uaa_verify_cert | UAA verify cert, true or false | boolean | optional | true |
oidc_name | Name for OIDC authentication | string | required(oidc_auth) | |
oidc_endpoint | Endpoint for OIDC auth | string | required(oidc_auth) | |
oidc_extra_redirect_parms | Extra parameters to add when redirect request to OIDC provider | string | optional | {} |
oidc_client_id | Client id for OIDC auth | string | required(oidc_auth) | |
oidc_client_secret | Client secret for OIDC auth | string | required(oidc_auth) | |
oidc_groups_claim | The name of a custom group claim that you have configured in your OIDC provider, that includes the groups to add to Harbor | string | optional | |
oidc_admin_group | The name of the admin group, if the ID token of the user shows that he is a member of this group, the user will have admin privilege in Harbor. Note: You can only set one Admin Group. | string | optional | |
oidc_scope | Scope for OIDC auth | string | required(oidc_auth) | |
oidc_verify_cert | Verify certificate for OIDC auth, true or false | boolean | optional | true |
oidc_auto_onboard | Skip the onboarding screen, so user cannot change its username. Username is provided from ID Token, true or false | boolean | optional | false |
oidc_user_claim | The name of the claim in the ID Token where the username is retrieved from | string | optional | name |
robot_token_duration | Robot token expiration time in minutes | number | optional | 43200 (30days) |
{{< note >}}
Both booleans and numbers can be enclosed with double quote in the request json, for example: 123
, "123"
, "true"
or true
is OK.
{{< /note >}}