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Neil Fraser edited this page Apr 30, 2018 · 19 revisions

Developers of Blockly Games need to build the project in order to make changes.

Get the Code

First, download the source code. Git is the easiest:

git clone

Or use Subversion:

svn checkout

Or just download a ZIP:

Get the Dependencies

Enter the Blockly Games directory you just created, and get/build the dependencies (Closure is the main one):

cd blockly-games/
make deps

If make deps fails with an error, try running it again and see if it gets farther. Pulling code from Github can sometimes be flaky.

Build English

The next step is to build all the English versions of the applications:

make en

There shouldn't be any errors.

Build all Languages

Optionally, you might wish to build all the languages, not just English. Be warned that this takes approximately 4 hours, so this may be something you should do overnight.

make languages

Build one Game

While developing a game, it is nice to be able to quickly recompile only the English version of a single game. Here are the build commands for the existing games:

make index-en
make puzzle-en
make maze-en
make bird-en
make turtle-en
make movie-en
make music-en
make pond-docs-en
make pond-tutor-en
make pond-duck-en
make gallery-en

The previously mentioned make en is just a shortcut for all the above commands.

Test Locally

Point a browser at blockly-games/appengine/index.html?lang=en and you should see all the games.

You may notice in the browser's console that there's a failed request for file:///common/storage.js on every game page. That's normal, storage is only available when run on App Engine.

Debug Mode

To avoid having to recompile after small changes, visit /admin (or blockly-games/appengine/admin.html if being served directly off a file system) to switch to uncompressed mode.

Now you can just press reload in the browser to get the latest version after most changes. Note that edits to the Closure Templates (*.soy) and changes to dependencies (goog.require) still require a recompile.

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