The dataset is an extension of the Wizard of Tasks dataset introduced by Choi et al (2022). We create it for task-specific retrieval-augmented question answering. We aim to simulate a TaskBot QA system that can reason across task and conversation history to handle dynamic information requests. Please find our paper here.
The dataset contains 826 different questions. It contains
- 364 Cooking Questions
- 465 DIY Question
Each question was originally crowdsourced by crowdworkers by Choi et al. We use the following information they include in each question and answer turn.
- question text
- free-text intent label
- binary relevancy label
- binary usefulness label
Each conversation includes the following useful information:
- document_url including a link to the current task
We combine the user question turn with next the answer turn by the agent to result in the following information:
- question text
- answer text
- binary answer usefulness
- binary answer relevancy
- document_url
- Remove non-question utterances by crowd worker annotation -> 4251 QA pairs
- Filter out questions that are not internal by crowd worker answer intent annotation and external links linked -> 1589 QA pairs
- Drop all questions that are not useful or relevant by crowd worker annotation -> 1337 QA pairs
- Scrape all content from pages from linked document_url -> successful for 1109 QA pairs
- Annotation step to remove inconsistently labelled QA pairs which require common or external knowledge -> 827 QA pairs
We include the following new fields for each QA pair:
- conversation_id
- question_id
- task title
- task steps
- task ingredients
- task description
- task domain (cooking or diy)
- annotated extracted answer span from context
- annotated question type labels from one or more of 7 question categories (confirmation, complex, causal, listing, history, navigation)
- data_split (if the question belongs to train, validation or test)
- history of the conversation before the question (in the format "student: ... | teacher: ..."), if applicable
An QA pair therefore contains the following fields:
"conversation_id": "",
"question_id": "",
"question": "",
"original_answer": "", # from original WoT crowd workers
"extracted_answer": "",
"document_url": "",
"task_data": {
"title": "",
"steps": [],
"ingredients": [],
"description": ""
"domain": "",
"question_type": [],
"data_split: "",
"intent_question": "", # from original WoT annotations
"intent_answer": "", # from original WoT annotations
"history": ""
We share all data split into train, validation and test split in the three following files:
- train.json
- validation.json
- test.json
Count | |
Test | 412 |
Train | 248 |
Validation | 167 |
If you use WoTe, please cite the following paper:
title={GRILLBot In Practice: Lessons and Tradeoffs Deploying Large Language Models for Adaptable Conversational Task Assistants},
author={Sophie Fischer and Carlos Gemmell and Niklas Tecklenburg and Iain Mackie and Federico Rossetto and Jeffrey Dalton},