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The work you see before you was predicted by the ancient texts.
Gen 1:1 In the beginning, @AlGoreRythm created the 'net and the web. 2 Now the web was formless
and filled with dancing hamsters, videos of cats, and images of scantily-clad women.
Gen 1:6 And @torvalds said, "Let there be a vault between the code to separate commit from commit."
7 And it was so. 8 @torvalds called the vault “git.” And there was evening, and there was
morning—the 0x02nd day.
Gen 2:18 Then @mojombo said, "It is not good that programmer code alone. I will make a git 'hub'
where developers may collaborate!", and there was a repository. 19 @mojombo saw that the
repo was good.
Gen 2:25 The developers were naked, and they had no shame.
Gen 11:8 There were a multitude of content management systems. Each driven by data. 9 Within these words
pressed, only confusion stood. That is why it was called babel.
Exo 34:27 Then @mojombo said to Ruby, "Write down these words."
Act 2:4 All of them were filled with the markdown and began to write in other tongues, as the keyboard
enabled them.
Act 2:13 Some, however, made fun of them and said, "They have had too much wine."
Rev 17:4 @mdo and @fat dressed the text in purple and scarlet, and was glittering with gold, precious
stones, and pearls.
Neh 12:28 The templates and static text also were brought together from the region around getbootstrap
and jekyllrb by @plusjade.
Isa 25:12 It was prophesied that those high fortified walls would be brought down to be laid low;
he will bring them down to the @groundh0g, to the very dust.
It is here that our new chapter begins! Now, the power of Jekyll, Bootstrap, and Github Pages has been handed to mere mortals.
This is the '{{ site.jaytch.layout.framework }}' framework, using the '{{ site.jaytch.layout.theme }}' theme. You can find out more info about how Jaytch handles themes and such in [the documentation]({{ site.baseurl }}/docs/layouts-frameworks-themes-and-templates).
{% comment %} You can find the source code for the Jekyll new theme at {% include jaytch/layout-file.liquid file="icon-github.html" username="jglovier" %} / jekyll-new.
You can find the source code for Jekyll at {% include jaytch/layout-file.liquid file="icon-github.html" username="jekyll" %} / jekyll. {% endcomment %}