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Expose Kubernetes services over HTTPS with Ngrok

Have you ever wanted to expose a Kubernetes service running on Minikube on the internet and have a temporary HTTPS address for it? If so then Ngrok is a great fit to do that without any firewall, NAT or DNS configurations. If you are developing an application that works with webhooks or oauth callbacks Ngrok can create a tunnel between your Kubernetes service and their cloud platform and provide you with a unique HTTPS URL that you can use to test and debug your service.

I've made a Helm chart that you can use to deploy Ngrok on Kubernetes by specifying a ClusterIP service that will get exposed on the internet.

What follows is a step-by-step guide on how you can use Ngrok as a reverse proxy to receive GitHub notifications via webhooks in an application hosted on your local Minikube.

Deploy a webhook receiver

In order to receive notifications from GitHub you need a web application that exposes a HTTP POST endpoint and accepts a JSON payload. Podinfo is a tiny web app made with Go that can receive any kind of payload on the /echo route. Let's deploy podinfo using Helm.

If you don't have Helm running on your Kubernetes cluster here is how you can set it up.

First install Helm CLI:

brew install kubernetes-helm

Create a service account for Tiller:

kubectl -n kube-system create sa tiller

Create a cluster role binding for Tiller:

kubectl create clusterrolebinding tiller-cluster-rule \
    --clusterrole=cluster-admin \

Deploy Tiller in kube-system namespace:

helm init --skip-refresh --upgrade --service-account tiller

The podinfo and ngrok charts are hosted on GitHub. Add the k8s-podinfo repo:

helm repo add sp

Install podinfo:

helm install sp/podinfo --name webhook 

This deploys podinfo in the default namespace and creates a ClusterIP service with the address webhook-podinfo:9898.

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
    app: podinfo
    chart: podinfo-0.1.0
    heritage: Tiller
    release: webhook
  name: webhook-podinfo
  namespace: default
  - name: http
    port: 9898
    protocol: TCP
    targetPort: http
    app: podinfo
    release: webhook
  type: ClusterIP

Deploy Ngrok

Before you begin go to and register for a free account.

Ngrok will create a token for you, use it when installing the Ngrok chart.

Install Ngrok by specifying the ClusterIP address you want to expose:

$ helm install sp/ngrok --name tunnel \
  --set token=NGROK-TOKEN \
  --set service.type=NodePort \
  --set expose.service=webhook-podinfo:9898

The above command deploys Ngrok in the default namespace and exposes the Ngrok web UI on a random node port. Find the port with:

kubectl get --namespace default -o jsonpath="{.spec.ports[0].nodePort}" services tunnel-ngrok

Now open a browser and navigate to http://<KUBE-IP>:<NGROK-PORT>/status. On the status page you should see the public HTTPS address generated by Ngrok.

Use curl to test if you can reach podinfo /echo route:

curl -d '{"message": "testing ngrok"}'

On the status page you should see that the total number of connections has increased.

Ngrok Status

Setup GitHub webhook

Go to GitHub and create a new repository or use one that you already have. On your repo page go to Settings -> Webhooks -> Add Webhook and enter the Ngrok HTTPS URL adding /echo at the end:

GitHub Webhook

For Content-type select application/json, check Send me everything and click on Add webhook.

Once you hit the add button GitHub will make a call to the /echo URL. Using Ngrok web UI you can inspect the GitHub payload. Navigate to http://<KUBE-IP>:<NGROK-PORT>/inspect/http and you should see the request body:

Ngrok Inspect

Ngrok not only makes it very easy to expose Kubernetes services on the internet but also gives a powerful tool to inspect the traffic to your applications.

You can tear all down by deleting the Helm releases with:

helm delete --purge tunnel webhook