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93 lines (70 loc) · 3.7 KB

File metadata and controls

93 lines (70 loc) · 3.7 KB


  1. Check for existing issues and confirm that it has not been already fixed in the master branch
  2. Fork the repo and clone it locally
  3. Create a new branch for your contribution
  4. Add tests
  • Running with mocha under node tests run with npm test
  • npm run test_cover will generate a coverage report under the coverage directory
  • Running with karma using browser tests run with npm run test_browser
  1. Push to your fork and submit a pull request

Updating package.json dependencies

  1. npm prune
  2. npm install
  3. npm outdated --depth=0
  4. Update version numbers repeat 2-4, until only three packages are listed
  1. Update superagent in src/client/lib/superagent see src/client/lib/superagent/UPGRADE
  2. Update q cp node_modules/q/q.js src/client/lib/q/q.js


  • npm run will print all available commands
  • npm start starts the webgme web server
  • node node_modules\nodemon\bin\nodemon.js src\bin\start_server.js restarts server on file changes
  • node node_modules/plato/bin/plato -r -d report -l .jshintrc -t "WebGME" -x "(src\\client\\(lib|bower_components)\\.*|src\\server\\middleware\\executor\\worker\\node_modules\\.*|src\\client\\js\\Merge\\angular.min.js|.*|.*jszip.js|.*sax.js|.*jjv.js|.*sha1.js|.*canon.js|.*ejs.js|.*decoratorSVG.js)" src static code analysis

For any commands the DEBUG environment variable can be set. Examples are given for npm test command.

Platform specifics:

  • *nix $ DEBUG=* npm test
  • Windows set DEBUG=* & npm test

Examples are given for Windows:

  • set DEBUG=gme:* & npm test
  • set DEBUG=gme:*,-gme:*worker* & npm test
  • set DEBUG=gme:*storage*,superagent* & npm test
  • set DEBUG=gme:*storage*,socket-io* & npm test
  • set DEBUG=gme:standalone*,express* & npm test
  • set DEBUG=gme:*plugin* & npm test

To test and develop the API use the following commands

  • node node_modules\aglio\bin\aglio.js --input src\server\api\ --server live preview of the online documentation of the api blueprint
  • node node_modules\api-mock\bin\api-mock src\server\api\ serves the api according the blueprint

Note: when you have finished verify that the api documentation is available if you run the webgme server at http://localhost:8888/developer/api

Development guidelines

  • Configure your editor to use .jshintrc and .jscsrc
  • Don't update the version in package.json, the webgme package maintainers will do it
/*jshint node: true*/
/*jshint browser: true*/
/*jshint node: true, mocha: true*/

Always declare your globals at the top of the source.

/*globals define, requirejs*/

Use JSDoc syntax to annotate source code with documentation, eg. specify authors as:

 * @author <your_github_username> /<your_github_username>


Creating a release

This section is for maintainers of webgme. Update file using github_changelog_generator (Note: a single run eats up to 1500 requests, the rate limit is 5000/hour)

  • New release: github_changelog_generator --future-release <next_release> -t <your_github_token>
  • Generating for existing releases: github_changelog_generator --no-unreleased -t <your_github_token>
  • For more information see: github_changelog_generator --help