Releases: hmlendea/iptv-playlist-aggregator
2.7.0 - Country-based matching and tags
- Added the
property to channel definitions - Added the
property to providers - Added the
tag to the output playlist - Improved channel matching (1)
- Renamed the
provider proprty toAllowCaching
- Disallowed caching for some GitHub providers
Pull requests included in this release: #51
(1): The provider's and the channel definition's countries will be used in the channel matching process, if set
2.6.3 - Channel matching and source checking improvements
- Blacklisted non-HTTP and YouTube media source URLs
- Improved channel matching
- Added more channel aliases
- Tweaked some channel data
- Retired some dead providers
- Added some new providers
- Added extra links to some proivders
Pull requests included in this release: #50
2.6.2 - Data updates
- Added more providers
- Added more channels
Pull requests included in this release: #49
2.6.1 - More channels and providers
- Added more channels
- Added more providers
- Added more channel matching rules
Pull requests included in this release: #48
2.6.0 - Improved channel matching and stream validation
- Removed all DNS resolving and caching features (1)
- Added more channel matching rules
- Added a new provider (cstoicescu/iptv-free-tv)
- Updated the Free-IPTV (GitHub) provider
- Disabled a provider (gitlab-cristy-ro)
- Updated the logos for some channels
- Added a new channel (Antena Stars Direct)
- Added more aliases
Pull requests included in this release: #47
(1): This only caused problems when checking stream statuses, giving a lot of false positives, while also making the code of the application much more complicated than it should be While it was nice to reduce the DNS hits, the disadvantages heavily outweighed the advantages.
2.5.3 - Improved channel matching
- Improved channel matching
Pull requests included in this release: #46
2.5.2 - Data
- Added more channels and aliases
- Increased the cache timeout for streams with the
Pull requests included in this release: #45
2.5.1 - Improved caching and media checking
- Parallelised (again) the channel matching
- Improved hostname resoltion
- Improved media status checking
- Improved and extended caching
- Removed some dead providers
- Added some new providers
- Added some more channels and channel aliases
- Increased the number of days to check to 7 (was 5)
- Skip multi-day checking for providers with fixed URLs
- Updated the UserAgent
- Improved fatal exception logging for AggregateExceptions
- Only download playlists for the current day
Pull requests included in this release: #44 - Fixed network issues
2.5.0 - DNS caching
- Cache all DNS resolutions per session
- Improved channel matching
- Added a few more aliases
- Deprioritised a provider (Vanentin-gif's GitHub) as a fallback provider
Pull requests included in this release: #41