You can use gitpod - click here to launch.
- Installing the CLI in gitpod:
pip install -e .
source <(hpecp autocomplete bash) # setup autocompletion
hpecp configure-cli
pip install --upgrade git+
- First, open a terminal, then run:
/opt/SoapUI-5.5.0/bin/ -m "REST MockService" tests/HPECP-REST-API-SOAPUI.xml
- Open another terminal and install the CLI (see instructions above)
- Configure the cli:
cat > ~/.hpecp.conf <<EOF
api_host = localhost
api_port = 8080
use_ssl = False
verify_ssl = False
warn_ssl = False
username = admin
password = admin123
- Run the cli:
hpecp license platform-id
- You can check the log in the SOAP UI terminal window, e.g.
14:33:30,558 INFO [SoapUIMockServiceRunner] Handled request 1; [/api/v1] with [Login Success] in [0ms] at [2020-06-06 14:33:29.807]
14:33:30,565 INFO [SoapUIMockServiceRunner] Handled request 2; [/api/v1] with [License] in [0ms] at [2020-06-06 14:33:30.563]
- The following mock responses have been defined:
POST /api/v1/login
(create session)GET /api/v1/license
(list licenses)GET /api/v1/role
(list roles)GET /api/v1/role/1
(returns role 1)GET /api/v1/role/99
(returns HTTP 404 - not found)
Numpy docstring format are required:
Docstring formatting is verified with flake8 as Travis build step.
In the Gitpod Terminal:
cd docs/
make clean && make html
open build/html/index.html # (right click and preview file)
In Gitpod IDE:
- Click
View Menu -> Tests
- Right Click
and selectPYTHON
- Click the
Circular Arrow
to find tests - Click the
Play Button
to test
NOTE: click the Python version
in the IDE footer bar to chose a different python version and repeat above steps.
Run all tests for all python versions declared in tox.ini
Run just the Python 2.7 tests
tox -e py27
Run all tests in a specific file:
tox -e py27 -- tests/library/
Run a single test
tox -e py27 -- tests/library/
Aim for 100% test coverage to ensure library will work with all specified python versions.
coverage erase && coverage run --source hpecp,bin test && coverage report -m
pip3 install flake8 flake8-docstrings
flake8 --docstring-convention numpy bin/ hpecp/
flake8 --ignore=D tests/
pip3 install black
# automatically format hpecp folder
black hpecp
- Releasing is done using semantic releases.
- The commit message will determine the release numbering, e.g.
fix(sometext): fix message
- this will call a minor jump e.g. X.Y.Z to X.Y.Z+1feat(sometext): feature message
- this will call a major jump e.g. X.Y.Z to X.Y+1.Z
If you are unable to push from gitpod, naviate to:
Ensure you select:
- write public repos
- read organisations
Click Update and authorize on the gitpub page that opens.