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Project Report


Team Name

6501-Group 6

Team Members

  • Peilin Chen
  • Xinyuan Fu
  • Hanyuan Gao
  • Feilian Dai

Project Information

Project Title

Design Space Exploration for Compressed Deep Convolutional Neural Network on SCALE Sim

Project Description

Quantize convolutional neural network (convolutional layer and feedforward layer) into low-bit and deploy it on the open source platform Systolic CNN AcceLErator Simulator (SCALE Sim) using the best hardware configurations obtained by our design space exploration method.

Key Objectives

  • Quantize convolutional layer and feedforward layer
  • Design space exploration
  • Depoly the quantized model onto SCALE Sim with the optimal hardware configurations and show the effectiveness of our method

Technology Stack

System: Windows and linux systems should all work.

Hardware platform: Systolic CNN AcceLErator Simulator (SCALE Sim).

Software tools: Pytorch, Ubuntu, and SCALE Sim.

Language: Python, Shell.


We are using pytorch for CNN training.

cd  ai-hardware-project-6501-group6
# conda is recommended.
# Download Pytorch. GPU is optional and not required.
conda install pytorch torchvision torchaudio pytorch-cuda=12.4 -c pytorch -c nvidia
# Other module. Pull the newest version.
conda install pandas pillow matplotlib

For scalesim, we have tested a stable version. Use git submodule to download.

git submodule update --init --recursive
cd scale-sim-v2
python3 install

Or you can refer to scale-sim-v2 documantation.

pip3 install scalesim

Hardware Platform: SCALE Sim

SCALE Sim is a simulator for systolic array based accelerators for neural network layers that use General Matrix Multiplications (GEMMs). The overall architecture is shown below.


SCALE Sim takes two files as input from the users. One is the hardware configuration, including systolic array height and width, input feature map (IFMAP) SRAM size, filter SRAM size, output feature map (OFMAP) SRAM size, and dataflow. The other is the convolutional neural network topology (workload). SCALE Sim generates two types of outputs. One is the cycle-accurate traces for SRAM and DRAM. The other is the metrics like cycle counts, hardware utilization, bandwidth
requirement, and total data movement, etc.

The SCALE Sim supports the computation of 8-bit GEMM. So we first try to quantize the CNN into 8-bit (activation: 8-bit, weight: 8-bit). Due to the fact that it is difficult to achieve the best inference performance for a specific CNN given the fixed hardware, we plan to explore the optimal SCALE Sim hardware configuration for different CNNs (that is design space exploration).

Part1: Software, Quantization

Quantization means reducing the bit-width of the model. For example, using 8 bits integer for the weights and activatons.

The CNNs are robust to data precisions. We will show later that CNNs will maintain high accuarcy with low bit width.

We select a typical and popular model LeNet-5 for this part. The application is hand-written digit recognition.

Training for LeNet-5 Neural Network

The LeNet-5 structure is shown below.


LeNet-5 NN has three convolutional layers (C1, C3, and C5), two pooling layers (S2 and S4), and two fully-connected layers (F6 and OUTPUT). The LeNet-5 parameter size can be calculated using the formula below:

C1(1556+6) + C3(65516+16) + C5(5516120+120) + F6(12084) + OUTPUT(84*10) = 61,686

We can see that LeNet-5 is pretty small neural network with only 61K trainable parameters. We have finished the LeNet-5 training process. Please look at the lenet-5_int8_quant folder in this repository to find the training code. To give a clear instruction, we show the structure of this repo below.

  / lenet-5_int8_quant /
             |--- data/
             |--- save_model/
             |                 |--- best_model.pth
             |                 |--- last_model.pth
             |                 \--- quant_model.pth
             |--- weight/
             |          |--- *.bias.txt
             |          |--- *.weight.txt
             |          \--- *_scale_zero.txt
             |--- scale_shift.ipynb

The description for the subfolder:

data: the training and test data (MNIST dataset) are stored in this folder.

save_model: this folder saves the model during the training process and the quantized model.

weight: we report the quantized (int8) weights and quantization-related parameters (scale factor and zero point) in this folder.

We first define the LeNet-5 neural network structure using Pytorch library in Then we train the LeNet-5 NN using MNIST dataset in The training and test batch size are 32 and 1000, respectively. We use the Cross-Entropy Loss function to measure the difference between the predicted probability distribution and the true labels. The optimizer we use is the Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD). The learning rate and momentum are 0.001 and 0.9, respectively. The total training epoch is 50. The training result is shown below.



The first figure depicts the training loss and validation loss during the 50 training epoches. The second figure depicts the training accuracy and validation accuracy during the 50 training epoches. The best accuracy achieved by our trained LeNet-5 model is 98.56%.


We use linear asymmetric quantization method to quantize the LeNet-5 NN into 8bit. QuantLinear, QuantConv2d, and QuantAvePool2d functions are defined in The will utilize the to quantize the trained LeNet-5 NN and save the int8 parameters in *.txt. Quantized parameters can be found in the weight folder. After finishing the training of LeNet-5, we can run program to quantize the model into 8bit. Then we can run the program to test the accuracy of quantized model.


We test the accuracy of the quantized LeNet-5 model using the test MNIST dataset. The testing result is shown above. We can observe that compared to the original LeNet-5 model, the quantized int8 LeNet-5 model achieves no accuracy loss (even higher than the original model in floating point datatype).

Part2: Hardware, Design Space Exploration

Design Space Exploration

Definition: Given a network, optimize the hardware (Systolic Array) configuration (array size, dataflow)

Object: Performance (Cycles, the sim only provides the perf result)

Variable/Design Space: [Array Height, Array Width, Dataflow Type]




AI for AI Hardware

For small design space, we use Brute Force Search to do exploration.

However, for large design space, the exploration time is huge (in hours or days). Hence, we figure out two ways to improve the speed:

  • Searching Method: Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing, etc.
  • Fast Estimation (AI For AI Hardware): We apply a proxy estimator with machine learning method (5-layer-MLP). The following graph shows the structure of Proxy Model based on the above original design space:

dse proxy

Design Space Exploration Result

cd dse
  • Search (Single Layer Conv, PEs=64) Result

dse result

  • Time Cost Result: Mins to < 1sec.

Dataset for the proxy

Sample from the simulator with random configurations. Details are shown in proxy/

cd proxy

Proxy Model

As we mentioned above, the simulator takes too long to get the optimal result, the situation got worse when we have more design points(500k design points take 150 hours more), thus we need a proxy model to replace the simulator to get the result faster.

We use an AI model to work as proxy model, regarding the type of AI model we use, we choose MLP with 5 layers. Three reasons on that:

  • The task is a high-dimentional space function fitting task rather than classification task;
  • MLP is a smooth model and a good fit for searching;
  • MLP has a simple structure and we need this characteristic to prevent overfitting;



Here are 7 input for the model:

  • Width of systolic array;
  • Hight of systolic array;
  • Dataflow type(weight stationary, output stationary, input stationary, this parameter is in one-hot)
  • Buffersize of the systolic array;
  • M,N,K of the matrix that will do the multiplication;

Only one output which is a number that represent the cycles.

Refer to proxy\MLP_bench_Nov28-relative.ipynb for more details.

Below are the results for our model, we trained the model based on the dataset above, and we care about the loss between preficted value with original target value, and the relative loss based on the original target value.




The quantization method been proved to be effective, its accuracy keep same performance than pre-quantization, which means the model can work as expected in resource-intensive devices; The quantization also shrinked the storage of the algorithm.

The design space exploration part implements Brute Force Search with small design space; And for large design space, we provide an AI for AI hardware method (proxy model with MLP) to reduce the exploration time.

The proxy model demonstrated its advantages on fast speed as well as simple structure compare with the simulator, what is more, the relative loss after training shows that this proxy model is an effective proxy.