Bag files of the real-world experiments are hosted at
First ensure that you use the time published by the bag file for all the following steps. Otherwise you will get an error from the TF.
rosparam set use_sim_time true
You can select the bagfile and set parameters for the playback. It'll wait for user to press space for the playback to begin.
rosbag play --clock --pause -r <playback_speed_multiplier> --start=<start_time> <bagfile_path>
- plate_multi_target: 18
- bowl_RLI: 28
- cup_X: 84
- plate_shapes: 27
rosrun pcl_ros bag_to_pcd <bagfile_path> <topic_name> <output_dir>
Topics that you can retrieve
- /goal_pc
- /heat
- /coverage