This is a collection of papers for Deep MARL. We sort papers by publication date and survey subtopic. Any additions to this repo are welcome.
- Auctions, Bidding and Negotiation
- Bounded Rationality
- Collective Intelligence
- Coordination
- Cooperation
- Convergent Learning
- Decentralised Partially Observable MDPs
- Decision Theory
- Dispersion Games
- Evaluation
- Evolutionary Game Theory and Strategies
- Exploration
- Extensive Form Games
- Fictitious Play
- Foundational Theory
- General-Sum Games
- Hierachical Learning
- Incomplete Information Games
- No-Regret Learning
- Opponent Modelling
- Repeated games
- Robotic Teams
- Stochastic Games
- Theoretical and Conceptual Frameworks
- Theses
- Applications
- *Misc Theory and Approaches