The IA Wishlist Bot allows users to add books to the Open Library Database where all books are part of a set of books which are added to the Open Library Database.
- Python Script to fetch bookcovers given ISBN Value either from Amazon, Google API or Betterworld
- Python Script to interface with a SQLite Database.
- Python Script to find Open Library Synonyms and works which aren't added to Open Library and outputs list of ISBNs which aren't added to Open
- Python Script which inputs a list of ISBNs and outputs details of books to be
- Python Script to add works to Open Library from the Metadata collected from the Wishlist using the Open Library Client.
- Use the file,
with the file,ia-data/wishlist_works_may_2018.csv
to generate a file callednew_wishlist_july.csv
- Using the file
run it on the OpenJournal Server (contact Open Library Administrator for access), to add books to Open Library.
Bookcovers can be taken using the following methods:
- Google Books API - Allows the Open Library Bot to fetch a Bookcover via the Google Books API. Currently being tested with the Google API.
- BetterWorld Books - Bookcovers are fetched from the BetterWorld Books website using Web Scraping.
- Amazon - Bookcovers are directly fetched from the Amazon website using the bs4 Python Package to do web scraping.