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Python language binding for IronMQ. IronMQ is an elastic message queue for managing data and event flow within cloud applications and between systems. See How It Works

Getting Started

Get credentials

To start using iron_mq_python, you need to sign up and get an OAuth2 token.

  1. Go to and sign up.
  2. Get an OAuth2 Token at

Install iron_mq_python

pip install iron-mq

or just copy and include it in your script:

from iron_mq import *


ironmq = IronMQ()

will try reasonable defaults, accepting following optionally:

ironmq = IronMQ(host='',
                protocol='https', port=443,

The Basics

Listing queues


returns list of queues names

we get queue by name:

queue = ironmq.queue('test_queue')

Push a message(s) on the queue:'Hello world')

Message can be described by dict:

message = {
    "body" : "Test Message",
    "delay" : 5, # The item will not be available on the queue until this many seconds have passed. Defaults to 0.

Can no longer set timeout when posting a message, only when reserving one.

We can post several messages at once:'more', 'and more', 'and more')*[str(i) for i in range(10)])

Reserve messages

queue.reserve(max=10, timeout=None, wait=0, delete=False)

All fields are optional.

  • max: The maximum number of messages to get. Default is 1. Maximum is 100. Note: You may not receive all max messages on every request, the more sparse the queue, the less likely you are to receive all max messages.
  • timeout: After timeout (in seconds), item will be placed back onto queue. You must delete the message from the queue to ensure it does not go back onto the queue. If not set, value from queue is used. Default is 60 seconds, minimum is 30 seconds, and maximum is 86,400 seconds (24 hours).
  • wait: Time to long poll for messages, in seconds. Max is 30 seconds. Default 0.
  • delete: If true, do not put each message back on to the queue after reserving. Default false.

When you reserve a message from the queue, it will NOT be deleted. It will eventually go back onto the queue after a timeout if you don't delete it (default timeout is 60 seconds).

Get message by id


Delete a message from the queue:


Delete a message from the queue when you're done with it.

queue.delete(message_id, reservation_id)

Reserved message could not be deleted without reservation id.

Delete multiple messages in one API call:

ids ='more', 'and more', 'and more')['ids']
queue.delete_multiple(ids = ids);

Delete multiple messages specified by messages id.

messages = queue.reserve(3)
queue.delete_multiple(messages = messages);

Delete multiple messages specified by response after reserving messages.

Clear a queue:


Get queue information
 # {u'name': u'queue12',
 # u'project_id': u'54f95a43ecbd7e000800002a',
 # u'message_timeout': 60,
 # u'message_expiration': 604800,
 # u'size': 15,
 # u'total_messages': 17}
queue.size() # 15
queue.total_messages() # 17

Peek messages

Get messages without reservation. It does not remove messages from a queue. So that, after peeking messages, they will be available to reserve or peek.

msgs = queue.peek(max=10) # {"messages": [{'id': '..', 'body': '..'}, ..]}

Touch a message

To extend the reservation on a reserved message, use touch. The message reservation will be extended by provided timeout seconds. If timeout is not set, current queue timeout will be used.

queue.touch(message_id, reservation_id, timeout=10)

Release reserved message

It releases the message by its ID and reservation ID. Optional parameter delay signalise after how many seconds the message must be released.

queue.release(message_id, reservation_id, delay=30)


Create queue

ironmq = IronMQ()
options = {
  'message_timeout': 120,
  'message_expiration': 24 * 3600,
  'push': {
    'subscribers': [
        'name': 'subscriber_name',
        'url': '',
        'headers': {
          'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    'retries': 3,
    'retries_delay': 30,
    'error_queue': 'error_queue_name'
ironmq.create_queue('queue_name', options)


  • type: String or symbol. Queue type. :pull, :multicast, :unicast. Field is static. Once set, it cannot be changed.
  • message_timeout: Integer. Number of seconds before message back to queue if it will not be deleted or touched.
  • message_expiration: Integer. Number of seconds between message post to queue and before message will be expired.

Push queues only:

  • push: subscribers: An array of subscriber hashes containing a name and a url required fields, and optional headers hash. headers's keys are names and values are means of HTTP headers. This set of subscribers will replace the existing subscribers. To add or remove subscribers, see the add subscribers endpoint or the remove subscribers endpoint. See below for example json.
  • push: retries: How many times to retry on failure. Default is 3. Maximum is 100.
  • push: retries_delay: Delay between each retry in seconds. Default is 60.
  • push: error_queue: String. Queue name to post push errors to.


Update Queue Information

Same as create queue

Push Queues

Add or update subscribers on a push queue

subscribers = [
        'name': 'first',
        'url': 'http://first.endpoint.xx/process',
        'headers': {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'
        'name': 'second',
        'url': 'http://second.endpoint.xx/process',
        'headers': {
            'Content-Type': 'application/json'

Replace subscribers on a push queue

Sets list of subscribers to a queue. Older subscribers will be removed.

subscribers = [
        "name": "the_only",
        "url": ""

Remove subscribers by a name from a push queue

queue.remove_subscribers('first', 'second')

Get the push statuses of a message


Delete a pushed message

If you respond with a 202 status code, the pushed message will be reserved, not deleted, and should be manually deleted. You can get the message ID, reservation ID, and subscriber name from push request headers.

queue.delete(message_id, reservation_id, subscriber_name)

Pull queues

Delete a queue

To delete a queue, use delete_queue:


Full Documentation

You can find more documentation here: