- Used AtomTable.hash_table for hashtable implementation
- Added Graphs Signature
- Added Graphs Structure
- Functions for creating graph,nodes and retrieving succ,pred
- Added BasicBlocks functor
- Added MIPS Basic Blocks Structure
- Added Functions for detecting if the instruction is jump like or is a target (MIPS)
- Added Tree IR signature
- Added Tree IR structure
- Changed Lexer,Grammar for FOR loop
- Create Temporary Label Allocation
- Added Instructions for executing FOR Loop with inner local Environment Variables
- Added tests with FOR loop
- Added Tiger AST
- Created IR pretty print
- Temp Variable Allocation (Greedy)
- Translate from Tiger AST to MIPS AST
- Added MIPS Abstract Syntax Tree
- Added Functions for Pretty Printing MIPS Instructions and Statements
- Extended the power of reverse-polish compiler
- Added Paranthesis features
- Added Multiplication and Division
- Created Makefile, Readme with info.
- Added a Basic Hello World example in tc.sml.