Argo Rollouts is a Kubernetes controller and set of CRDs which provide advanced deployment capabilities such as blue-green, canary, canary analysis, experimentation, and progressive delivery features to Kubernetes.
Official documentation :
Helm github repo :
First fetch the Chart :
helm repo add argo
helm fetch --untar argo/argo-rollouts
And then install it :
helm upgrade -i argo-rollouts -n argocd argo-rollouts/ --set dashboard.enabled=true --set metrics.enabled=true --set metrics.serviceMonitor.enabled=true
If you want to see the dashboard, you need to expose argo-rollouts-dashboard
service with ingress/route. You can find Traefik IngressRoute
example here
If you use ArgoCD for deployment, you can override values for ServiceMonitor:
enabled: true
enabled: true
release: prom
You can also install the kubectl plugin :
curl -LO
chmod +x ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64
sudo mv ./kubectl-argo-rollouts-linux-amd64 /usr/local/bin/kubectl-argo-rollouts
And check the version
kubectl argo rollouts version