This markdown file is a summary of scripts used to basecall and filter ONT data for alignment.
Raw MinION fast5 files were basecalled using guppy v6.0.1 under the super high accuracy model. This particular step was conducted on a separate VM capable of GPU basecalling.
guppy_basecaller -i ${data} \
-s ${output} \
--config ${config} \
--verbose_logs \
--compress_fastq \
--device cuda:all:100%\
--recursive \
--calib_detect \
A summary of raw sequencing outputs was assessed using NanoPlot.
After basecalling, reads were then moved to the VM intended for all downstream analysis. Global variables were defined as below:
source ~/anaconda3/etc/profile.d/
Adapters, including those occuring midstrand, were trimmed using Porechop. Lambda DNA was removed using NanoLyse and NanoFilt were used to ensure a minimum q score of 10 and filter reads to four different minimum read length thresholds (3, 4, 5 and 10kb) prior to alignment.
conda activate nanofilt
for fq in ${data}fastq/*.fastq.gz
base=$(basename ${fq} .fastq.gz)
echo "Trimming reads for ${base}..."
porechop -i ${fq} -o ${data}porechop/${base}_porechop.fastq.gz --discard_middle
for length in {3,4,5,10}
gunzip -c ${data}porechop/${base}_porechop.fastq.gz | \
NanoLyse -r ${lambda} | \
NanoFilt -q 10 -l ${length}000 > ${data}trimmed/${base}_q10_${length}kbtrim.fastq
gzip ${data}trimmed/${base}_q10_${length}kbtrim.fastq
done &
conda deactivate nanofilt
Summary statistics for each of these filtering trials were assessed using NanoPlot.
conda activate nanoplot
for indiv in A B C D E F G H I J K L
for length in {3,4,5,10}
echo "Running NanoPlot for ${indiv}..."
NanoPlot -t 24 -o ${data}NanoPlot/$indiv \
-f pdf --N50 \
--title "${indiv} q10 ${length}kb trim" \
-p ${indiv}_q10_${length}kbtrim \
--fastq trimmed/${indiv}_q10_${length}kbtrim.fastq.gz
done &
conda deactivate nanoplot