- Remove spurious background from
- Fix priority of
ruleset - Improve highlighting of errors and invalid whitespace
- Colour Pod entity references as character escapes
- Add error highlighting to illegal whitespace in Pod
- Add syntax-colouring tweaks for Perl and Pod files
- Tweak colour applied to multiline unquoted strings
- Add highlighting to unquoted/misc string patterns
- Remove apmInstallSource
- Fix deprecated selectors
- Add support for Ink syntax
- Update Markdown syntax
- Update Jade syntax
- Skipped due to apm
Git tag not found
- Fix "path not defined" bug
- Misc tweaks to syntax colors
- Consolidate duplicate language styles into syntax.less file
- Add config file for user settings
- Add theme files for syntax color options
- Blue (Default)
- Green
- Orange
- Pink
- Purple
- Steel
- Yellow
- Enable user to select theme style in setting
- Enable dynamic syntax color based on UI theme
- Update syntax theme ui theme changes
- Allow disabling of dynamic syntax theme in settings
- Add Javascript less file
- Improve Python syntax highlighting
- Fix nested JSON styles
- Fix cursor position error
- Improve Golang syntax support
- Removed hightlight border
- Fixed the deprecated call introduced in atom v0.189
- Fixed crasher
- Move to "stylesheet" vs "styles" folder for Atom 1.0
- Fix C/C++ parenthesis highlighting
- Adjust gutter padding
- Fix deprecation errors
- Update JSON syntax
- Add sample files for testing various languages
- Remove reference to non-existant stylesheet
- Break syntax into modules to make language specific styles easier to manage
- Add specific styles for HTML, Jade, Handlebars, Mustache
- Update text selection color
- Make compatible with atom-text-editor shadow DOM
- Fix bracket matcher styling
- Create initial theme files