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Modified Course Order

Weekly activities

**Week Topics Readings Assigned Due
1 Course Introduction, Software Installation, Intro to Git Configuration E0 Configuration
2 Python Introduction, Test Driven Development, Koans Scientific Python, Ch 2 E1 Basic Python Types E0 Configuration
3 Python Interpreters, Editors, Local Testing, Strings, None Ch 1, Ch 8, Ap. A E2 Strings & None E1 Basic Python Types
4 Continious Integration Environments, Operators/operands TBA E3 Point Statistics E2 Strings & None
5 Sequences, Dictionaries Ch7, Ch9, Ch11, Ch20 Exam 1 E3 Point Statistics
6 Conditional Execution, Files Ch5, Ch13 E4 Iterables & Conditions Exam 1
7 Functions, Methods, Modules Ch4, Ch6, Ch12, Ch15 E5 Point Pattern Module I E4 Iterables & Conditions
8 OOP, Inheritance Ch16, Ch21, Ch23 E6 E5 Point Pattern Module II
9 Composition Ch22 E6 Functional Point Patterns E5 Point Pattern Module II
10 Functional Programming, List Comprehensions TBA Exam 2 E5 Point Pattern Module II
11 Geospatial & Numerical Libraries TBA E7 Numerical Programming Exam 2
12 Event Driven Programming, Basic GUI Development Ch10, E8 PyQt E7 Numerical Programming
13 Plugins & APIs TBA E9 QGIS Plugin I E8 PyQt
14 Event Handling & Widgets TBA E10 QGIS Plugin II E9 QGIS Plugin I
15 MVC TBA E11 Integration E10 QGIS Plugin II
16 Final Exam E11 Integration

Week breakdown - my thinking is that from week 4 onwards a concept will be introduced and that concept used in some spatial way (data structure, algorithm, both, etc.). What if we build a point pattern analysis module?

Week 1 focuses on intro readings, getting anaconda python installed (use Serge's awesome install instructions, especially for windows), and an intro to how assignments will be managed in git.

Week 2, still no interpreter (intentionally). Students will fix a number of assertion, and type errors in a unittest using the git web editor and validating using a pull request (Travis-CI). Red-Green-Refactor. This is basically a review of the basic data types covered in CSE110 (a java class). Assignment is submitted as a PR and undergoes travis-ci testing.

Week 3, introduces the interpreter (iPython via a shell, Jupyter notebook (?)), editors, strings, and None.

Week 4, operators / operands. This is still pretty basic, but some spatial concepts must be coverable:

  • Distance between 2 points
  • Projection from Lat/Lon to Equirectangular
  • Basic descriptive statistics (can easily extend to point pattern, no simulation, algorithms

Week 5, focuses on iterable types (sets, lists), dictionaries, and an introduction to continious integration (tests have been running via Travis-CI, but here the what and why questions are explored. Spatial data structures / algorithms that might be good for iterables:

  • Simple point metrics might be best - points within a given distances, nearest point, farthest point.
  • Topology (from polyline, to adjacency structures, to a network)
  • Using topology, line intersection would be simple enough to be achievable, point in polygon as well.
  • Gift wrapping algorithm for convex hulls is another good choice (Good if building a point module)
  • Something not in the computation geometry realm?

Week 6, conditional execution - this is where is might be good to use the convex hull (gift wrapping algorithm) because conditional execution is required. It would also be easy to generate a marked point dataset in a generic file and look at the with statement for discussing context. Reading those points in, it would then be possible to apply previously developed code to look at things like mean neighbor distance given some labeling, etc.

Week 7,

Week 11, for the numpy items a Shimbel matrix might be a good way to explore concepts of vectorization. Could also use a spatial interaction model (gravity model is easy).

**Week Topics Readings Assigned Due
1 Course Introduction, Software Installation, Intro to Git E0 Configuration
2 Python Introduction, Interpreters Ch 1 E1 Basic Python E0 Configuration
3 Editors , Repositories TBA E2 Git E1 Basic Python
4 Operators/Operands, Sequences Ch 2, Ch 8, 9, 11 E3 Sequences E2 Git
5 Dictionaries, Exam 1 Ch 10
6 Conditional Execution, Files Ch 5, Ch 14 E4 Random access E3 Sequences
7 Functions, Modules Ch 3, 6 E5 Functions E4 Random access
8 Object Orientation, Inheritance Ch 15,16, 17 E6 Dispatching E5 Functions
9 Composition, Functional Programming Ch 18 E7 Object Orientation E6 Dispatching
10 List Comprehension, Exam 2
11 Numerical Programming, Numpy TBA E8 Numerical Programming E7 Object Orientation
12 Event Driven Programming, Tkinter Introduction Ch 19 E9 GUI Design E8 Numerical Programming
13 Widgets, Event Handling Ch 19 E10 Interaction E9 Gui Design
14 Test Driven Development, Doc Tests TBA E11 Doc Tests
15 Debugging, Review App A E11 Doc Tests
16 Final Exam