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BLEClient wrapper class

npm i ble-wrapper

Convenience features for the @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le API for browser or native mobile usage without changing your code. See class usage below. Includes useful byte manipulation callbacks. 19.5kb dist

Instantiate with const BLE = new BLEClient(). See class details below.

The main dist includes a globalThis.BLEClient declaration for browser inclusion e.g. from jsdelivr. Only works in compatible browsers.

type DeviceOptions = {
    namePrefix?: string;
    deviceId?: string;
    onConnect?: () => void;
    onDisconnect?: () => void;
    connectOptions?: TimeoutOptions;
    services: {
        [key: string]: { //service UUID
            UUID?:string, //define UUID here if not in object key (e.g. for easier reference keys e.g. 'heartrate')
            [key: string]: { //characteristic or a tagname
                characteristic?: string, //define characteristic here if not in object key
                read?: boolean;
                readOptions?: TimeoutOptions;
                readCallback?: ((result: DataView) => void);
                write?: string | number | ArrayBufferLike | DataView;
                writeOptions?: TimeoutOptions;
                writeCallback?: (() => void);
                notify?: boolean;
                notifyCallback?: ((result: DataView) => void);
                [key: string]: any;

type DeviceInfo = {
    device: BleDevice;
    options: DeviceOptions;

class BLEClient {
    client: BleClientInterface;
    devices: {
        [key: string]: DeviceInfo;
    location?: boolean;
    constructor(options: DeviceOptions, location?: boolean);
    setup(options: DeviceOptions, location?: boolean): Promise<DeviceInfo>;
    initialize(options: InitializeOptions): Promise<true>;
    requestDevice(request: RequestBleDeviceOptions, options: DeviceOptions): Promise<BleDevice>;
    setupDevice: (device: BleDevice, options: DeviceOptions) => Promise<DeviceInfo>;
    connect(device: BleDevice, options: DeviceOptions): Promise<BleDevice>;
    reconnect(deviceId: string): Promise<BleDevice>;
    disconnect(device: BleDevice): Promise<void>;
    write(device: BleDevice, service: string, characteristic: string, value: string | number | ArrayBufferLike | DataView | number[], callback?: () => void, options?: TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
    read(device: BleDevice, service: string, characteristic: string, ondata?: (result: DataView) => void, options?: TimeoutOptions): Promise<void> | Promise<DataView>;
    subscribe(device: BleDevice, service: string, characteristic: string, ondata: (result: DataView) => void): Promise<void>;
    unsubscribe(device: BleDevice, service: string, characteristic: string): Promise<void>;
    scan(options: RequestBleDeviceOptions, callback: (result: ScanResult) => void): Promise<void>;
    stopScanning(): Promise<void>;
    readDescriptor(device: BleDevice, service: string, characteristic: string, descriptor: string, options?: TimeoutOptions): Promise<DataView>;
    writeDescriptor(device: BleDevice, service: string, characteristic: string, descriptor: string, value: string | number | DataView | ArrayBufferLike | number[], options?: TimeoutOptions): Promise<void>;
    readRssi(device: BleDevice): Promise<number>;
    distance(device: BleDevice, txPower: any, x: number, exp: number, c: number): Promise<number>;
    device: BleDevice, txPower: number, //signal strength at 1 meter, hardware-specific
    model?: string): Promise<number>;
    triangulate: (device: BleDevice, duration?: number, sampleRate?: number) => Promise<unknown>;
    static toDataView(value: string | number | ArrayBufferLike | DataView | number[]): DataView;
    static searchBuffer(buffer: number[] | ArrayBuffer, searchString: Uint8Array, limit?: number): any[];
    static bytesToInt16(x0: number, x1: number): number;
    static bytesToUInt16(x0: number, x1: number): number;
    static Uint16ToBytes(y: number): number[];
    static bytesToInt24(x0: number, x1: number, x2: number): number;
    static bytesToUInt24(x0: number, x1: number, x2: number): number;
    static Uint24ToBytes(y: number): number[];
    static bytesToInt32(x0: number, x1: number, x2: number, x3: number): number;
    static bytesToUInt32(x0: number, x1: number, x2: number, x3: number): number;
    static Uint32ToBytes(y: number): number[];
    static get2sCompliment(val: number, nbits: number): number;
    static getSignedInt(...args: number[]): number;
    static asUint8Array(input: any): Uint8Array;
    static boyerMoore(patternBuffer: any): any;

Build with tinybuild, or npm i -g tinybuild & tinybuild

Wrapper for @capacitor-community/bluetooth-le library just for quicker config of multiple devices/services with multiple characteristics per service and customizable responses to those characteristics.

Capacitor required to build mobile apps after bundling the library.

Capacitor instructions:

In your project root

npm i

Edit the index.js and optionally the index.html in the dist/ folder. All public asset files need to end up in dist/

Build step:

If no tinybuild installed globally: npm i -g tinybuild or to keep it in dev dependencies npm i --save-dev tinybuild


  • tinybuild

Android Studio (install it first)

  • npx cap copy or npx cap sync to sync the www/ dist to the platform-specific folders.
  • npx cap open android to open android studio ready to build and serve the apk.

Build the android project by click the Make Project hammer icon if it doesn't start automatically. Then if you see BUILD SUCCESSFUL, run with your android device connected or the built-in android emulators active.


  • npx cap copy or npx cap sync
  • npx cap open ios to open xcode ready to build and serve the app