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Releases: jpmorganchase/salt-ds

@salt-ds/[email protected]

29 Jan 15:48
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Minor Changes

  • f8fec5a: Update Overlay to use floating-ui. Supports placement on top (default), right, bottom, and left.

    const OverlayTemplate = (props: OverlayProps) => {
      const { style, } = props;
      const id = "salt-overlay";
      return (
        <Overlay id={id} {}>
            <Button>Show Overlay</Button>
          <OverlayPanel style={style}>
            <h3 id={`${id}-header`}>Title</h3>
            <div id={`${id}-content`}>Content of Overlay</div>
  • 8f0012b: Removed FileDropZone from lab and promoted it to core.

@salt-ds/[email protected]

23 Jan 13:31
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Minor Changes

  • b2dd61d: Added Pagination

    Pagination helps users navigate easily between content separated into multiple pages.

    <Pagination count={5}>
      <Paginator />
  • 6954922: Added Scrim.

    Scrim is a temporary, semi-transparent layer that makes underlying content less prominent.

    <Scrim open={open} />
  • 907397e: Added NavigationItem

    NavigationItem allows users to navigate between distinct applications and website pages.

    <NavigationItem href="#">Label</NavigationItem>
  • 340ff47: Updated useToggleButtonGroup to return the orientation of the group.

@salt-ds/[email protected]

23 Jan 13:31
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Minor Changes

  • 6954922: Removed Scrim from Lab and moved it to Core.
  • 907397e: Removed NavigationItem from lab and promoted it to core
  • b2dd61d: Removed Pagination from lab

@salt-ds/[email protected]

19 Jan 12:24
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Patch Changes

  • f0d5b35: Update country symbols to use useid to generate ids

@salt-ds/[email protected]

19 Jan 12:24
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Minor Changes

  • 91d2214: Added Pill to Core

    PillNext is a small visual element that can contain descriptive text and an icon. You can use pills to label, tag or categorize content. With pills, users can trigger actions, make selections or filter results.

    <Pill onClick={handleClick}>Clickable Pill</Pill>

Patch Changes

  • 5f44917: Fixed incorrect aria attributes on RadioButtonGroup and CheckboxGroup, which caused Screen Readers to incorrectly report the group's label as the radio button or checkbox's accessible name.
  • d9ce073: Replaced incorrect usage of nullish operators.
  • 32dbea7: Update ToggleButton props to use ComponentPropsWithoutRef.
  • 48f6c20: Fixed Tooltip not honoring disabled prop when used in Form Field

@salt-ds/[email protected]

19 Jan 12:24
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Minor Changes

  • ebe9fec: - Focus trap behavior is no longer managed by Scrim. Props related to this behavior such as autoFocusRef, disableAutoFocus, disableFocusTrap, disableReturnFocus, fallbackFocusRef, returnFocusOptions and tabEnabledSelectors, have been removed.

    • Removed onBackDropClick prop. Use onClick instead.
    • Removed closeWithEscape and onClose props. You can handle this outside of the scrim.
    • Removed enableContainerMode and containerRef props and added fixed prop. The default behavior is now for the scrim to fill its container, and you can use the fixed prop to fill the viewport.
    • Removed zIndex prop. You can change the zIndex using CSS.
    • Removed ScrimContext.
  • 1857648: Refactor Combo Box Next and Dropdown Next to use compositional APIs.

    Dropdown Next

      { => (
        <Option value={color} key={color}>

    Combo Box Next

      { => (
        <Option value={color} key={color}>
  • 91d2214: Removed pillNext from Lab and promoted it to Core.

Patch Changes

  • d9ce073: Replaced incorrect usage of nullish operators.

  • bbc4ccb: Added TokenizedInputNext to lab.

    Tokenized input provides an input field for text that’s converted into a pill within the field, or tokenized, when the user enters a delimiting character.

    <TokenizedInputNext />
  • e668b2d: Navigation Item

    • Updated the logic to make Navigation Item act like a button when href isn't passed.
    • Fixed styles.

@salt-ds/[email protected]

12 Jan 15:01
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Minor Changes

  • c6db7d5: Added --salt-color-white-fade-backdrop token with value rgba(255, 255, 255, var(--salt-palette-opacity-backdrop))
    Updated --salt-color-black-fade-backdrop token to value rgba(0, 0, 0, var(--salt-palette-opacity-backdrop))

@salt-ds/[email protected]

12 Jan 15:01
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Patch Changes

  • 70fad5a: Updated @floating-ui/react to 0.26.5.
  • c49c246: Removed redundant Icon color overrides.
  • b4d72c1: Fixed FloatingComponent types
  • dbe8571: Fixed Input placeholder color.

@salt-ds/[email protected]

12 Jan 15:01
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Patch Changes

  • 1327994: Update header icon alignment. Adding space between the text and the icon, so the icon will be aligned opposite the text.

@salt-ds/[email protected]

12 Jan 15:01
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Minor Changes

  • 641197d: - Removed onClose prop from PillNext. PillNext has been updated to support only one action. The onClickprop can be used instead.
    • Remove icon prop from PillNext. An icon can be added as a children instead.

Patch Changes

  • 70fad5a: Updated @floating-ui/react to 0.26.5.

  • c49c246: Removed redundant Icon color overrides.

  • 61072b7: Changes to Pagination:

    • Removed compact prop from Pagination component. Replaced by new CompactPaginator composition component
    • Removed showPreviousNext and FormFieldProps from Paginator component.
    • Added CompactPaginator for the compact version of pagination.
    • Removed FormFieldProps from GoToInput component and added inputRef and inputVariant