All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Github Action
- lint
- test/default: use lief 0.10.1 instead of recent 0.11 - bionic only
- system and pip packages dependencies update
- misp-add-users permissions review
- Travis-ci
- Ubuntu 20.04
- add test/support for RedHat/Centos 8
- Travis: force test-kitchen 0.1.25 to keep compatibility with kitchen-lxd_cli
- Travis: dist from trusty to xenial + lxd3
- Travis: rvm 2.6
- Travis: remove testing of Ubuntu 16.04 as recent MISP/PyMISP/misp-modules updates requires python 3.6. Only 3.5 available in normal distribution.
- Github: rename tags to match semantic versioning: 0.7.0, 0.8.0
- misp-modules dependencies update
- update patch to support php strict
- more linting
- handlers to manage services inside docker
- lief with python3
- Gitignore
- test/default+nginx: include juju4.harden-apache or juju4.harden-nginx
- packer: Azure configuration
- Heavy lint following galaxy new rules following adoption of ansible-lint!topic/ansible-project/ehrb6AEptzA
- PyIntel471: not supported on Xenial - python 3.6 required
- test/default (apache): switch to https by default - self-signed certificate
- snuffleupagus support (php7 hardening)
- update galaxy naming (juju4.MISP -> juju4.misp, redhat_epel, harden_apache...)
- redis hardening (rename-command) - password protection triggers issue [TODO]
- Centos/RHEL7: fix multiple issues
- LIEF support:
- Centos/RHEL: selinux support, php-opcache
- PyMISP verifycert option
- git signed commit retrieve support (not enforced as not all commits are signed)
- Jenkinsfile: extra testing with zap, arachni...
- Initial commit on Github, include simple travis, kitchen and vagrant tests
- Jenkinsfile
- packer: Virtualbox, Vmware configurations